Friday, June 16, 2023

DAILY TEXT, From today Sunday July 16, 2023, All those whom the Father gives me will come to me, and whoever comes to me I will never reject (John 6:37).

DAILY TEXT, From today Sunday July 16, 2023, All those whom the Father gives me will come to me, and whoever comes to me I will never reject (John 6:37).

Let's Examine the Scriptures Every Day 2023

Sunday July 16

All those that the Father gives me will come to me, and whoever comes to me I will never reject (John 6:37).

Jesus treated his disciples with kindness and love. He knew that they had different abilities and circumstances, so they could not all assume the same responsibilities or do the same thing in the ministry. But Jesus valued the heart efforts that each one made. We can clearly see his sympathetic attitude in the parable of the talents. In that account, he spoke of a master who entrusted each slave with work “according to his ability” from him. It is true that, of the two slaves who fulfilled his task, there was one who earned more than the other. But the master congratulated them both with these very words: "Well done, good and faithful slave!" (Matt. 25:14-23). Jesus also treats us with kindness and love. He knows that we have different abilities and circumstances, and he is happy when each one does everything he can. We do well to follow his example in treating others. w21.07 23 pars. 12-14.

How did you help a sister set reasonable goals?

Setting goals in our service to Jehovah helps us stay on track and purposeful in life. But these objectives must be adjusted to our capacities and circumstances, not to those of others. Otherwise, we will end up frustrated and discouraged (Luke 14:28). Let's look at the example of a forerunner named Midori.

When Midori was a child, her non-Witness father humiliated her by comparing her to her brothers and classmates. She says, "I felt like I was worthless." But over the years her self-esteem improved. Midori says: “I read the Bible every day because it gave me inner peace and made me feel Jehovah's love.” In addition, she set reasonable goals for herself and asked Jehovah to help her achieve them. In that way, she felt glad at what she could do in her service to Jehovah.

How can Christians “keep renewing their thinking,” and what will be the results?

Negative feelings and thoughts do not disappear overnight. Hence, Jehovah advises us: “You must keep renewing your thinking” (Eph. 4:23, 24). Of course, to achieve this we have to pray, study the Word of God and meditate on it. Let's not stop doing these things and ask Jehovah to give us strength. His holy spirit will help us correct the tendency to compare ourselves with others. Jehovah will also help us to see if we have become proud or envious and to act immediately to rid ourselves of these defects.

How do the words of 2 Chronicles 6:29, 30 comfort you?

(Read 2 Chronicles 6:29, 30.) Jehovah knows our hearts. He also knows that we are fighting against the spirit of the world and against our own imperfections. When he sees all the efforts we make in this fight, the love he feels for us grows deeper.

What example does Jehovah use to express how he feels about us?

To express how he feels about us, Jehovah uses the example of a mother's love for her baby (Is. 49:15). A mother named Rachel says: “My daughter Stephanie was born prematurely. The first time I saw her, she seemed so tiny and helpless… For the first month, she was in an incubator, but the doctor allowed me to hold her in my arms every day. Those beautiful moments created a very special bond between the two. She is now six years old and she is smaller than other children her age, but I love her with all my heart because she clung to life. She has made me very happy ”. When Jehovah sees us struggling with all our might to give him the best, he feels such a deep love for us. Isn't it true that knowing that comforts us a lot?

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