Tuesday, July 4, 2023

Congregation Book Study, Week of July 3-9, 2023, Point 6, summary, review and “Aim for this”, How you can have a happy family (part 1), Answers.

Congregation Book Study, July 3-9-2023, Lesson 49, Point 6, summary, review and “Aim for this”, How you can have a happy family (part 1), Answers.

Congregation Bible Study (30 min.): lff lesson 49 point 6, summary, review, and “Resolve This.”

6. Yes, problems in marriage can be overcome

No marriage is perfect. So the husband and wife have to work as a team to overcome difficulties. Watch the VIDEO and talk about the following:

VIDEO: How to Strengthen Marriage (5:44)

What details show that the couple in the video were growing apart?

It can be seen that there was a lack of communication between the couple, since they barely spoke to each other and when they did it was with a tense and distant tone of voice.


The couple was growing apart, among other reasons because they barely spoke or took time to be together, but rather each one spent time on their hobbies or the things they liked. In such a way that her son left a vacuum that separated the communications of his parents and each one was making his life.

Lack of interest is appreciated. Both spouses appear to be more preoccupied with their own individual problems and activities rather than giving each other attention and support. 

Even little by little they themselves realize that they are distancing themselves, and of course, each one thinks their own and believes that the reason is one thing or another, also each one would like the other person to act differently, which which ultimately can be summed up in that there was no communication and a problem that could worsen was being left aside, to the point that his own son realized it, so they had to make mutual changes in their relationship and communication.

We can also see from the video that the couple was no longer spending quality time together. Rather, each of the spouses is immersed in their own routines and hardly share moments of intimacy.

What steps did you take to strengthen your marriage?

One measure was to acknowledge the problem. They both realized that a rift was taking place in their relationship and so they vowed to find a solution.


The first thing they had to do is recognize that there is a problem, then talk and reach a mutual agreement that can be fulfilled and third, they applied it, returning to share moments together such as preaching and studying the Bible, so that not only those moments but the essential communication of every marriage.

One of the measures they took was to establish honest communication. They decided to open up and talk honestly about their feelings and concerns. They expressed their needs and each listened carefully to the other.

Another measure to strengthen their marriage was the priority of prioritizing time together. They both realized the importance of spending time together and committed to doing so. Therefore, they planned activities that they enjoyed and that allowed them to connect emotionally.

In addition, another measure was to give mutual support. Both relied on individual challenges and were understanding. They learned that in a marriage both should be a source of strength and support.

One measure to strengthen their marriage was to also strengthen their spirituality. They did this by seeking Jehovah's guidance by studying the Bible together, praying as a couple, and committing to attend Meetings together.

Read 1 Corinthians 10:24 and Colossians 3:13. After reading each verse, discuss the following:

Why is a marriage strengthened by following this advice?

When both partners apply the advice of 1 Corinthians 10:24 in marriage, they show that both are willing to sacrifice their own interests and desires for the benefit of the other. Doing so fosters an atmosphere of love, respect, and mutual consideration that strengthens the marriage relationship.

1 Corinthians 10:24 is very useful because if we have in mind to seek the benefit of the other person, that will lead us to treat him with the same love that we treat ourselves, because we want the best for that person and it will be on our list of priorities. , not the first, because it is Jehovah, but if we will look first for their well-being than for our desires.

Colossians 3:13 supports the previous verse, because even we hate ourselves from time to time and even treat ourselves badly or do not take care of ourselves. Of course, this verse tells us that even in an environment of harmony, peace and infinite love, problems will arise and the solution is to overcome them together, not separately, putting up with each other, looking for a way to forgive generously and not dragging defects for a long time. years, we must know and learn to love our neighbor even when we change with the passing of age and relationship. matrimonial.

The Bible says that we are to honor one another. And that includes treating the other person with care and respect. Read Romans 12:10 and discuss the following:

Should one of you wait for the other person to take the initiative to show honor? Why does she think so?

The first thing is that the text of Romans 12:10 tells us that we have to take the initiative as soon as we see or appreciate any sign that could be malicious. 

Second, because if we do not do so, the situation will reach a point that may be insurmountable. 

And third, one of the spouses may be aware of certain circumstances before the other, or may not have realized how serious it could be. 

No, in a marriage both spouses should strive to show honor or respect. Jehovah does not expect only one spouse to be willing to take the initiative, but rather that both are willing for the benefit of their marriage. In addition, this is a sign of obedience to his principles, especially those related to marriage, since honor or respect is essential for building the marriage relationship.

It is for all this that either of the two should take the initiative, and not think about how long the other can take to fix the problem, because the problem belongs to both, not just one, and it is not so less loving or selfish to wait for see who takes the first step, but we imitate the Christian qualities of Jehovah taking the initiative.

WHAT SOME SAY: "We are no longer as united as before."

How would you explain that the Bible can help them?

The Bible helps in this type of matter, as in all of life, because it teaches us what qualities we should cultivate, not being selfish and proud people, but generous and loving. It teaches us to choose our partner well, and the way in which we should love her, and if distances arise, it gives us the formula to take the initiative and tackle the problem in time to find a solution.


Could you explain to me that the Bible offers practical advice for resolving conflicts that can sometimes arise in a marriage. One of them was given by Jesus in Matthew 19:6 which teaches that spouses must become so united that the union is indissoluble. It also teaches that spouses must work together to overcome difficulties and make a heartfelt commitment to keep their marriage relationship strong.

I could explain to them that the Bible can serve as a guide and help them to recover their marriage relationship, regardless of what may have been the reason why they are not as united as before. Only for this, both must be willing to apply Biblical teachings in their lives.

I can explain to them that the Bible contains principles and commandments that promote unity and harmony in marriage. For example, Ephesians 5:33, which instructs husbands to love their wives and wives to deeply respect their husbands. This implies that both spouses should strive to show love, respect, and consideration in order to be United as one only meat.


Husband and wife can be happy if they love each other, respect each other, and practice Bible principles.


How can the husband contribute to a happier marriage?

As we read in Colossians 3:12 we must be holy and loving husbands, compassionate and goodness of earth, with excellent qualities such as humility, mildness and patience, loving our wives as we do ourselves, in good and bad, in the best moments of the relationship and in the not so good ones.

A husband can contribute to a happier marriage by loving his wife and treating her with respect. Valuing and supporting her and also acknowledging her contributions within the home. Listening to her before making important family decisions, being communicative, affectionate and understanding when she is tired or stressed from day-to-day tasks.

How can the wife contribute to a happier marriage?

The wife also has to look after the interests and well-being of the husband, neither spouse can be selfish or think that they deserve more or that they are treated differently. The wife must also understand her husband and treat him with love, humility and generosity, respect him at all times as he does and even if she is the head of the family, take the initiative if she considers that the relationship is changing.

The wife can contribute to a happier marriage and is subject to her husband even if he is not a believer. She also does when she respects and supports her husband in her decisions and when he shows her love and deep respect.

If you are married, what Scriptural principle could help you strengthen your marriage?

One biblical principle that can strengthen my marriage is James 1:19, as it encourages us to speak honestly and express our feelings and needs, but in a respectful way. It also teaches us that we must be willing to listen, slow to speak and slow to anger. So applying it in my marriage will promote patience and mutual understanding, and these are two essential qualities to keep a marriage strong.


A key biblical text, very difficult to apply because of our imperfection and how marital relationships are seen in today's society is Colossians 3:13, for the simple fact of enduring and forgiving. 

And it is that sometimes, we cannot stand ourselves, or we are in a bad mood... more difficult to forgive or bear another person, that is why this text is key and we imitate Jehovah by cultivating the generosity he had with us and has forgiven all our faults.

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