Monday, July 10, 2023

Congregation Book Study, Week of July 10-16, 2023, Lesson 50, Points 1-5 and video Protect Your Children, from the “Did You Know?” box, Answers.

Congregation Book Study, 10-16-July-2023, Lesson 50, Points 1-5 and video Protect your children, from the box “Did you know?”, Answers.

Congregation Bible Study (30 min.): lff lesson 50 points 1-5 and video Protect Your Children, from the “Did You Know?” box.

1. What advice does Jehovah give parents?

Jehovah counsels parents to spend quality time with their children, love us, and pay attention to them. He also urges them to protect their children from danger and educate them according to Biblical principles.

Jehovah advises children to be obedient to their parents. In Colossians 3:20, it is specifically mentioned that children obey their parents in everything because this pleases the Lord. Being obedient implies listening to and abiding by the instructions and teachings of parents, showing respect and consideration towards them. Jehovah emphasizes that doing so makes both the parents and the child happy.

2. What advice does Jehovah give to children?

In Ephesians 64 it is specifically mentioned: That parents continue to raise their children according to Jehovah's advice. This involves teaching children the ways of God and lovingly correcting them when necessary.

An example of obedience is found in the life of Jesus, since he, being perfect, obeyed and respected his earthly parents, as mentioned in Luke 2:51-52. This example illustrates the importance of obedience and respect towards parents.

3. What can the whole family do to feel close to Jehovah?

To feel close to Jehovah, the family can take regular time to worship God together. This can be accomplished by setting specific times each week for family Bible study.

It is important for parents to instill Jehovah's words in their children and to discuss them in a variety of situations, whether at home or while away from home, taking advantage of every opportunity that comes their way.

Also, if you do not have children, studying God's word individually each week can also strengthen your relationship with Jehovah. The key is taking the time and effort to learn and apply Biblical principles in daily life as a family. 


How can parents show love to their children when they communicate with them?

According to James 1:19,20, Parents can show love to their children in their communication with them, following three fundamental principles. They must be quick to hear, which means listening carefully to their children. This means giving them the opportunity to express themselves and understand their thoughts, feelings and concerns, without interrupting them prematurely.

They must also be slow to speak, which means taking your time before responding. Rather than rush into an immediate response or correction, parents need to reflect and choose their words carefully. This allows them to convey their thoughts clearly, lovingly, and respectfully to their children. 

Another thing for parents to do is to be slow to get angry. It is important for parents to avoid responding to their children with anger or uncontrolled anger. Instead of reacting impulsively, they should exercise self-control and remain calm. This allows them to approach situations in a balanced and constructive way, thus promoting an atmosphere of love and respect in family communication.

Why should a parent never correct their children when they are angry?

The reason why a father should not correct his children when he is angry is based on the teaching of James 1:20, which tells us that the anger of man does not produce the justice of God. That is why when a father is angry, he is more likely to react unfairly, excessively or compulsively in correcting his children.

Anger can cloud judgment and lead to actions and words that do not reflect the love, patience, and wisdom that God wants parents to show toward their children. Rather than correcting in anger it is important for parents to calm down and regain their composure before tackling any discipline or correction situation. 

By taking time to calm down, parents can objectively assess the situation, reflect on the best ways to correct and teach their children, and respond in a loving and fair manner. This will promote an environment of mutual respect, understanding, and positive growth in the parent-child relationship.

5. Protect your children

Why do some parents find it difficult to talk about sex with their children?

Some parents find it difficult to talk about sex with their children for various reasons. One of the common reasons is the embarrassment or discomfort they feel bringing up the subject. Sex is an intimate and personal subject, and it can be uncomfortable for some parents to discuss it openly with their children.

Additionally, some Parents may not feel prepared or confident about how to approach the conversation on this topic, as they may worry that they do not have enough knowledge or know how to answer questions that their children may have. This can create anxiety and prevent them from starting the conversation.

There is also a fear of talking about this topic as it may make the children feel uncomfortable or embarrassed. Parents want to protect their children's innocence and may fear that broaching the subject may damage that innocence or spark premature curiosities.

What has helped some parents to talk about this topic with their children?

Many times parents have found help and guidance in the tools provided by Jehovah's organization to address this issue with their children. The “Protect Your Kids” video has been especially helpful to many parents, providing clear information and practical tips on how to appropriately initiate conversations about sexuality with their children. 

In addition, chapter 32 of the book "The great teacher" has been a source of help for parents. This chapter addresses the topic of sexuality in a balanced and biblical way, providing practical advice for parents on how to teach their children about this topic in a context of respect, values, and morality.

These tools provide parents with a solid and reliable foundation for addressing this topic with their children. They provide them with accurate information, guidance on biblical principles related to sexuality, and practical advice on how to maintain open and respectful communication with their children. 

Some of the wicked people spoken of in verse 13 abuse minors. So why is it important for parents to give their children sex education? And what can they do to protect them from abuse?

It is very important for parents to provide sex education to their children for several reasons. First, by providing adequate sexual education, Parents can help their children understand their own bodies, the stages of sexual development, and the importance of mutual respect in relationships. This will give them a solid foundation to make healthy and responsible decisions in the future.

Additionally, by educating their children about sexuality, Parents can help them to be prepared and protected against sexual abuse. By teaching them about personal boundaries, consent, and how to recognize abusive situations, parents empower their children to protect themselves and seek help if they ever face an abusive situation. 

When it comes to protection against abuse, parents can take various measures. Some of these include establishing open and honest communication with your children, fostering an environment where they feel safe to talk about any topic, including sexuality and abuse. It is also important to teach them about personal boundaries and consent, as well as about recognizing and reporting abusive situations.

Finally, parents should educate their children about their bodies and the importance of privacy, teaching them to say "No" and seek help if someone tries to touch them inappropriately. It is also essential to establish online safety rules, educate children about the dangers of the Internet, and how to protect their privacy and safety online.

I knew it?

Jehovah's Witnesses publish many useful tools for parents to teach their children sex education and protect them from abuse. These are some:

Protect your children (Video)

Learn from the Great Teacher, Chapters 10 and 32

“How to Talk About Sex with Your Child” (Awake!, No. 5 2016).

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