APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY: Week of July 31-August 6, 2023, Revisit, Use Back of Enjoy Life Pamphlet and Offer a Bible Study, Lesson 12, Prepared Assignment.

APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY: 31-July-6-August-2023, Return Visit, Lesson 12, Assignment Prepared.

Return Visit (4 min.): Use the back of the Enjoy Life brochure and offer a Bible study (th lec. 12).

Publisher: Hello, how are you?

Helper: Fine, thanks. Come in, take a seat.

Publisher: Thank you for your kindness, I came because the previous time we were talking about suffering and we see that suffering sometimes makes many people stop living in peace, on the contrary they are always overwhelmed with problems. 

Helper: That's true.

Publisher: That's why we ask people, is it possible to enjoy life forever?

Helper: Well, enjoy life forever, I think even with the life we ​​have. Well, it will only be enjoyed as we said before in a short time.

Publisher: Thank you for your answer in your opinion with which of these three answers you feel identified by yes, no, or maybe. 

Helper: Personally, I'm more inclined to maybe be able to enjoy life forever.

Publisher: How do you know we always have hope in what the Bible says and look at what the Bible justly mentions in the text of Psalms 37:29 Please read it

Helper: Of course it says so….

Publisher: As you noticed there it says that the just are going to live forever. 

Helper: But you think it's good to live forever with all the suffering we experience day by day. 

Publisher: What a good question some of those things are going to change for example look what Jeremiah 29:11 says I would like you to read it

Helper: Yes, that's fine.

Publisher: As we have just read, Jehovah's purpose was never for people to suffer, so now he wants us to have peace and hope.

Helper: But I still have the doubt, as soon as it has been, one can enjoy life forever.

Publisher: What do you think if next time we talk about what reasons there are to believe in what the Bible promises.  

Helper: It's okay. I would like to know the answer.

Publisher: As you noticed, this pamphlet has helped us to learn a little about the Bible, but we have only analyzed one theme of the pamphlet so I would like to analyze with you what this pamphlet contains in its pages.

Helper: And what is it about? 

Publisher: Well, the brochure answers questions such as: How does the Bible help us today? and How can we trust what the Bible says?

Assistant: The topics seem interesting.

Publisher: I'd like to show you what it's all about.

Helper: Sure, that's fine.
