Saturday, July 8, 2023

APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY: Week of July 10-16, 2023, Revisit, Offer the booklet Enjoy Life and show what our Bible classes are like, Lesson 11 Assignment Prepared.

APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY:  July 10-16-2023, Return Visit, Lesson 11, Assignment Prepared.

Return visit (5 min.): Use the topic of ideas for conversation. Then offer the booklet Enjoy Life and show what our Bible classes are like (th lec. 11).

Publisher: Good afternoon Ishmael, I'm glad we can talk again for a little while, how are you?

Helper: Very well Alberto, I am waiting for you to answer the interesting question of why we suffer.

Publisher: Well, let's see it directly from the Bible, how could it be otherwise... In this case, I would like you to read the text of 1 John 5:19... here it is...

Helper: Let's see... it says... "We know that we come from God, but the whole world is under the power of the Evil One."

Publisher: Well, in this text we can see two contrasts... on the one hand, God created us and on the other, now we are not under his government but under the hand of the power of the Evil One... I understand you will get an idea of ​​who we are referring to, No?

Assistant: I understand that you are referring to what we call the Devil.

Publisher: That's right. What question are you asking yourself?

Helper: I think a little about what we talked about the other day, which, effectively then, has abandoned us... right? I mean, we come from God because he created us, and now he let the devil dominate us?

Publisher: It is more complex than this... The first thing you have to be clear about is that God has not abandoned us, in fact, he is very close to us... and we are going to give an example, because the fact that the entire world is under the The power of the Evil One, as the text says, goes back a long time in history...

Helper: You mean the beginning of everything, of creation, with Adam and Eve who taught us as a child...

Publisher: Indeed, but we are going to give a current example, to be able to understand the whole context a bit... your parents give you some indications and rules, are they for your well-being, right? But now, you decide to do what you want and you leave home, far away, abroad, to look for a life, but it's going badly for you because you haven't listened to what your parents said... whose fault is it?

Helper: It's my fault that I'm doing badly, I haven't been obedient to what my parents said...

Publisher: Now, it is not true, that when you reach a situation that is already on the limit and you finally decide to ask your parents for help, what do they do?

Helper: They are my parents, they would help me and forgive me for doing things wrong...

Publisher: Look Ishmael, I bring with me this very interesting brochure, "Enjoy life", I would like to leave it with you, I think it will be very useful because it gives context and answers all the questions we have about God and about the current situation... This brochure has an extended version in book form that we might consider looking into… I would like to show you this video of what Jehovah's Witness Bible classes are like… it is very short…

Helper: As far as I can see, they are not classes in the sense of how we know them today...

Publisher: They are conversations, like the ones we have now, a little more extended and although we use this book that I tell you... it does not teach you any human thought or ideology... it is completely based on the Bible... it helps us to understand the Bible and study it with a useful guide... this is how we have been able to see these questions that we have answered these days... if you want the next day, we do a Bible class simulation, and we continue to see that God has not abandoned us and that if we are obedient to what he teaches us we will see his hand and how it feels to see us suffer, do you think?

Assistant: Yes, that sounds good to me... the classes seem interesting... although I don't know if I'll have time but for now, I'll wait for you here next Saturday...

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