APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY: Week of July 24-30, 2023, Revisit, Offer a Teaching Kit Post, Lesson 3, Assignment Prepared.

APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY:  July 24-30-2023, Return Visit, Lesson 3, Assignment Prepared.

Return Visit (4 min.): Use the topic of ideas for conversation. Then offer a teaching kit post (th lesson 3).

Publisher: Good afternoon Ishmael, I'm glad you were able to help me again today. Were you able to keep an eye on the website?

Assistant: Hello Alberto, thanks for coming. Yes, in fact, I read several articles and I also looked at what the word amen meant, which left me wondering the other day... it's very interesting, I didn't know that we conveyed that certainty of what we say to God with that word at the end... I'm realizing that there are so many things I don't know...

Publisher: The Bible is very extensive, there are many things that I myself continue to learn, but you have seen that is a unique tool, like no other, with very useful resources and an interesting guide to study the Bible and answer those questions that go around our minds such as why do we suffer?

Helper: Why don't we deserve to enjoy life for all the sins we commit?

Publisher: Well, it's not entirely like that, although we can deserve many things, or think so... last week we saw that God does not test anyone with bad things, he does not want to see us suffer and in fact, he hates seeing us like this... in the end, we are like his children, his creation... we suffer for another reason that comes from a long time ago and I would like you to read it in 1 John 5:19...

Helper: Okay… let's see… it says: “We know that we come from God, but the whole world is under the power of the Evil One”.

Publisher: Did you see that unconsciously, with the word Amen, I was transmitting security to God in the prayers that we address to them... do we have the same confidence that we come from God?

Helper: You mean he created us, right?

Publisher: Today... there are two more widespread explanations about the origin of our existence... the Bible speaks of a Creator and one side of science (because there is another side of scientists who corroborate what the Bible says) explains it by the theory of evolution... Do you know what the main difference between the two explanations is?

Assistant the points Which Alberto, that the same science does not agree?

Publisher: Well, apart from that, it could be a long and extended debate... the theory of evolution is just that, a theory... and the Bible is the truth, it is the word of God and it has demonstrated it throughout history... but, in whose hands does it say the world is today?

Helper: Here it says the evil one, which I understand is what we call the Devil... does he really exist?

Publisher: Yes, the devil, he is only an angel who rebelled against God, as Adam did... an angel more powerful than the others but not as much as God...

Helper: And if he's not as powerful as God, why not kill him?

Publisher: The Bible explains it, God has his reasons and he has an appointed time in which a series of things have to happen... all this is explained by the Bible, and also the reasons why the world fell into the Devil's domain... but, in this time in which we are suffering until God ends his will on Earth, how do you think he sees us or what does he feel? Do you think he feels good or is he happy to see us suffer?

Helper: Not at all, for example, I'm not happy about the pain of others, and God... who created us, that we are like his children, as you said... would not want anything bad for all of us...

Publisher: It is a very good answer, we will analyze it the next day, what does God feel when he sees us suffer? Before I go, I'd like to leave you with this tract: "Who Really Controls the World?" In it, you will find the text of John that we read and you will be able to go deeper through the Bible about who governs this system and what it means for us.
