APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY: Week of July 31-August 6, 2023, First Conversation, Overcome a Common Objection in Your Territory, Lesson 3, Prepared Assignment.

APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY: 31-July-6-August-2023, First conversation, Lesson 3, Assignment Prepared.

First conversation (3 min.): Use the topic of ideas to talk and overcome a common objection in your territory (th lesson 3).

Publisher: Hi, good morning.

Assistant: Good morning. Yes, how can I help you? 

Publisher: We are sharing information about suffering with our neighbors.

Helper: You are Jehovah's Witnesses. Excuse me, I can't help you, I already have my religion

Publisher: Well today most people already have a religion, but they have realized that no matter what religion or culture or nationality we all suffer.

Helper: Yes, that's true.

Publisher: That's why I wanted your opinion on this question: Is suffering a punishment from God?

Helper: Well, suffering is part of daily life, but if God uses it to punish us, I don't know.

Publisher: Please listen to what this biblical text of James 1:13 says, would you like to read it please.

Helper: Of course it says so….

Publisher: Thank you for your reading, according to the text read, what do you think about what the Bible says that God does not test people with bad things?, that is, he does not send them suffering so that they remember him or to punish them for something they have done.

Assistant: The truth is that I did not know that the Bible thought that way, but many people continue to blame God for suffering.

Publisher: That's true, but because they don't know the reason why we suffer. Would you like to know the answer the Bible gives?

Helper: Yes, that's fine.

Publisher: What do you think if you visited her next time and we talked about that topic.

Helper: It's okay.
