Tuesday, July 4, 2023

APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY: Week of July 3 to 9, 2023, Answers to the Video of the first conversation.

APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY: July 3-9-2023, Answers to the Video of the first conversation.

Video of the first conversation (5 min.): Analysis with the audience. Play the video First Conversation: Suffering (Jas 1:13). Pause the video at each pause and ask the questions that appear in it.

What would you say to be able to continue the conversation?

In order to continue with the conversation, we could ask him in a friendly way, if he has always thought that way, so we can know what is the reason, why the person thinks like that, only if we show empathy and consideration with the householder, we can open the way to move forward with the conversation. 

We could tell you that we understand that you may have doubts or disappointment at this time, as grief can bring up many questions and emotions that are difficult to deal with. However, I would like to invite you to consider what led you to lose faith in God. Then, after listening to his response, we could tell him: If he allows us, we could show him the text of James 1:13 in the Bible.

We could also ask him if he has always thought like this, if something in particular made him doubt God or lose faith in him. In any case, what the person answers can set a Guideline for me to know how to continue the conversation and to create the opportunity to show him a Biblical text.

Another thing we could tell you: You are not the only one who thinks so. I've had interesting conversations with like-minded people until they were given something in the Bible that helped them see things differently. If you will allow me, I would like to read the text of James 1:13.

How did the publishers show kindness and empathy?

The publishers, after listening carefully to the householder, did not go directly to read the biblical text. Rather, show kindness and empathy by telling them that they were very sorry for what had happened. They also made him see that there was nothing wrong with him and that he would wonder why bad things were happening to him if he had not harmed anyone.

The publishers were friendly and empathetic because instead of contradicting the householder, they respected his point of view and let him express himself and tell how he felt. Also, with his comments, they showed him compassion and personal interest and not just interest in preaching. This made the householder relax and continue the conversation.

They also demonstrated kindness and empathy by first encouraging, comforting, and strengthening the householder. They used a friendly tone of voice and appropriate gestures. They also didn't sound forced or exaggerated when they gave their sympathetic comments. Rather, his words, gestures, and tone of voice demonstrated his genuine interest in the householder.

The publishers were friendly and empathetic because they put themselves in the shoes of the householder. Therefore, they did not criticize him or get upset by his response. Rather, they listened carefully and showed personal interest.

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