Tuesday, July 4, 2023

APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY: Week of July 3-9, 2023, First Conversation, Lesson 1, Assignment Prepared.

APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY: July 3-9-2023, First Conversation, Lesson 1, Assignment Prepared.

First Conversation (4 min.): Use the topic of ideas for conversation. Then talk to the person on our website and give them a jw.org contact card (th lec. 1).

Publisher: Good afternoon, my name is Alberto, and I want to speak briefly with the people around this question… may I?

Assistant: Good afternoon Alberto, I'm Ismael, what question are you referring to?

Publisher: Look, I bring with me a treatise with a very interesting and topical question... will we stop suffering one day? What would you say?

Helper: Well, the truth is that I don't think so, although I'm not certain that it's a maybe...

Publisher: Very good, that's a good answer... In relation to it, do you believe that suffering is a punishment from God, that it comes from Him?

Helper: I don't think it's God's thing, although he could do something and thus show us that he is still there and that he has not abandoned us or that he continues to exist...

Publisher: I can assure you that it continues to exist, and although we may not perceive it, it is still there with us and it has not left... let me show you a text from the Bible in James 1:13, would you like to read it?

Helper: Yes of course, let's see... he says... "No one should say during a test: "God is testing me" Because, with bad things, no one can test God nor does he test anyone".

Publisher: Thank you very much for the good reading, from what we have been able to see... the Bible says that God does not test anyone with bad things... therefore, it is in harmony with what you have said, that suffering does not come from part of God… but then from whom does it come? Why is there so much suffering today?

Helper: It is a very good question, what is the reason for this suffering today? I think that in a certain way it is what we have sought for ourselves for being bad people...

Publisher: It may be partly true... and why are there people who are bad? That would be another question… but this answer of “why do we suffer?” We'll see you in the next conversation if you want…

Assistant: Ok, that sounds good to me, we'll leave it pending...

Publisher: Before finishing, I would like to go back to the beginning, you told me that suffering has nothing to do with God, but that I could do something to show that it is still there... Do you believe that God has abandoned humanity?

Helper: If he hadn't done it, I don't think there would be so much suffering, diseases, wars, disasters, he wouldn't allow that...

Publisher: And it does not do so in part... and I say in part because everything we are currently seeing had to be fulfilled and is being fulfilled because the Bible says so... but in all this lack of social control that exists today... it has not left us alone... on the one hand, he has left us the Bible... on the other, a very important gift, the prayer to communicate with him... do you pray to God?

Helper: Ugh, not really... very occasionally... when serious things happen...

Publisher: So, deep down, you still believe in God and that he is still there with us... for this web page that I show you and I leave you a card with the QR code so that you can visit it, it is free and totally based in the Bible, it will help you, why am I convinced?

Helper: I know you are a Jehovah's Witness... but I had not seen the web until now...

Publisher: As we are seeing, it has current issues and that just by the titles you see that they can help you, right? But not only because of that I know it will be useful to you... but also because here you can find the answers to all the questions you might ask yourself... like this one: Why don't you intervene and put an end to suffering and pain? And it is that it will, in due time... Shall we meet next week and take a look at the web?

Assistant: Sure, perfect, I may have questions and doubts...

Publisher: For this reason, in the contact card, I also leave my information for anything you may need...

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