Tuesday, July 4, 2023

APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY: Week of July 3-9, 2023, First Conversation, Lesson 9, Prepared Assignment.

APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY: July 3-9-2023, First Conversation, Lesson 9, Assignment Prepared.

First Conversation (4 min.): Use the topic of ideas for conversation. Then tell the person about our Bible classes and give them a contact card from our Bible classes (th lec. 9)

Publisher: Good afternoon, what's your name?

Helper: Ishmael, and you?

Publisher: I am Alberto, I live near the neighborhood and look what I bring with me, it is a very interesting treatise...

Helper: Mmmm... Will we stop suffering one day?

Publisher: What do you think?

Helper: I think that we are not always suffering, but it is true that there are bad moments that we must overcome, so I suppose I would say “maybe”.

Publisher: Very good, and although it may not seem like it, you are right... the Bible does not say maybe, but it tells us that yes, we will stop suffering one day... can I read you a biblical text, is it James 1:13?

Helper: Ok...

Publisher: Here I have it... notice what it says... "Let no one say during a test: 'God is testing me.' Because, with bad things, no one can test God nor does he test anyone. What wouldn't God do?

Helper: Test us with bad things, that is, give us tests that are bad, right? So he doesn't want to see us suffer...

Publisher: Exactly, then... As you have well derived from the text, God does not want to see us suffer... Is there anyone more powerful than God?

Helper: I don't think so, no, I hope not...

Publisher: So if you don't want to see us suffer, why don't you put an end to all this?

Helper: That's a very good question…

Publisher: And the Bible has the answer... I can show you a short, short video about what Jehovah's Witness Bible classes are like... without any commitment... it's very short...

Assistant: If it's brief, of course... I want to see it...

Publisher: Alright, I'll put it on… (this is the visual aid) …………. What caught your attention in the video?

Assistant: Are the classes like the conversations we are having now?

Publisher: Yes, in a slightly more relaxed environment, obviously, so you don't have to stand still... but yes, you choose the time... you don't commit to anything, of course it's free... and you can choose to leave, continue or stop at any time …because we are not teaching anything that requires exams, but rather we are learning from God and his word…

Assistant: The truth seems interesting... this conversation has been enjoyable...

Publisher: Studying the Bible in its entirety is very enjoyable because that is what God wants, that we learn from him... that way we will stop suffering because we will know how to face life today in a better way... with all the problems we have and because in a future we will stop suffering forever and ever... why? Because that's how God promises us... but how can you know and know that this promise is true?...

Helper: Can you give us proof of them?

Publisher: You give us many proofs and reasons, but you have to study them yourself... no one can teach them and make them reach your heart... you have to be yourself, and that's why I'm going to leave you this card for a free Bible course... it's up to you to give God a chance... he will give it to you without a doubt... while you think about it... how about next day we talk about "why do we suffer?".

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