The Study Watchtower, "Article 18", Week of June 26 to July 2, 2023, Let's encourage each other in meetings, Answers.

The Watchtower Study, "Article 18", June-26-July-2023, Let's encourage each other in meetings, Answers.

“Let us keep an eye on one another […], let us encourage one another” (HEB. 10:24, 25).

1. Why do we comment in meetings?

There are several reasons why we comment in the meetings, two are mentioned in the text, and that is that when we are baptized we swear to make a public declaration of our faith and one of those ways in our comments in the meetings, we are praising Jehovah in public . And in turn, a second reason, these words of praise to Jehovah build up and help our brothers encouraging each other as Thessalonians says.

2. What opportunities do we have to comment at meetings?

We have many opportunities to comment in meetings, whether it is on the weekdays or on the weekend, with the hidden pearl study, the congregational Bible study, different parts of our Christian life, and the watchtower discussion on the weekends.

3. a) What possible obstacles do we have when commenting? 

Depending on our personality, we can be more or less extroverted people and we may have barriers that prevent or make it difficult for us to always comment, such as nerves and fear. It can also be the opposite case, that we would like to comment more but we don't get as many opportunities.

3. b) How does Hebrews 10:24, 25 help us?

This text teaches us and reminds us that the most important thing is to encourage each other, in any way, with a short and/or simple comment or with the opportunities we have to comment.

4. What three ideas will we explore in this article?

In this article we will analyze: how we can encourage ourselves in a small congregation of brothers, how we can do it in a large congregation where we might have fewer options to comment, and how our comments have or can be according to our personality and character.


5. What can we do to cheer ourselves up if we are few in the meeting?

If the congregation is small, the brother who leads the watchtower may have difficulty finding comments. It is therefore important that we have the entire watchtower prepared to help and encourage the analysis of the study of the watchtower for the entire congregation and for the honor of Jehovah.

6, 7. What can you do to control your nerves?

First we have to be aware that it is difficult for us, that we have nerves, that we can be timid people, once we have recognized this limitation, as Proverbs 21:5 says, we have to be a worker with a plan to act on that limitation because that way we will have good results and we can overcome this possible fear.

We can put into practice several suggestions to control our nerves such as preparing well and controlling the information that we are going to study. Another suggestion is that our comments do not need to be very long and complex, they can be simple, short and to the point. And let us not always forget to pray to Jehovah to help us.

8. How does Jehovah feel when he sees that we are doing all we can?

Jehovah knows us in depth and sees all the efforts that a brother or sister may be making to comment, even if there are times when they are unable. But they should not feel bad, because Jehovah does not demand anything of us that we cannot do and he is proud of each one of his servants for everything they can give him.


9. What situation might arise in a large congregation?

In this case we are in a different situation, in which we can even have several comments prepared and we do not have the opportunity to offer them because they do not see us when we raise our hand or give it to another sibling. Jehovah knows that we raised our hand, and also the congregation, we should not be discouraged, because we have already praised Jehovah.

Danielle even went as far as to think that they weren't giving her feedback on purpose. Of course, our imperfect mind leads us to create stumbling blocks for ourselves that can keep us from the truth or from the path that Jehovah marks for us. That is why we must be humble and compassionate, because of the opportunities of our brothers and because we have already testified to Jehovah even if we do not have the opportunity to comment in a certain meeting.

10. What could you do to be more likely to comment?

First of all, we should not feel bad or think that we have some kind of mania because that does not happen in the people of God. Once this is in mind, we have to be aware that our brothers also have the joy of commenting, and we have to share the opportunities. We will have more opportunities if we prepare several commentaries, expand information with our comments, and analyze in depth certain paragraphs that can be more complicated because they speak of more complex biblical truths.

11. According to Philippians 2:4, what can we do?

Philippians 2:4 is applied in this sense knowing that our brothers also have the desire to comment and we are not better than them, therefore, if we agree raising our hands, sometimes our brothers will comment and other times we, because in the God's people we also share the joy and we feel rejoiced to see the happiness of God's people.

12. What is a good way to encourage others in meetings? (See also photo).

A good way is as we see in the image and we have seen in the previous paragraph, is to feel joyful and happy for the comments and the opportunities of our brothers and sisters to transmit how they live and feel the truth with their comments in the meetings, being a source of encouragement and knowledge for us and the entire congregation.


A small group of brothers eating together. One of them is speaking and the others are listening attentively. In a conversation, we let others participate. Let's do the same in meetings. (See paragraph 12).

13. What can we do so that more brothers have the opportunity to comment?

Our comments, as well as remind us, have to be brief, and a good practice that is suggested to us is that they do not exceed 30 seconds. And another suggestion is not to mention many ideas so that others can continue commenting on the paragraph, because if our comment is extensive and we mention everything, there will not be many opportunities to continue analyzing that paragraph.

14. What can we take into account when deciding how many times we will raise our hands? (See also photos).

Having to be considerate brothers towards others, if we have already commented and we see that other brothers raise their hands who have not done so, we help the driver of the watchtower when we lower our hand so that it gives him the opportunity to comment to our dear brothers as we see in the picture.

Our love for our brothers also makes us see this image from another perspective. For example, if we see brothers who have their hands raised that we know do not usually comment or find it difficult to do so, and we always participate, it is also a sign of consideration and love to lower our hand even if we have not commented so that the driver of the watchtower can Locate these brothers who have a harder time commenting.


Series of images: 1. In a meeting, one of the brothers in the previous photo raises his hand to comment. 2. Others then offer to comment and the brother decides not to raise his hand. When would it be wise not to raise your hand in the meeting? (See paragraph 14). 

15. a) How should we react if we have not been able to comment in the meeting? 

As it is well quoted in Ecclesiastes, as servants of God we cannot easily get angry, much less because of the joy that other brothers have been able to have in the meeting for having commented. If we did not have the opportunity, we will feel proud and happy for our brothers, but we should never feel bad or frustrated for not having had opportunities.

15. b) What should the brother who asks the questions take into account? (See the box “How to Run a Question and Answer Section.”)

The driver brother must be as brief as possible in his interventions, to take advantage of all the time possible in comments. You have to leave a little time for the brothers to raise their hands and not ask who hasn't, also, during the week it's good that you know who has commented to distribute the comments throughout the meeting and keep an eye on the time.

How to lead a section with questions and answers

If you lead a part of the meeting with questions and answers, try to get as many answers as possible. How can you achieve that?

Don't talk much. Your introductory and concluding words should be brief. And, during the study, make only a few comments when necessary and appropriate. e You do not have to enter each paragraph before reading it.

After reading the question, pause to give more siblings time to raise their hands. Do not comment again to those who have already participated if those who have not yet raised their hands. Remember that even mature siblings can become discouraged if they are overlooked too many times.

Don't say, "I'm looking for new hands" or "Who hasn't commented yet?"

If you happen to lead a Q&A section at the end of the midweek meeting, try to remember who has commented earlier in the meeting to give others a chance to participate.

I kept an eye on the time. If you linger too long in the first few paragraphs of a lesson, then you will have to rush into the last part of the article, and many may be left without comment.

16. What can we do to encourage those who have commented?

We all feel good when they congratulate us and tell us good and positive things, so this is what we can do with our brothers, so that we are even more encouraged by our comments and the subsequent praise from our brothers.


17. a) What can parents do?

Parents help their children by making age-appropriate comments with them on topics that are age-appropriate as well. Likewise, from a very young age they have to teach them that there is nothing at hand if they raise their hand and do not see it or do not give it to them, that only the desire and the fact of raising their hand Jehovah is already happy with them.

17. b) According to the video, what are the four steps to prepare a comment? (See also note.)

The four steps to prepare a good comment as we saw in the video are: 1). Use good ingredients, which are brief according to the question, 2). Look for the answer in paragraph, 3). Make notes and 4) Rehearse the comment. In addition, we can prepare several comments and never give up, because having prepared ourselves and raising our hand is as if we had already commented.

18. What can we do to avoid attracting too much attention when we comment? (Proverbs 27:2).

For example, this paragraph talks about personal comments / experiences, in some cases they can be commented if the question asks for it, but as Proverbs 27:2 says, they should be brief personal comments and we should not praise ourselves with our mouths focusing on in our experience, but in Jehovah.

19. a) What will be the result if we think of others in meetings? (Romans 1:11, 12).

As the paragraph says, although there are no written rules, if we are empathic people, our meetings will be more encouraging if we think of others and we feel happy with what we have done, with the fruit of the work that we and our brothers have given to Jehovah on that meeting day.

19. b) Why do you like to comment in meetings?

Personally, I like to comment in the Meetings, because it is a way to encourage our Brothers and it is also a way to thank and honor Jehovah for this great privilege.


When there are few hands raised.

If the congregation is small, we may have more opportunities to comment, in fact, comments may be needed many times and so we must prepare the meeting even better to be able to offer various comments when necessary for the encouragement and encouragement of the entire congregation.

When there are many hands raised.

If we have already commented and we see that other of our brothers are trying or there are even hands raised by brothers who we know find it more difficult to comment, it is a gesture of love to lower our hand to give the driver an opportunity to comment to these brothers.

When we prepare our comments.

Our comments should be brief, commenting on a single idea to give more opportunities and to focus on the question in the paragraph putting Jehovah, his word and his people first, this does not mean that we cannot tell personal experiences, but they should not be extensive or focus on ourselves alone.
