Thursday, June 8, 2023

The Study Watchtower, «Article 15», June 5-11-2023, What do we learn from the miracles of Jesus?, Answers.

 The Study Watchtower, «Article 15», June 5-11-2023, What do we learn from the miracles of Jesus?, Answers.

"He went through the land doing good and healing all who were oppressed" (ACTS 10:38).

1. Under what circumstances did Jesus perform his first miracle?

The first miracle of Jesus took place at a wedding in Cana, where he was with his mother and some of his apostles. At the party the wine ran out and what Jesus does is turn the water into wine.


He wanted to share the fact that he turned 400 liters of water into wine.

And well here we see that his first miracle was at the banquet and there he turned water into wine.

The little call says that hospitality in the East was not enough to get just what was right, true hospitality, especially at wedding banquets, required serving in abundance.

And this happened to him when he was beginning to start his ministry.

So, keeping in mind what hospitality and abundance were at that time, the fact that it ran out before everyone could drink would be considered a great shame at that time, as he mentions something that worried him and as we can see, the mother of Jesus, Maria, was a friend of those who were getting married, so for that reason she was also concerned and she precisely presented this situation to Jesus.

2, 3. (a) How did Jesus use his power?

Jesus always used it for the benefit of others, he used it to help people, for example, with two miracles that he performed, it is very likely that he fed more than 27,000 people, and also often healed those who were sick.


He always used his power to help other people and well, although the Bible mentions many miracles, here it is also mentioned when he fed thousands of people on two different occasions, approximately 27,000 people with a little fish and bread.

But he mentions there that he says that he did 30 miracles, that is, there were many more things they were doing, on some occasions he healed those who were sick, that is, he did all kinds of things with a miracle and healed them.

And the case of the basket is impressive because, for example, when he performed the miracle of feeding 4,000 people, the Greek word used for baskets was a type of basket that a person could fit inside and it says that there were seven baskets left over from that size full of food, that is, he did not only make food to feed so many people, but even so that there was more and more in abundance. 

2, 3. b) Why is it good to analyze the miracles of Jesus?

It is good, because without a doubt we can learn a lot from the miracles of Jesus, we can learn how to imitate his humility and compassion, and these stories strengthen our faith, and that is exactly what we want to see in this article.


Because we can find lessons that will strengthen our faith, we will also see how to imitate the humility and compassion that he showed when he performed these miracles.

Yes, as Matthew 14:14 also mentioned, he was deeply moved and healed those who were sick. So he also healed the sick and these people were amazed when they were also fed and miraculously healed people. 


4. Who can we learn from by reviewing the miracles of Jesus?

We can learn a lot from Jesus, but also from Jehovah, because he was the one who gave him the power to perform miracles, and also Jesus always perfectly imitated his father's feelings and way of thinking.


And well we can learn from Jesus and also from Jehovah because as Acts 10:38 says Jesus was capable of all these miracles because he was anointed with holy spirit and his power by his heavenly father, so Jesus imitated him perfectly and so we can notice.

Through his example, Jesus helps us to know Jehovah, since when we read details about him, his way of acting, the compassion he felt for people or the empathy that he showed helps us to easily imagine Jehovah feeling the same way and also reflected the personality of his father who could say that he who has seen me has seen the Father too.

5. What motivated Jesus to perform miracles? (Matthew 20:30-34).

He was deeply moved.


The passage from Matthew 20:30-34 recounts the healing of two blind men who followed Jesus and asked for mercy. Jesus was moved by their suffering and healed them, and this is one of several examples in the Gospels where Jesus is shown to perform miracles out of compassion and love for suffering people.

And as the text says, two blind men who could not see, they simply heard that Jesus was walking nearby, so it says that they were shouting for Jesus to come, I said, Jesus asks what he wants me to do for them, then they said that he wants me to open their eyes and then Jesus he restored his sight, then compassion is seen, he put himself in the place of that person who could not see anything, he also gave the insistence because he says that first he shouted and people told him to shut up but they kept shouting.

And we see that this love was so great for the people that, as the paragraph says, it says that he felt deeply moved and this says that it refers to an emotion so intense and deep that it feels physically like when one really grieves for someone who is suffering much to a greater degree.

Yes, what Jesus says in Matthew 15:32 is very nice, there in the context and the disciples had told him to send the people away, Jesus could have done it but he said that he was so moved because they had been following him for three days and He didn't want to let them go like that, he wanted them to eat, so there you can see the deep affection and love that he felt not only for that moment in which they needed it, but that they were going to need it later on as well.

It is so much that he is interested in us that in first Peter 5:7 he invites us to tell him how we feel, he says, throw your concerns above all because he is interested in you, a person who is not interested is not going to say tell me your problem. 

6. What power has God given to Jesus?

The power that God has given to Jesus is to put an end to all the evils of humanity, in the Gospels, numerous miracles are reported that Jesus performed, such as healing the sick, making the lame walk, restoring sight to the blind and raise the dead. Which shows us that he can end everything that afflicts us.


Well, Jehovah gave him the power to root out all the evils of humanity. We have inherited sin, so everything that this causes, such as diseases and death, Jesus charged them to the tree.

Problems that neither the rulers nor anyone here on earth could solve, such as serious illnesses, death, then all those problems exactly, Jehoah promises us that he is going to eliminate and this of the resurrection, for example, we have the example in John chapter 11 verse 43-44 of Lazarus not when he resurrects him and we see that he does it on a large scale, so all these problems that humanity or that the rulers or any type of person says that it could be or that it is going to do cannot be done here on earth today , but Jesus and Jehovah are going to do it.

7, 8. a) Of what can we be sure thanks to the miracles of Jesus?

Well, it says here that we will have the immense joy of seeing our loved ones.


We can be sure that Jesus has the power to put an end to all humanity's problems and that the blessings of the Kingdom will come true very soon. In addition, Jesus' miracles show us God's love and compassion towards humanity and gives us the hope that one day all things will be restored and made new.

But we are already sure that all the blessings of the kingdom will come true since all these miracles that are recorded in the Bible were just a small sample of what Jesus will do as heavenly king of the Kingdom of God.

7, 8. b) What miracle do you most look forward to?

We know that everyone is going to come but I am interested in the resurrection.


Personally, I look forward to seeing the resurrection hope fulfilled.

Everyone is important but as a brother said, enjoy your old age now because it will be the only time, then one of the impressive miracles that will be done in the new world will be rejuvenation. 


9. Why did Jesus perform a miracle at the wedding in Cana? (John 2:6-10).

Well, he did not have the obligation to perform this miracle, but surely he thought of the great embarrassment that this family would experience at the wedding when they ran out of wine, so being aware of the situation, he decided to perform a miracle to help the couple and avoid that they be ashamed, this is how he showed his compassion and love for people, by caring about their well-being and happiness.

Well, something had been seen in the first paragraph that mentioned that it says that there were many guests and at that time it was a shame for the guests who ran out of wine, so it says that Jesus probably thought about this above all, especially he thought about the boyfriends, then he says that out of compassion he made them help and that's when he turns water into wine.

He probably thought of the great shame that the family would experience in this situation, especially the couple, and for this reason he felt compassion and wanted to help them in the most humble way.

And it is also interesting what the paragraph says that this miracle did not fulfill any prophecy, many of the miracles that he did fulfilled prophecies that had been made by Jesus, such as the one that was going to heal the sick because he was going to preach to the people who were going to comfort them but not this one he could have thought I don't have to fulfill it to prove that I am the Messiah, and yet he was humble he thought of others and thought about how much that miracle could help those people and that's why he did it. 

10. Mention some details of this story from John chapter 2 (see also the drawing).

We see some interesting details in this story, for example, Jesus did not fill the vessels with water, but asked the servants to do so so as not to attract attention. After performing the miracle, Jesus did not claim the merit, but he told the servants to bring some wine to the director of the banquet, and it is exactly what we see in the illustration, Jesus is watching from afar.


But for example, it was not Jesus who filled the vessels but he asked the servants to do it too when he gave him a taste of the wine, the director of the banquet was not him but he also told the servants that they brought him.

It is clear that Jesus was not boastful because he says that he did not raise a cup of wine in front of his guests and said try this rich wine that he has just made.

11. What do we learn from this miracle of Jesus?

The lesson to be learned from this miracle is about the humility of Jesus. Jesus did not boast of having turned water into wine, but in no situation did he do that, from which we learn that we must also be humble and not brag about what we have achieved, but rather that each achievement we must give all the glory to God, Because without your help we could achieve nothing.

We learn about the humility of Jesus Jesus did not boast of having turned water into wine, we learn that we have to be humble and not boast about what we achieve, but rather every achievement we must give all the glory to Jehovah.

He constantly said that what I do I do not do it of my own free will but I do it because my father has sent me and because my father gives me power and for his honor and praise.

And as he mentions, we can boast of Jehovah's qualities, boast of him in this case, giving him the glory that he deserves, giving him first place, just as Jesus is seen happy in the image when he sees that everyone is happy at that banquet, well when we give glory to Jehovah for what we can do and we give all the credit to him, he also feels happy about everything we achieved and more than anything that we give him the place due to him.

And in John 5:19 Jesus himself said that he cannot do a single thing on his own but only what he sees his father do, so everything we do is thanks to the merit of Jehovah because we follow the example of Jesus and he left us that example that when we do something we must be humble. 


He acted and the director of the banquet honors the groom because he says he calls the groom to congratulate him on the wine he could have said it had nothing to do with it, it was me but he didn't do it either and he could have only turned the water into he came and the miracle was already there but he made the best quality and always when Jesus and Jehovah give us something they give us the best that made me think about that he did not make just any wine he made the best that could be drunk.

Observe Jesus in the background, not as the protagonist of the situation, and see and demonstrate, he did not want to demonstrate what the Illustration of the power that Jehovah granted him looks like, not and presume that he has saved the banquet in those moments, but that there He leaves us a clear example of helping others without showing off our abilities or our actions.

While the newlyweds and guests dance, eat and enjoy good wine, Jesus watches without attracting attention. Let's be like Jesus and don't brag about our achievements. (See paragraphs 10 and 11). 

12. What is another way to imitate the humility of Jesus? Give an example.

An old man is given as an example who helps a young ministerial servant prepare his first public. After the young man gives an excellent speech and the congregation is very delighted, someone says to the old man: "What a good speech he gave the so-and-so right?». Instead of taking credit for the young man's success, the old man would humbly respond, "Yes, you did very well," thus learning that a humble person need not take credit for helping others, but instead it is enough to know that Jehovah sees and appreciates what he does.


I start with the example is the case of a brother who gives an excellent topic but who needed the help of another to prepare it then someone praises the one who gave him the help without knowing that he had given it, but then the brother is silent not He says but yes but I prepared it for him, so the reflection is that a humble person does not need to take credit for the good things he does for others, it is enough to know that Jehovah sees and values ​​what he does.

We may also have to do it or it would be appropriate for us to do it when, for example, we apply Hebrews 13:16 of not forgetting to share or do good with others, it may be our brothers who are in need, an economic crisis that none of us is exempt from. If we face it, maybe an accident limits us, we can't work or our brothers can't work and we share things with them, so we don't have to presume that we went to help.

In first Peter 5:6 it says that we have to humble ourselves under the mighty hand of God and he will magnify us in due time, meaning there is no need for us to thank ourselves.


13. What does Jesus meet near the city of Nain, and what does he do? (Luke 7:11-15).

In Luke 7:11-15 it is mentioned that Jesus is near the city of Nain and comes across a funeral procession. A widow had lost her only son and Jesus felt compassion for her, so Jesus approached the stretcher where the young man's body was and raised him to life.


Exactly what Jesus sees is a devastated mother who had lost her son and there Jesus with a feeling but very deep because of the face that he shows here in the portrait he sees that he feels the same pain as the mother and calms her down so we see that Jehovah always puts himself in our place too.

Jesus stops the comparison, picks up the young man, resurrects him and gives him to his mother and this is one of the first of the three resurrections that he made.

He teaches the compassion of Jesus not because the first thing he does is feel the pain of this widowed mother and on top of that losing her only son and probably some information said that his mother had probably already been widowed and he also thought about when he would die in favor of humanity what his mother would have to go through, so he not only put himself in the woman's place but also put himself in his mother's place and then that feeling must have manifested on that occasion, it is that same feeling that Jehovah has towards us. 

14. Mention some details of this account from chapter 7 of Luke (see also the drawing).

Well, in the story we can notice that Jesus first saw the woman very heartbroken by the death of her son, then Jesus is moved by this scene, that is, he feels compassion, but the feeling does not stop there, but this feeling moves him to alleviate his suffering, so he resurrects the widow's son.


Jesu s' action was that he took the initiative to approach and there say a few words to help the mother.

But as the story says, he was deeply moved when he saw this mother who was walking in front of her son's coffin and he felt great compassion for her and showed her with actions that is why he said don't cry and then he raised his son back to life and handed him over to her.

It can be said that Jesus also understood what was behind the suffering beyond the emotional loss of a child, this woman was now a widow and she was left absolutely helpless, the children were the ones who took care of the parents, not for that reason the firstborn received the inheritance papers because he took care of the parents, but he no longer had any more children, so who was going to take charge had thought about his own future maybe what am I going to do now, he only had to die who was going to take charge of this woman because perhaps she no longer had any more relatives.

He does not say that out of love he approached the person but that he saw the person suffer this woman suffering and also a sentence a little further down says what he observed broke his heart, it is interesting that when he sees that sad picture allow your heart to be moved allow, allow yourself to feel that pain that the person was feeling sometimes when we see a difficult situation how sad we try to flee or try to cool down so to speak and it is not good, Jesus allowed his heart to be moved heart, so that teaches us that we too must allow our hearts to be touched. 

15. What do we learn from this miracle of Jesus?

Well, Jesus felt compassion for the mother who had lost her son and showed it with actions, raising the young man and giving him to his mother, and although we cannot raise the dead, we can learn to be compassionate with those who have lost a loved one, that is why we must be observant and take the initiative to say and do something that helps and comforts them, since many times a word of encouragement and being there for what they need will be enough to make them feel accompanied.


And it teaches us how to show compassion to those who are now going through a situation similar to that of the widow and although we cannot resurrect as Jesus did, what we can be is compassionate with those who are going through a situation similar to hers .

And just as Jesus observed and saw the widow, we also have to be observers to take the initiative and to say or do something to help others and comfort them.

And how nice it is to do this because sometimes simply listen because we cannot give any solution, beyond that we have the hope of the resurrection, so be observant in this listen be compassionate even often cry with the person well that is very very Well.

The information said that there is no reason to suppress tears when it is a situation of so much pain and there is a text that I really like in the letter to the Romans and it says that we must rejoice with those who rejoice and cry with those who they cry.

16. What do we learn from the experience of the paragraph? (See the photo that stages this experience).

The lesson to be learned from this experience is about the importance of showing compassion and comfort to those who are grieving. Sometimes a small gesture of love and support can make a big difference in the life of someone who is going through a difficult time, which is why we must be attentive to the needs of others and take the initiative to help and comfort others. those who are suffering.


Yes, there we see how what was mentioned at the end of the previous paragraph is applied with a few words, a kind gesture can do a lot of good and here this sister simply observing and taking action by approaching and hugging her to accompany the song and caused a great impact is not the sister who was suffering from the loss of her daughter because she says no that at that moment her heart was filled with love and she knew that there in the room she was going to receive help without a doubt that something very simple was very valuable for this sister who was Mourning for losing her daughter.

Also what I notice the sister what she did for many it is difficult to want to say something it is not necessary to say anything it is only to accompany her to any brother to be next to a hug or just to say hello is already a great encouragement.


Series of images: 1. During a funeral procession, Jesus comforts a broken mother. 2. In the Kingdom Hall, while the others sing, one sister comforts another who is crying. Let's be like Jesus and show compassion for those who are grieving. (See paragraphs 14 to 16).


17. What did we learn in this article?

We have learned about Jesus' love and compassion for people, the power that God has given him to solve humanity's problems, and the assurance that the blessings of the Kingdom will come true in the very near future.


Well this does not give the opportunity to meditate on how we can imitate the qualities of Jesus.

And we also saw that the miracles of Jesus reflected not only his love but also the love that Jehovah feels for people and that both have the power to end the problems of all humanity and that we can be sure that they will. do.

18. What will we see in the next article?

Well, it says that here we will see in the next article how Jesus raised a friend from the dead.

We will see about a resurrection that Jesus performed, he raised his friend who had been dead for 4 days, and we will analyze what we can learn from it and what we can do to strengthen our faith in the resurrection.


What lessons of Jehovah and his Son can we draw from the miracles of Jesus?

The miracles of Jesus teach us several lessons about Jehovah and his Son. First of all, they show us the love and compassion that God has for humanity, because Jesus performed many miracles to help people who were suffering by healing the sick, feeding the hungry and raising the dead. These miracles show that God cares about our needs and is willing to help us in times of difficulty.


In addition, the miracles of Jesus show us the power that God has over nature and the circumstances of life, since Jesus calmed the storms, walked on the water and multiplied the loaves and fishes. These miracles show that God has the power to control all things and that nothing is out of reach.

Finally, the miracles of Jesus teach us about humility and obedience to God. Jesus always gave all the glory and credit to his Father, acknowledging that everything he did was by the power of God. Jesus also taught us to be humble and not to brag about our achievements, but to give all the glory to God. In summary, the miracles of Jesus teach us about Diels' love, compassion, power and humility and encourage us to trust him and follow his example.

I am going to stay with the great compassion that Jesus showed and I was left with this phrase deeply moved that he said there that the verb implied what it feels like physically, one sometimes goes through a feeling so strong that the belly hurts the chest tightens is in the degree of compassion that Jesus felt for people it was not a simple pity, he felt something deep and a lesson is to try to imitate that degree of compassion and if we do not achieve it, it is good to do everything possible to improve or improve the love we have towards our brothers to the point of having that degree of compassion.

The other important lesson is humility because Jesus never presumed what he did despite the fact that he did all those miracles he never did I did that on my part but always put in the first place that it was Jehovah's.

What does the miracle found in John 2:6-10 teach us about humility?

The miracle of turning water into wine at a wedding teaches us about the humility of Jesus and how we should not brag about our achievements, so if we take Jesus as a model, we will be humble and not brag about our achievements, then no matter what we do serving to Jehovah, let us not boast of ourselves, but of the wonderful God whom we have the honor of serving.

Just as Jesus did not boast in front of the guests of the help he gave to the newlyweds but was humble and did it in secret, he teaches us to do it also when it comes to helping others to be modest without making that help public. 

What does the miracle found in Luke 7:11-15 teach us about compassion?

We learn from this miracle that we must be compassionate to those who have lost a loved one. Although we cannot raise the dead, as Jesus did with the widow's son, we can learn to be observant and take the initiative to say and do something that will help and comfort them, since we learned a few words and a kind gesture can do them a lot of good. Therefore, we must follow the example of Jesus and show compassion to those who are grieving and depressed.

Jesus taught us to feel and act as Jehovah does, to try to put ourselves in our brother's place and although we cannot do anything to solve his problem, we do share his feelings and we can put this into practice in different aspects of life. 

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