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"Muitas são as difficulties of the just, but Jehovah is free from all" (Psalms 34:19).
1. What are we convinced?
We are convinced that obeying Biblical principles always benefits us.
We are convinced that Jehovah loves us and wants the best for us. In the same way, we are convinced that obeying Biblical principles always benefits us.
We are also convinced, as Romans 8:35 and 39 mention, that any difficulty anguish persecution hunger danger that we are in, the love of Christ overcomes all these difficulties, which is why it also benefits us when we put biblical principles into practice.
2. What problems might we have, and what might we wonder about?
As Jehovah's Servants we do not escape having problems, we may go through health difficulties that limit our service to Jehovah, or we may suffer the devastating consequences of a natural disaster, we go through family disappointments or persecution due to our beliefs.
These situations could lead us to ask ourselves, why does this happen to us? Have we done something wrong? Or maybe yes. Does this mean that Jehovah is not blessing us? We can ask ourselves many more similar questions, because Satan is very cunning and plays with our minds, especially in delicate moments.
3. What does Psalm 34:19 teach us?
First, the righteous go through difficulties and second, Jehovah frees them from them. It teaches us that the righteous also go through difficulties, but Jehovah frees them from them. And one way to do that is to help them get a realistic view of life in this system.
This psalm also teaches us that when Jehovah promises us to be happy if we serve him, it does not mean that we will not have problems now. Rather, it means that Jehovah can help us focus on the eternal future that he awaits us, which gives us stamina to continue with our day to day, while the fulfillment of his promises of his Kingdom arrives.
Well, one of the things that Jehovah does to free them from trials and help us to have a realistic view of life is in this system, as 2 Corinthians 4:18 says while we keep our eyes fixed on the things that are not seen and not in the things that are seen because the things that are seen are temporary but the things that are not seen are eternal, God wants us to focus on the eternal future that awaits us, that is the life he wants for us.
Yes, and Jehovah wants us to focus on the future, but in the meantime, he also helps us to move forward day by day because, as Lamentations 3:22 mentions, Jehovah's shows of mercy never end and are new every morning.
4. What will we analyze in this article?
We will analyze some examples of faithful servants of Jehovah, both from Biblical times and today. This will allow us to see that when unexpected problems come, we can continue to trust that Jehovah will sustain us. This analysis will also allow us to meditate on what we would have done if we found ourselves in situations similar to theirs and on how these stories can help us draw practical lessons to confirm in Jehovah.
We are going to analyze examples of faithful servants of Jehovah both from biblical times and from the present day who surely also experienced unexpected problems and trusted Jehovah and it would be important that we ask ourselves what we had done in that case and how these examples help us to trust more Jehovah and the lessons that they can leave us as learning.
5. What problems did Laban cause Jacob? (See cover drawing.)
Laban tricked Jacob and took advantage of him too. He first agreed to give his daughter Rachel in marriage in exchange for 7 years of work, but when the day came to give up Rachel he tricked Jacob by giving up his eldest daughter read from him. A week later, he agrees to give up Raquel but in exchange for another 7 years of work from Jacob. Apart from this, Jacob also had to work 6 more years for the herd and as if this were not enough, Laban changed his salary up to 10 times.
Yes, surely when Jacob went to PadanHaram he did not expect that he was going to be cheated by Nabal because since he was being obedient, his father told him remember the promise that was given to your grandfather, Jehovah told him that he was going to be a person who He was going to have many descendants, so Jacob said, well, I'm going to go and look for a couple there where they serve Jehovah, but when he arrives it's more like Laban gives him another wife, so he suffers many injustices from a person he adored. to Jehovah.
In fact, it is recorded in Genesis that Jacob himself tells Laban that I have been working for you in your house for 20 years, 14 for your daughters and six for your flock. If Jehovah had not seen for me, you would send me with nothing but Jehovah has been fair to me. but you were not claiming him.
Jacob is with his family and his servants. They give water to a large herd of sheep and goats. Jacob worked 20 years for Laban, who took advantage of him. During that time, Jehovah blessed Jacob. (See paragraph 5).
6. What other problems did Jacob have?
Jacob had to deal with a large family and the fact that his children did not get along with each other, since they did bad things in the eyes of Jehovah. For example, they sold Joseph as a slave, Simeon and Levi dishonored the family and the name of Jehovah. His wife Rachel died giving birth to her son Benjamin and because of a long period of famine, she had to go live in Egypt when he was very old.
Since his family was so big, there were many members, there were many family problems, his children did not always get along, they hated Joseph, they even sold him, Simeon and Levi also made a great killing and dishonored the name of the family, his wife whom he loved He dies, remains a widower and also went through a stage and a period of hunger that had to change his residence even though he was already very old.
7. How did Jehovah show Jacob that he was pleased with him?
Jehovah demonstrated this by causing Jacob to come to have many material possessions despite Laban's deceptions. He also showed it to him when he made it possible for him to be reunited after many years with his son, Joseph. In addition, he befriended him and helped him endure all the trials he had to go through during his life.
Yes, Jehovah made it clear to him that he was happy with him because we see here that despite Laban's constant deceptions he came to have many material possessions and all this thanks to Jehovah, also after so many years he was reunited with his son Joseph at who he believed to be dead, then Jacob was able to endure all those games because he had a strong faith and a great friendship with Jehovah.
If Jacob himself in Genesis 32:10 we can see the words that he expressed about the goodness of Jehovah said he spoke about how faithful he had been to Jacob and the loyal love he had shown Jacob then he could truly feel and see the hand of Jehovah toward him.
And in the same way we too can take the example of Jacob and we can deal with unexpected problems if we have a strong friendship with Jehovah.
8. What did King David want to do?
King David wanted from his heart to build a temple to his God.
1 Chronicles 17:1 mentions that David realized that while he lived in the luxurious house in Jehovah's Ark of the Covenant, he is down to simple cloth tents, so he heartily desired to build a temple to Jehovah.
King David really wanted to build a temple for Jehovah. So much so that he told the prophet Nathan and he told him to do what his heart dictates, because the true God was with him. So we can imagine that he immediately started planning this huge project.
It was interesting that David had done many things for the worship of Jehovah, he had put it on high and yet he realized that in his heart was the great desire that Jehovah had a place of worship so that his people could worship him and when he did He shared with Natán Natán consented and made him see that he could make it true, however, Jehovah's decision would be different.
9. How did David react when his expectations were not met?
The paragraph helps us understand what changed his plans and in first chronicles 29 verse 2 there it says that he spared no effort in making preparations for the house of his God.
Natan returned with bad news for David. Jehovah had told him that very night that it would be one of David's sons who would build the temple. But David did not falter, on the contrary, he continued to work, only with a change in the plans. Now he set out to raise the money and materials to help his son Solomon to carry out the construction of the temple.
David willingly accepted what Jehovah had decided. You are not going to build the temple, but your son is going to build it. He was not bothered by that decision that Jehovah made, but he did not give up on the plans he had to make either, and as the record has already been discussed. from the chronicles in chapter 29 1 to 5 shows that he gave money but also verse number 5 says that he invited or motivated others to donate for the creation or build the temple of Jehovah.
10. How did Jehovah bless David?
Right after telling him that he would not be the one to build him a temple, Jehovah blessed him by making a covenant. He promised her that one of his descendants would reign forever. So when David rises in the new world he will be glad to know that his descendant is Jesus, that King of the millennial Kingdom of God. This teaches us that even though we cannot always do everything we would like for Jehovah, our God can give us unexpected blessings.
Although David did not build the temple, Jehovah blessed him and made a covenant with him that one of his descendants would reign forever on earth.
How nice to think that this blessing from Jehovah, that pact that surely made life very happy to hear it, will become a great joy in the millennium when he realizes that our Lord Jesus Christ the King was his descendant, then as it says there in the end the paragraph that is going to be an unexpected blessing for him.
I also start thinking, for example, about brothers who have often put applications, for example, for bethel or for the school of evangelizers and they just don't give them and it could be how to create a conflict because one can say good but if it's something good that I want to do it to Jehovah because it has not been approved, but David is a good example of how we can modify our goals, stay spiritually active despite this and Jehovah always blesses us.
We can learn from this story of King David who says here that even though we cannot give Jehovah everything we want, what we can be sure of is that since he sees our effort, he knows that we want to put putting first first place the kingdom Jehovah takes into account according to our circumstances but we give him from the heart.
11. What blessings did first-century Christians receive even though the Kingdom did not come when they expected? (Acts 6:7).
First-century Christians faced many unexpected difficulties. And although they really wanted the Kingdom to arrive, they did not know when it would happen, so they continued to be very active in preaching. Jehovah blessed them for it, to the point that everyone could perceive how the good news of the Kingdom reached more and more places. Acts 6:7 shows that the disciples continued to increase in Jerusalem and even a large group of priests began to accept the faith.
As we know, in the same fact, the persecutions that had the difficulties and all the setbacks that were presented to them precisely because of the preaching are recorded and they, with the longing for the kingdom to come as we see, ask themselves the question when will this kingdom come? kingdom, however, waiting for this kingdom, they remained so active that Jehovah blessed them with the fact that the preaching had a lot of fruit what we have just read that even priests accepted the truth when many of them were the ones who persecuted them, then Jehovah's blessings became full before their work they felt satisfied and continued working with great zeal as we know it is recorded in the word of God.
12. What did first-century Christians do during a time of famine?
Despite the fact that this famine affected the entire inhabited earth and that Christian parents were worried because they did not know if they would be able to support the family and the young people wondered if they should postpone plans to expand their ministry, in the end everything adapted and continued doing their best in preaching and willingly sharing what they had with their Judean brethren.
They probably had anxieties about supporting their families or for other goals they might have. They did not concentrate on the problem but now they got involved in doing everything possible to continue preaching as long as they could and share what they had with the brothers who were most needy, all this also teaches us if we have an expectation about something, we have been waiting for the end for many years or suddenly a difficult economic situation comes, instead of lamenting the situation we can take the example of these Christians concentrating on preaching and helping the other brothers and the problems that are going to help us cope with them.
If they continued doing everything possible in preaching and what they had they shared according to their possibilities.
They adjusted to that situation and willingly went ahead serving Jehovah.
13. What blessings did Christians receive during the time of famine?
During the time of famine, Christians who received material help were able to see with their own eyes that Jehovah was taking care of them, which strengthened their faith and trust in him. In addition, those who participated in donations or relief efforts were happy to be able to help their brothers in need.
Jehovah guarantees us that he is aware of the needs that we have and if we put the queen in the first place we will receive them, in this case it was not the exception since these brothers felt the support of receiving material help and also feeling more united with the brothers, they also adapted to these new circumstances which made them happier.
Yes, then everything actually benefited both those who received the help and those who provided the help in fact facts 20:35 says that there is more happiness in giving than receiving and that is what some of these Christians received the blessing of Jehovah and the satisfaction of to know that they were doing the right thing because it says that those who were nations or participated in some relief work felt very happy.
14. What happened to Barnabas and the apostle Paul, and what was the result? (Acts 14:21, 22).
They were preaching in Lystra. At first the people welcomed him and listened to them, but later some enemies turned the people against him, so some stoned Paul to the point of leaving him for dead. However, the result of all this was that Paul and Barnabas went to another place to continue preaching. They not only made a good number of disciples, they also strengthened their brothers with their words and deeds. Without a doubt, this was a blessing from Jehovah for not having given up in the face of persecution.
Today, many of us also suffer from his position and persecution. So this story teaches us that if instead of giving up we adapt to new situations, Jehovah will bless us for continuing to do all we can in the work he has entrusted to us.
When they preached in the region of Lystra at first the people received them well and listened to them but later some enemies turned the people against them to the point that they stoned the apostle Paul and left him for dead, well despite this Such a difficult situation they did not give up despite the persecution what they did was go to another place and continued preaching and saw the blessing of Jehovah because the Bible says that they made a large number of disciples and strengthened the brothers with their words and his example.
Yes, we must bear in mind that it was not a difficult situation because it says here that they stoned them and even left them for dead, so surely that situation could have discouraged both Pablo and Barnabas, they could even have had you for their lives, but nevertheless this did not stop them and the blessings were not only for them but also for the brothers of the first century.
And we can see another reminder that we must adapt to the circumstances and not wait for the circumstances to be ideal for us to give the best to Jehovah in the case of Barnabas and Paul, they did not really sit down and wait for everything to calm down, but instead They did not give up and if we act in the same way Jehovah will bless us.
15. What do you learn from the example of Brother Alexander Macmillan?
I learn not to rush or guess at the end date of this system lest I be disappointed that it doesn't come soon. Like Brother Macmillan, what I must do is continue to preach with enthusiasm, encourage my brothers, attend the meetings and make good use of the time that remains.
Brother Macmillan's story is an excellent example especially for older brothers or those who have been waiting for the end of this system for many years, because they can see that it benefits them to be intensely engaged in spiritual things instead of anguishing thinking that the end does not come soon. The important thing now is to do everything we can to keep our faith strong and help other people in the same way, while we continue to wait for the Kingdom.
If I learn not to get discouraged, even though I've been putting up with this system of things for a few years, I'd rather make the most of my time. For example, he mentioned that what helped him is preaching with enthusiasm, encouraging other brothers not to leave their Christian routine, and that's just what we must all do so as not to get discouraged and then take advantage of the time worshiping Jehovah.
Also, the lesson that it leaves me is that I must remember that I am working according to Jehovah's times, not my own times. So on the contrary, if I would like to make something wait for the indicated time that Jehovah knows what is right and meanwhile keep active and happy.
In addition, I can learn that while the reward that Jehovah has promised to all of us arrives, we must increase our faith with him more, plus my personal relationship with Jehovah, because otherwise if time goes by and expectations are not met, I can become discouraged, but if my faith it is strong if it stays in that state because without a doubt I will reach the end of time.
16. What unexpected problem did Brother Jennings and his wife face? (James 4:14).
He and his wife were very happy being missionaries but some time later he was diagnosed with a mental illness, the brother described that situation as a morning he did not expect.
Brother Jennings faced an unexpected health challenge while happily serving with his wife as a missionary in Ghana. They diagnosed him with a mental illness, for which they had to return to Canada to receive his medical treatment. Even under these difficult circumstances, Jehovah helped both of us so that they could continue to serve him.
This experience shows us that Jehovah's faithful servants are not exempt from suffering the calamities of this system. In this case, it was a sudden illness that quickly changed these things in the entire course of these brothers' lives. Hence, James 4:14 says: they do not know what their life will be tomorrow. As we see, a drastic change can come upon us at any moment. But this story also shows us how important our way of reacting is so as not to fall into frustration and discouragement.
17. How has Brother Jennings' example helped other Christians?
One sister recounts that reading Brother Jennings' Biography and how he had to give up his privilege to take care of his health prompted her to approach her situation in a more balanced way. While another brother tells that after serving for more than 10 years as an elder of the congregation, he was forced to resign due to mental illness. He says that he felt so failed that it was depressing to read the biographies, the perseverance of the brother strengthened him.
From the example of Brother Jennings we learn that if we endure problems that come our way unexpectedly, we can become an example of faith and endurance to others. On the other hand, this experience teaches us that if due to a change in circumstances we can no longer do much in the service, we don't have to feel useless or frustrated. Just like David when he was informed that he would not be the one to build the temple, we just have to make a change of plans and continue to serve Jehovah with enthusiasm as our new circumstances allow us.
Here in the paragraph they give us two examples: the first is that of the sister who was so moved that it helped her to face her situation in a more balanced way and the other is a brother who served as an elder in whom his experience strengthened him, says There came a time when reading those biographies depressed him, but Brother Jennings's made him stronger.
These two examples and many more that we have seen should motivate us to endure because problems can come as a surprise. We do not really know what could happen, as Santiago said, so if we cannot have the life we want, we can also, with our example, be for others who also exercise a faith and an endurance as we watch this system end.
In all the examples that we have seen, the brothers always focus on continuing to work and on being faithful, so here we learn that it is not our vulnerability that helps others, but our fidelity.
18. What can we learn from the example of a widowed sister in Nigeria? (See the photos that stage this experience).
We learn that we must trust in Jehovah and that we must transmit that trust to those around us to strengthen them in their faith and so that they also learn to place their trust in Jehovah. Another lesson we learn is to meditate on Bible stories that describe similar problems or circumstances we are going through and see how Jehovah helped those characters strengthen us and help us endure and have the conviction that Jehovah will intervene to help us.
We learn that whoever places his trust in Jehovah is not disappointed. This sister taught her daughter that they should imitate the example of the widow of sarepta and trust in Jehovah. Then we see how Jehovah responded to that trust immediately through the brothers who brought them a Relief supply package with food for more than two weeks. Now she is a sister and her daughter feels closer to Jehovah.
Well, we learn a great testimony of faith and trust in Jehovah, as is the case of the sister who only had a cup of rice left for that day of provisions after the pandemic and the situations that she had to live, so the girl asked her What are we going to eat after this, mom, well, she says we're going to wait on Jehovah, they didn't finish thinking about all that, we arrived brothers with a supply that was for more than two weeks, that teaches me that Jehovah is always watching over us, taking care of us from us because he is our loving father.
Yes, brother, the story of the first kings 17:8 to 16, this makes us think how the sister was strengthened in that episode from the past where the widow of sarepta did not have to eat either and how Jehovah blessed her loyalty, as with the sister of this example.
It was at that moment that they, especially her, the mother, realized that Jehovah had heard their prayers because precisely as Peter's first says, this five, six, and seven in 7 mainly says that while they cast all their concerns on him, then Surely she was very worried about the difficult situation she was going through; however, unexpected problems, as she said, can make us feel closer to Jehovah.
Images of a mother and her daughter, who face economic problems: 1. A mother and her daughter eat the little food they have sitting outside their humble home. 2. They are very happy when they receive a package of relief supplies. If we trust in Jehovah, unexpected problems can make us feel closer to him. (See paragraph 18).
19. What did Alexei Yershov have to deal with?
The brother had to face persecution in Russia. In 2020, agents broke into his home, searched it, and confiscated many of his belongings. As if that were not enough, months later criminal charges were filed against him, based on videos recorded by a person who for more than a year pretended to be interested in studying the Bible.
Yes, in 2020 they broke into his brother's house, they searched him and confiscated many of his belongings, then the authorities filed criminal charges against him and the worst thing was that he suffered a tremendous betrayal from a person who for a year pretended to be interested in studying the Bible and he was the one who gave the videos to be accused.
20. What has brother Yershov done to make his friendship with Jehovah stronger?
He began to pray more frequently He and his wife also began to meditate on the examples in the Bible and study the Bible to overcome discouragement, have more experience and have the confidence that Jehovah can help him.
The brother and his wife often pray together. He knows that without Jehovah's help it would be difficult for him to cope with this situation. He also studies the Bible to combat discouragement and meditates on the example of faithful servants of the past. He also remains calm and trusts in Jehovah.
21. What did we learn in this article?
We learned that although life in this system can be unpredictable, if we trust in Jehovah, He will always be ready to help us as Psalm 34:19 says. Therefore, we should not focus on problems, but on Jehovah's power to sustain us just as he has. did the apostle Paul, according to Philippians 4:13.
Yes, although life in this system can be essential if we trust in Jehovah, he will always be ready to help us, as you mention in Psalms 34:19, where he says that there are many difficulties for the righteous, but Jehovah freed all of them.
On the other hand, we were helped not to focus on the difficulties, rather to think and realize the power that Jehovah has to sustain us and here the words of the apostle Paul fit well. I have strength for everything thanks to the one who gives me power.
How does Jehovah help us to have a realistic view of life in this system?
Jehovah helps us to have a realistic point of view by reminding us that, although we may find happiness in serving him, that does not mean that we will be free from problems. He encourages us to focus on the eternal future that awaits us, instead of hoping for a perfect life here and now. Jehovah supports us day by day, showing us that his mercy is renewed every morning and that we can trust him to provide what we need.
It also provides us with examples of faithful servants, both past and present, who faced difficulties and trials but found comfort and hope by trusting in Jehovah in the midst of adversity.
Yes, as we saw as servants of Jehovah we are not exempt from going through difficulties in Psalm 34:19 we saw that the righteous go through difficulties but Jehovah frees us from them Jehovah helps us to have a realistic point of view of life in this system but he wants us to focus on the eternal future that awaits us and while helping us to move forward each day.
What did Jehovah do to support his faithful servants in Bible times?
We did see the example of Jacob as despite the changes in circumstances he never lost faith in Jehovah or in his promises and proof of this was that Jehovah was blessing him throughout his life.
Jehovah supported his faithful servants in Bible times in various ways. For example, he bestowed material blessings on Jacob despite the difficulties he faced. He also interceded in difficult situations, such as the recovery of Joseph for Jacob. Jehovah encouraged David by promising an everlasting reign for one of his descendants.
In addition, he blessed the work of the first Christians, strengthening them in their faith and rewarding them for their fidelity. In each case, Jehovah demonstrated his love, care, and support for his faithful servants, thus helping them to maintain faith and hope in the midst of adversity.
Yes, that of King David, as he wanted to build a temple for Jehovah, however, Jehovah through the prophet Nathan told him that it would not be true that he would carry out that work, but this does not mean that he with that removed David's blessing, but rather who assured him that it was through his offspring that this would take place. Yes, the example of Paul and Barnabas was also an example of how Jehovah turned something sad into something very beautiful because although they were stoned and mistreated by other people, other sincere people noticed their example and were attracted to serve Jehovah. for that example of fidelity then Jehovah did all that.
How has Jehovah helped his servants in our day?
Jehovah has helped his servants in our day in many ways. In the above-mentioned article, several examples are presented of brothers who faced unexpected hardships, such as serious illnesses, job loss, and family problems, but who found comfort and hope in the midst of adversity by trusting in Jehovah.
If the case of brother MacMilan, which is taking advantage of time while we wait, we all want the kingdom to arrive but we are going to take care of strengthening our faith and strengthening the faith of others, waiting patiently because Jehovah's times are not the same as ours, So let's take advantage of the time we have.
The one from our sister from Nigeria in which I really liked how we can turn unexpected problems into those tools that bring us closer to Jehovah.
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