Monday, June 26, 2023

SPIRITUAL GEMS: Week from June 26 to July 2, 2023, Ezra from 1 to 3, Answers.

SPIRITUAL GEMS: June-2-July-26-2023, Ezra from 1 to 3, Answers.

Spiritual Gems (10 min.)

Ezr 1:5, 6. What good example do the Israelites who stayed behind in Babylon set for us? (w06 1/15 19 ¶1)

Like the Israelites left behind in Babylon, many Jehovah's Witnesses are unable to serve full-time ministers or serve in places of greatest need, but they support and encourage those who can, making voluntary donations to further the work of Preaching. the kingdom and make disciples.


So this situation opens up an opportunity for us to support others in various ways. For example, with words, with prayers, with specific material help, especially for our local brothers who sacrifice themselves, give their lives, their youth to serve Jehovah.

In context it shows that the rebuilding of Jerusalem and the temple, as well as the long journey from Babylon required a lot of time and effort. It also shows that many of these Israelites were already of advanced age, perhaps some of them had illnesses and family obligations that prevented them from undertaking this great work. However, they supported and encouraged those who decided to return. They also contributed so that they could carry out this purpose. Which is an excellent example to imitate today.

The Israelites who stayed in Babylon set a good example for today's Jehovah's Witnesses, who due to circumstances are unable to undertake regular pioneering or serve in places of greatest need. Just as in the past these Israelites encouraged and supported those who decided to return to restore the temple and the city, these brothers can contribute their voluntary donations so that those who can do more to promote the work of the Kingdom and make disciples can do so.

Well, since they couldn't do what their classmates were doing, they decided to support them, this teaches us that we can also do the same, since not all of us can be full-time servants or go to preach in isolated places, so we can encourage our brothers and even make donations to further the work of the Kingdom.

According to the information provided in Ezra 1:5,6, The Israelites who stayed in Babylon set a good example of support and encouragement to those who can serve as full-time ministers or in places of greatest need.

Although these Israelites did not have the opportunity to return to Jerusalem and participate directly in the rebuilding of the temple, they decided to support Jehovah's work in other ways. For example, they generously contributed voluntary donations to promote Kingdom preaching and make disciples.

This example shows us that not all worshipers of Jehovah can perform the same type of service, but each one can do their part to support God's work according to their circumstances. Even if we are unable to minister full-time or serve in places of greatest need, we can show our support for those who can, whether through donations, encouragement, prayers, or any other form of support.

The Israelites who remained in Babylon teach us the importance of collaborating and working together as a community of worshipers, each playing a valuable role in preaching the Kingdom of God. Their example motivates us to find creative ways to contribute to and support Jehovah's work, regardless of our personal circumstances.

One lesson we can draw from the situation of the Israelites who stayed behind in Babylon is the importance of finding creative ways to contribute and support God's work, even when we cannot directly participate in certain theocratic roles or activities.

This teaching reminds us that each one of us has the capacity to make a difference and make a positive impact in serving God, regardless of our limitations or personal circumstances.

Even though we may not all have the same opportunities or abilities to be full-time ministers or serve in places of greatest need, we can still play a significant role in advancing the Kingdom of God. We can find alternative ways to support, such as making voluntary donations, giving encouragement and encouragement to those who are directly involved in full-time preaching. We can do this by participating in local congregation activities and being a good example of faith and obedience in our daily lives.

What spiritual pearls have you found about Jehovah, the ministry, and other topics in this week's Bible reading?

Ezra 3:33. It teaches us that it is normal for us to feel afraid, what is not normal is to let ourselves be overcome by fear, in this case the Israelites were afraid of the neighboring towns, but even so they put their hands to work, we could feel afraid to give an assignment , when deciding whether to return to Jehovah, or if we will be publishers, it is normal to be afraid, but we must not let that fear paralyze us and prevent us from continuing to progress Spiritually.

Ezra 1:1-2. These first verses of Ezra convey to us, and to our Bible students, that even if they are just starting out and have no knowledge or don't know what to do, it is from the beginning that they have to start building their relationship with God. And this is also similar to baptism, the result of the relationship we have built, now we have to consolidate and strengthen it day by day, building more and more a close and lasting friendship with Jehovah.

Ezra 2:69. It reminds us that Jehovah sees quality, more than quantity, here he uses an expression very similar to the one that Jesus Christ used with the widow of the temple: "He gave what he could", the important thing is that we give what is within our reach, not only with the economic sense, but to give Jehovah our best effort without comparing ourselves with others.

Ezra 1:4. International assemblies or when natural disasters occur and God's people through their organization send humanitarian aid is an example of this verse. In the people of God there is no discrimination, it is a united, integrating people, in which we are all equal, there is no foreigner, we all help each other whatever our race, country, language, etc.

Ezra 2:63. It teaches us that the Israelites used a method to know the will of Jehovah, the Urim and the Thummim. It is true that we do not have such a method, but we have the Bible and biblical principles to discern what Jehovah's will is in situations that arise in our lives.

Ezra 1:9. It is not the first time, far from it, that the Bible uses lists and censuses to keep track of whatever inhabitants or items are. This teaches us that Jehovah likes order, an order currently reflected by his people obeying his terrestrial organization, and an order that we must imitate in our lives with rigorous planning where biblical principles prevail so that we make the most of our lives in the future. service of God without material concerns for being messy people or lax in our behaviors and habits.

Ezra 2:1. What a magnificent verse that we are seeing fulfilled today, for example, by many brothers who have been imprisoned without just reasons, such as in Russia and other countries in which our work is persecuted or limited. They were in captivity for some time, and many of our brothers are still there, but we watch the news and it reflects how time agrees with Jehovah and justifies this world of imperfect people who position themselves in favor of God's people, agreeing with Jehovah that they are just people, a just people.

Ezra 2:62. The importance of having a good name registered before Jehovah and our King Jesus Christ is not taught, we see that some could not prove their identity because there was no record, and they could not enter and eat holy things, In Matthew 7:21 Jesus He taught that many will want to save themselves by saying sir, sir, but he will tell them that he never knew them. Without a doubt, doing God's will in integrity and obeying his commandments is the best way to make a good record or name before our God.

Ezra 2:3-58. There is a curious detail in this list of children of family homes, and it is that it is a meticulous and strict list, with so many children or relatives it is easy for someone to escape or forget, but Jehovah is not like that. And this gives us the assurance that the promise of his resurrection will also be thorough and strict, not only will he not forget any of his children, but he will give them all the happy memories he counted on.

Ezra 3:8. This verse teaches us about Jehovah that he opens his hand and grants great responsibilities to all his servants according to faith and the work they do in their service, no matter how old or how young they may be, these Levites began with 20 years of age. to have a great job, a source of encouragement and encouragement to our young people who, if they exercise faith in Jehovah, will work in his town as God needs them.

Ezra 1:5. This text also reminds us of the importance of preparing ourselves to serve Jehovah. Sometimes we might feel tempted to leave everything to the last minute, and not give importance to spiritual things, but with Jehovah's help we can be organized and value our duration to Jehovah by preparing ourselves in advance.

Ezra 1:2. He teaches us that the prophecies contained in the word of Jehovah never fail. What Isaiah had prophesied 200 years before was fulfilled as mentioned in Isaiah 44:28.

Ezra 3:11. Of course, God's people are fair, orderly, disciplined... etc., but they are also very happy and this is what this verse shows, they used songs to praise Jehovah, which teaches us that we have to be happy people who give thanks to Jehovah and show it with all their hearts, as if singing with joy to honor and glorify the holy presence of God.

Ezra 3:3. Not long ago we saw on the news how a room in Europe was shot with brothers and sisters who lost their lives, a tragedy that reflects that the Word of God is being fulfilled in these times. This verse helps us not to be afraid, not to be afraid to gather in our halls, we can be afraid of the community that surrounds the Kingdom hall, but this did not stop the Israelites from presenting sacrifices in the house of Jehovah with neighboring towns enemies next door, an example of courage to imitate.

Ezra 1:5. It teaches us the importance of praying specifically to God for motivation, He can motivate all of us in the congregation to preach and worship Him with enthusiasm as Philippians 2:13 says.

Ezra 1:4.  He teaches us that we must support our congregation when it is announced that there is a specific need or expense, Jehovah expects us to show our generosity towards our congregation and brothers.

Ezra 3:1-6. These verses show that the 70 years of desolation ended at the time predicted by Jeremiah by divine inspiration. This teaches me that everything that Jehovah promises through the Bible is fulfilled without fail. So the prophecies that are yet to be fulfilled in the near future will not fail.

Ezra 1:3. This verse speaks of rebuilding the house of Jehovah, it is what God wants. What do we learn? Let's imagine that our faith and friendship with God is a house, and now we are going through a moment of weakness in which the foundations shake and we may fall into mistakes that can distance us from Jehovah or do things that distance us from his people. God wants us to rebuild those foundations of faith and return to his people, which he will receive with open arms to every person and servant of God, this also applies to inactivity.

Ezra 1:1. It teaches us that Jehovah moves the kings of this world to fulfill his will and purpose, there is nothing difficult or impossible for him, as Daniel 2:21 says, he removes and puts Kings. In the future God will use the same human Kings to fall into his own traps.

Ezra 1:2. This verse shows how the prophecy of Isaiah 44:28 was fulfilled. So we can use this text in the Ministry to teach how Biblical prophecies will never fail in their fulfillment, since it contains the words of Jehovah.

Ezra 3:12. This verse shows that many of the priests, Levites, and heads of the father's houses who were already old began to cry loudly because they were overcome with sadness at the thought that the new temple was insignificant in comparison with the old one. Today we have learned that this moment was not a reason to get discouraged, since we give honor and glory to Jehovah whenever we put our best effort into Kingdom work, no matter how modest our Kingdom hall is compared to others.

Ezra 3:3-4. These verses show that despite their fear of the neighboring towns, with those who returned to Jerusalem they built an altar to present burnt sacrifices to Jehovah on it and celebrate the Feast of Booths as it was written. This teaches me that even in the worst of circumstances, we must not allow fear to prevent us from keeping our worship and service to Jehovah as a priority in our lives.

Ezra 3:11 . This verse describes how all the people came together to praise Jehovah, thank him, and sing to him. And how they raised their voices because the foundation of the temple had been laid. This reminds me of the dedication that goes into building a new Kingdom Hall or Assembly Hall, and how important it is to be present and united in thanking Jehovah with praise and song.

Ezra 3:10. This verse tells that when the workers laid the foundation of the temple, the priests were dressed in their official clothes and carried the trumpets. For their part, the Levites wore the symbols following the instructions given by King David. This teaches me the importance of going well-groomed to our places of worship and following the instructions given to praise Jehovah in these places.

Ezra 3:1. These verses speak of the union that occurred between the priests, the Levites, and all those who had returned to Jerusalem after the captivity in Babylon to rebuild the temple. They also mention the union that occurred between JesĂșa, Cadmiel and Henadad for the supervision of these works. This teaches me the importance of unity, solidarity and making oneself spontaneously and voluntarily available for maintenance work in our places of worship today.

Ezra 3:1. This verse says that when the seventh month arrived the Israelites were already in their cities and gathered in Jerusalem as one end. This teaches me the importance that Jehovah has always given to his people being organized, since this is essential for the fulfillment of his purpose.

Ezra 2:64-67. He shows that more than 7,500 non-Israelite slaves and professional singers agreed to go to Jerusalem to serve Jehovah alongside the Israelites. This teaches me that any service we give to Jehovah, no matter how small, we must see it as a privilege and value it as these non-Israelite slaves and singers valued it.

Ezra 2:1-67. Shows the list of those who returned from exile in Babylon to Jerusalem. This teaches me that if we let ourselves be used by Jehovah, he will make us do what is necessary to do in the right place and time in order to fulfill his will.

Ezra 1:9. It shows that 30 gold trays, 1,000 silver trays, 29 knives, 30 gold bowls, 410 silver bowls, and 1,000 other utensils were returned. This teaches me that Jehovah always causes everything that belongs to him to be returned to both his house of worship and his people in due time. Hence, we do not have to worry today about the expropriations that have been made of Kingdom halls and branches in some countries where the work of the Kingdom has been outlawed.

Ezra 1:8. It shows that there is no Cyrus commissioned his treasurer Mithridates to oversee, bring out, and list the utensils of the house of Jehovah that would be delivered to Sesbasar, the king of the tribe of Judah. This teaches me that Jehovah can use even non-believers to protect his sacred goods and possessions.

Ezra 1:7. It shows that King Cyrus brought out the utensils of the house of Jehovah that Nebuchadnezzar had brought to Babylon from Jerusalem. This teaches me that Jehovah can use unbelievers to bring justice and restoration to his people and his house of worship.

Ezra 1:6. It shows that all the neighbors provided help with gold, silver and other goods on a voluntary basis. This teaches me that Kingdom work not only unites Jehovah's people in working on it, but can also attract the cooperation and help of others.

Ezra 1:4. It shows how all who remain in Babylon are called upon to lay down silver, gold, animals, and freewill offerings for the house of Jehovah. This teaches me that Jehovah has always encouraged his servants to contribute generously and willingly to Kingdom work, as we have been willing to do since ancient times. 

Ezra 1:3. It shows how the people are called to rise up and travel to Jerusalem to build the house of Jehovah. This teaches me how Jehovah since ancient times has called his people to act and work together so that his will is fulfilled. This fact shows that he considers us his collaborators in the fulfillment of his purposes.

Ezra 1:2. It shows that Cyrus, the king of Persia, recognized that it was Jehovah, the God of heaven, who gave him all the kingdoms of the earth and commissioned him to rebuild his house in Jerusalem. We can use this text in the Ministry to teach people that Jehovah is the sovereign of the universe. Hence, he has power and authority over all the kings and rulers of the Earth. So he can make them act according to his will when he considers it necessary.

Ezra 1:5. It shows that Jehovah prompted all who returned from Babylon to go up and rebuild Jerusalem and her temple. We can use this text in the Ministry to teach people how Jehovah sometimes uses his Holy Spirit to prompt some to perform certain tasks in order to carry out his purpose.

Ezra 1:4. He reminds us about being good neighbors, he says: that your neighbors help you, this makes us think specifically about concrete things, for example: doing good garbage management, how we have our entrance, teaching our children to take care of common spaces and avoid excessive noise.

Ezra 1:4. He teaches us that we must support our congregation when it is announced that there is a specific need or expense, Jehovah expects us to show our generosity towards our congregation and brothers.

Ezra 1:5. It teaches us the importance of specifically praying to God for motivation, He can motivate all of us in the congregation to enthusiastically preach and worship Him, as Philippians 2:13 says.

Ezra 1:2. He teaches us that the prophecies contained in the word of Jehovah never fail. what Isaiah had prophesied about 200 years before was fulfilled as mentioned in Isaiah 44:28.

Ezra 1:5. This text also reminds us of the importance of preparing to serve Jehovah. Sometimes we might feel tempted to leave everything to the last minute, and not give importance to spiritual things, but with Jehovah's help we can be organized and value our worship of Jehovah by preparing ourselves in advance.

Ezra 2:62. It teaches us the importance of having a good name registered before Jehovah and our King Jesus Christ, we see that some could not prove their identity because there was no record, and they could not enter and eat holy things, In Matthew 721 Jesus taught that many they will want to save themselves by saying sir, sir, but he will tell them that he never knew them. Without a doubt, doing God's will in integrity, obeying his commandments is the best way to make a good record or name before our God.

Ezra 2:63. It teaches us that the Israelites used a method to know the will of the Lord, the Urim and the Thummim. It is true that we do not have this method, but we have the Bible and the biblical principles to discern what the will of the Lord is in situations that arise In our life.

Ezra 2:69. It reminds us that Jehovah sees quality, more than quantity, here he uses an expression very similar to the one that Jesus Christ used with the widow of the temple: "He gave what he could", the important thing is that we give what is within our reach, not only with the economic sense, but to give Jehovah our best effort without comparing ourselves with others.

Ezra 3:3. It teaches us that it is normal for us to feel fear, what is not normal is to let ourselves be overcome by fear, in this case the Israelites were afraid of the neighboring towns, but even so they put their hands to work, we could feel afraid when giving an assignment , when deciding if we return to Jehovah, or if we will be publishers, it is normal, but we must not let fear paralyze us.

Ezra 3:10. It says that the foundations of the temple of Jehovah were laid, in a similar way to our faith must have a base, a foundation, the Bible says that our faith must be in Jehovah and his son Jesus Christ, and that we do not put our trust in men, To whom salvation does not belong, many people trust politicians, or powerful people in this system, but in the end they end up disappointed, on the other hand, no one who puts their faith in God will be disappointed.

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