Monday, June 12, 2023

SPIRITUAL GEMS: Week from June 12 to 18, 2023, 2 Chronicles from 32 to 33, Answers.

SPIRITUAL GEMS: June 12-18, 2023, 2 Chronicles from 32 to 33, Answers.

Spiritual Gems (10 min.)

2Ch 33:15, 16. What do we learn from Manasseh? (w21.10 4 ¶11-12)

We learn that if we fail Jehovah we can repent, as long as we are willing to do it wholeheartedly and turn from our evil ways. He not only humbled himself, but prayed, pleaded for Jehovah's mercy and changed his way of acting. In addition, he did everything possible to repair the damage he had done and strove to worship Jehovah and help others to do the same. His example gives hope to even the worst of sinners. This example is clear proof that God is good and willing to forgive, but only those who truly repent can obtain Jehovah's forgiveness.


So the application has to do with repentance for mistakes we have made against Jehovah.

After the record that Manasseh had of so much wickedness and depraved idolatry, And that cost him to be taken prisoner by order of Jehovah. However, he regretted it. In prison he constantly cried to Jehovah for forgiveness from him. He was heard because he saw that his heart had changed and in his expressions he demonstrated it. Therefore, Jehovah was moved by his prayer and returned him to his reign.

And of course then he acted on it with his prayers. Therefore, we not only want to humble ourselves before Jehovah for our previous course, we must also pray for Jehovah's mercies and change our way of acting, in such a way that the damage we have done is repaired, and others see our example so that also come to get forgiveness from Jehovah.

The imperfection inherited from our first parents can lead us to make mistakes that become very serious sins that we never thought we would commit. This example teaches us that no matter how serious it may be, if we pray to Jehovah and really make an effort to change by demonstrating it with actions, God is always willing to forgive us.

This example can also help many people who do not believe in God and have done things in their lives contrary to what the Bible teaches. If every person humbles himself before God, prays fervently, and changes through actions, Jehovah will be willing to forgive him and accept him into his people.

We learn that even the worst of sinners can change and become forgiven by Jehovah. Manasseh, after decades of doing what was bad to a great degree, humbled himself before Jehovah, prayed and begged for mercy and did his best to repair the damage he had done. He also helped others to do the same. From this, we also learn that Jehovah is good and willing to forgive those who truly repent.

From this King Manasseh we learn that he not only humbled himself, but also prayed, pleaded for Jehovah's mercy and changed his way of acting, also did everything possible to repair the damage he had done and strove to worship Jehovah and help others. others to do the same, his example gives hope to even the worst of sinners. This is clear proof that God is good and is willing to forgive as mentioned in Psalm 86:5.

As we could see, Jehovah is so good that those who repent with all their hearts and in a genuine way can be sure that God will forgive them and show them his great love.

What spiritual pearls have you found about Jehovah, the ministry, and other topics in this week's Bible reading?

2 Chronicles 32:1. It shows that this evil King had an objective and was determined to carry it out, we have an invisible enemy who has the objective of entering by force and conquering us, this makes us see the importance of taking care of the concerns of life and power deceitful of riches.

2 Chronicles 33:11-33. These verses show that Manasseh benefited from the discipline he received by being taken to Babylon. In his case, repentance and discipline led him to a change in behavior that was evidenced in his subsequent actions. This teaches us that we must view Jehovah's discipline with the right attitude, since it is a means that he uses to help us correct our mistakes and to give us new opportunities.

2 Chronicles 32:30. This verse shows how Hezekiah endeavored to protect and increase Jerusalem's water supply during the Assyrian siege. If we remember that Jehovah is the Source of Living Water, we learn that at times many of us will have to dig tunnels through the busy daily routine to make room for it, because this priority is not that no one deprive us of this valuable supply of spiritual water.

2 Chronicles 33:15. This verse teaches us that we should not give up on anyone, even if they have a series of serious sins. This was the case with Manasseh. He repented and did his best to show that his repentance was sincere. Therefore, he changed his way of being and acting, fought against false worship and encouraged the people to worship Jehovah.

2 Chronicles 33:13. This verse teaches us that even the worst of sinners have hope of being forgiven by Jehovah, since our heavenly father is so loving that he is willing to forgive those who truly repent.

2 Chronicles 33:11-13 . These verses show that Jehovah heard Manasseh's request and restored him to his kingship, even though few people did as wickedly as he did. This teaches us that on the basis of true repentance, anyone can become the object of Jehovah's mercy.

2 Chronicles 32:12-16. These verses show that Jehovah did not allow himself to be prayed for by Manasseh and heard his request for favor and after that they will do everything he could to rectify his mistakes. This teaches us that a true repentance implies both abandoning the wrong behavior, as well as being determined to do what is right in the eyes of Jehovah, since repentance must also be demonstrated with works and actions.

2 Chronicles 32:21,22. These verses show that Jehovah proceeded to send an angel to finish off the Assyrian army, so that Sennacherib returned to his own country in shame. This teaches us and gives us the certainty that all those who are attacking Jehovah's people today will be ashamed, we just have to be patient.

2 Chronicles 32:16. This verse shows that Sennacherib's servants still spoke against Jehovah and Hezekiah and even wrote letters to revile Jehovah. Similarly, some governments today have accused Jehovah's people of being extremists or terrorists. But just as Jehovah of old gave his due to the Assyrians, he will very soon also bring punishment against those who do not bring his holy name and oppress his faithful servants.

2 Chronicles 32:10-15. These verses show that Rabsaces mocked Jehovah and wanted to debate with the people, but the people remained silent, because King Hezekiah ordered that they should not answer. Today, Jehovah's Witnesses also do not debate our beliefs or teachings of the Bible, rather we imitate the example of Hezekiah and do not respond to such attacks.

2 Chronicles 32:11. This verse shows that the king of Assyria sent Rabshakeh to intimidate the Jews and to destroy their morale and their will to resist. At present, there are also many who try to intimidate and break the integrity of Jehovah's servants, but they are unaware that Jehovah has already prepared us in advance through meetings and assemblies so that we can resist this type of attack, both individually as in the collective.

2 Chronicles 32:6:8. These verses show how Hezekiah gathered the people to encourage and strengthen them by making them see that unlike the Assyrians, Judah was protected by Jehovah and not by an arm of flesh. Today, Jehovah gathers his servants in assemblies to give us encouragement and strengthen our faith in the face of the impending final events of the last days of this system. Hence, the importance of attending all of them.

2 Chronicles 32:6:8. These verses show how Hezekiah gathered the people to encourage and strengthen them by making them see that unlike the Assyrians, Judah was protected by Jehovah and not by an arm of flesh. Today, Jehovah gathers his servants in assemblies to give us encouragement and strengthen our faith in the face of the impending final events of the last days of this system. Hence, the importance of attending all of them.

2 Chronicles 32:7,8. These verses show that Hezekiah encouraged the people to trust in Jehovah and not be afraid of the approaching Assyrian army. From what we learn that even in the worst moments we must continue to trust that Jehovah will take care of us. We also learn that we must pass this conviction on to others to strengthen their faith and encourage us to place their trust in Jehovah.

2 Chronicles 32:30. This verse shows that blocking the water sources that were outside the city was part of the preparation that Hezekiah ordered to be prepared before the siege of the Assyrians. This teaches me that Jehovah's servants must always be alert and prepared for possible calamities that may befall us, either to see them from afar and move away or to know how to face them when it is not up to us to avoid them.

2 Chronicles 32:7,8. These verses also teach us that in the face of an attack, one measure that Jehovah's servants can take is to strengthen our faith and the faith of those around us. Hezekiah trusted in Jehovah and encouraged the people of Judah to do the same, because having strong faith was an essential part of preparing for the Assyrian siege.

2 Chronicles 32:7. He talks about being strong and courageous, we live in times when it is necessary for us to be strong and courageous, not to instill fear, but to remain faithful to Jehovah despite everything that happens around us, it is as if each month brings a new challenge, but remembering that our strength comes from the one who gives us power, reminds us that we can continue one day at a time with the help of Jehovah.

2 Chronicles 32:7. This text encourages us to always remember that there is more with us than against us, that is why the Bible says in Hebrews 1:14 that the Angels take care of us and help us, It is true that we do not see each other, but they are there, this tells us motivates us to continue living apart, in holiness and integrity for Jehovah.

2 Chronicles 32:8. It speaks of the arm of meat, which represents human power, it is unreliable and insufficient for the one who leans on it. Jehovah warns his people how deceitful and disastrous trusting in the human arm can be.

2 Chronicles 32:8. This text also helps us understand that Jehovah does not free us from pain, but he helps us and fights our battles. This encourages us a lot, to remember that whatever happens around us, Jehovah is aware, and he will help us in ways that we do not imagine, since what he says he does without fail.

2 Chronicles 32:8. This text also mentions at the end that the King's words strengthened the people, he did not give a long speech, they were few words, but it works, we can use our words to encourage and strengthen our brothers. For example, when they are going through some type of grief, it is better not to talk a lot but to use few words to give support.

2 Chronicles 33:10. This text shows us that just like in the past, Jehovah spoke to people if they did not listen. Also today, many people do not want to hear the good news either, but this does not have to discourage us, because we are doing the work that Jehovah has entrusted to us.

2 Chronicles 32:26. This text teaches us that at any moment in our lives, perhaps we can feel more than others, but we know that Jehovah hates anyone who is haughty and arrogant, that is why we must have humility to have Jehovah's blessing.

2 Chronicles 32:21. This teaches us that just like Hezekiah who trusted in Jehovah, Jehovah sent his angel and in one night he killed 185,000 powerful warriors, demonstrating how powerful Jehovah is. This reinforces our trust in God, knowing that he will help us in times of distress.

2 Chronicles 32:16. From this reading we learn that they will not always treat us with kindness, since they will try to slander us, and that is why in our Ministry we must be prepared for the things that may arise in our preaching, because on some occasions they will not treat us a kind way, but this should not take us away from Jehovah.

2 Chronicles 32:7,8. This reading teaches me that just like Hezekiah, I trust in Jehovah at all times, it is necessary for all of us to place our trust in Jehovah, even in difficult times and we can be sure that Jehovah will take care of us.

2 Chronicles 32:16. Just like those Assyrians, the current system bombards us with ideas that question the true God, and his servants. They seek to sow doubts, even making us believe that we ourselves are gods, that is why we must take care of ourselves and reject these ideas, not even try to reason with them.

2 Chronicles 32:20. In life we ​​will go through situations that will be battles, and always, especially when we do not see a way out, we must support ourselves in prayer to Jehovah As the king and the Prophet Isaiah did, instead, abandoning Jehovah in a moment of battle is the worst decision we can make. we could take

2 Chronicles 32:21. No one expected Jehovah's response, some doubted that it was useful to pray to Jehovah, but he always keeps his promises, and without fail saved his people, in the future Jehovah will manifest his power and his angels to save his people scattered throughout the world. earth, but day by day Jehovah helps us to move forward with faith and hope.

2 Chronicles 32:22. Jehovah saved the faithful from him, and in modern times he has also saved the faithful from him, despite having lived in confinement, he has given us what is necessary, above all peace of mind. It is true that some died, but as the apostle Paul said in Philippians 1:21, if we live faithful to Jehovah, dying in this system is gain.

2 Chronicles 32:25,  It helps us to think about what happened to Hezekiah. His pride was evident because he showed no appreciation for the good that had been done for him. Something that will help us not to have an attitude that Jehovah hates is to meditate on all that he has done for us and to speak gratefully of it, to remember where he got us from. He gives us the holy scriptures and supports us with the Holy Spirit.

2 Chronicles 32:26. If we realize that we have sinned with pride, we have two options, continue like this or change, a key to developing humility is to ask for God's help and spirit, but we must remember that God gives undeserved kindness, which also includes his holy spirit to the humble as mentioned in the text of James 4:6.

2 Chronicles 33:6. It teaches us that sin is bad, but there are also scales or degrees of sin, like the steps of a ladder, in this case, Manasseh did on a large scale what is bad in the eyes of God, when we see these texts we understand that it was terribly wrong, we may think that we would not do something like this, but the truth is that if we do not take care of ourselves in our inclination towards evil, we could end up like this.

2 Chronicles 33:13. Perhaps we have committed a sin, and we have distanced ourselves from Jehovah, Manasseh's example teaches us that few people have acted so wickedly with him and, nevertheless, on the basis of his repentance, they came to receive Jehovah's mercy. The key is true repentance, and displaying it. That is to say, abandon sin and return to Jehovah.

2 Chronicles 32:8 and 3-7. Hezekiah knew that they were more powerful than they were, because Jehovah would fight in their place. But before addressing the people in those terms, he made preparations. If we trust in Jehovah and pray to him, he will fight our personal wars, but we must also do our part and be prudent, fearful servants and live according to what the Bible teaches us to avoid many situations. 

2 Chronicles 32:8. What Hezekiah said is a great truth and teaches us to trust in Jehovah. Perhaps we see a problem or a certain situation in which we are assumed as a great challenge or impossible, but we must remember that our ability to get out of that situation does not come from us, but from Jehovah, let us pray and he will give us the way out that we need and we are searching.

2 Chronicles 32:10-15. Sennacherib, like Satan in this system, was cunning and used false words and arguments to make the people lose faith in God. Isn't that partly what happens today? A society that teaches us to live luxuriously and up to date? Let us not fall into the trap of earthly pleasures of this system, we must be faithful servants with a strong faith to see beyond what this system says and proposes, because our life is in the Heavenly Kingdom that God will bring.

2 Chronicles 32:18. "They did not stop scaring them." Later in 20 we are taught that fervent prayer caused Jehovah to send an angel and destroy mighty warriors. Today we are afraid in many ways, it is in these moments when our prayer has to become even stronger, because Jehovah will not allow us to have to endure anything beyond that we cannot overcome.

2 Chronicles 32:24-26. In a moment of weakness Hezekiah became arrogant, but he realized it and humbled himself. We may go through a very serious problem, health or other, and we may even get angry at Jehovah, but if our reaction is conscious and we see that we have done wrong and we repent, this text teaches us that Jehovah knows our personal situations, he is compassionate, he puts himself in our place, forgives us and will continue to help us.

2 Chronicles 33:10,11. This verse teaches us that a single person can cause us to derail from the truth and begin to doubt God and practice acts that are not proper in the eyes of Jehovah. Therefore, we have to be careful with the people we share our time with and detect what is in their mind and heart, because it can be a great piece for our faith and service to Jehovah.

2 Chronicles 33:13. Even with everything Manasseh did, Jehovah forgave him. But of course, this forgiveness was not immediate, he had to humble himself and change profoundly and that took time. This verse teaches us the infinite compassion of Jehovah and his immense love to always be ready to forgive a person who deeply repents and changes his actions.

2 Chronicles 33:17. The people, after being accustomed to what they liked or did, did not change their habits. This can be an example for a person who knows the truth and wants those close to him to do it too, it is not easy, it can take a long time for another person to get to know the truth or even not to. And it teaches us that we should not get discouraged, but leave it in the hands of God and that these people do not harm our friendship with Jehovah.

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