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“Are you taking advantage of the audio Bible?” (15 min.): Analysis with the audience and video.
What impresses you most about the production of the audio Bible?
The quality of the narrators and the entire process for their selection are impressive, as well as the number of them, since it is mentioned that there are around 1000. Also the fact that a sequence is maintained in the voice of the Biblical characters, although these appear in different books and letters of the Bible.
All the work on the part of the directors and the rest of the team is impressive so that the narrators transmit the biblical message with the correct emotions, intentions and feelings so that those who listen to the Bible perceive and understand what they really should perceive and understand. It is also impressive that this entire process is applied to long texts as well as one-line texts, which reflects the rigorousness of the process and the quality that is pursued.
Also impressive is the very detailed and exhaustive process that the team goes through to eliminate errors and noises that occur in the voices and even in the stomachs or clothes of the narrators and readers. In the same way, the rigor they use in the recordings of the voices is impressive, since they record each voice separately and then mix them in the edition to achieve a natural and fluid dialogue.
Beyond the technical and technological aspects, the organization's commitment to making the Bible accessible to people around the world in their respective native languages and in such high-quality audio is also impressive. Undoubtedly, it is a great help for people with visual difficulties, hearing intelligence and even for those who do not have much time to read the Bible. Now they can listen to it while they do some other activity such as moving to their places of work or studies.
Another thing that impresses is that the entire process in its different stages is carried out with the help of advanced technology and a highly professional and careful staff. Once again, Jehovah's servants do their best to give the best to Jehovah and their neighbor in their service.
The dedication and commitment of nearly 1,000 selected volunteers to give voices to storytellers and readers is impressive. This denotes his love for Jehovah and his neighbor, as well as his desire to see the Bible message spread on a larger scale.
Personally, it impresses me how Jehovah shows us his justice. The audio Bible is a valuable tool for those who have some difficulty reading it and even for those who simply prefer to listen to it instead of reading it. In addition, in audio it becomes much more exciting and your message comes to life, becoming much more real.
It is impressive how these narrators and readers who lend their voices to different biblical characters apply their own techniques to interpret them. In the video we appreciate how a sister investigates the context to give her interpretation as much precision as possible. This also shows us that in addition to the team effort, there is also an individual effort.
This video is an interesting look behind the scenes of the production process of the audio Bible, and a sample of the impressive effort and care that Jehovah's organization put into this work, in order to make the word more accessible. from God to all who wish to learn from it and come closer to Jehovah.
What impresses is that it is not a dramatized reading, nor does it have sound effects or music, the audio format of the Bible is made in a way that makes it an audio loaded with feelings and emotions that motivate the listener to want Listen more and more.
Something else that impresses is to see that to bring the Bible to the audio format, the responsible Brothers carried out a huge project divided into several phases or stages such as research, training, editing, among others.
It is impressive to see the entire pre-production process. For example, the research phase that involved hard work to identify the biblical stories and characters. As well as giving each of them a voice and even identifying those that are not mentioned by name in the Bible. Also impressive is the comparison they had to make of the parallel stories to maintain the voice sequence of each of these biblical characters.
It is also very impressive to see how other jw.org departments get involved in this project. For example, the art department made larger-scale prints of maps, and the writing department also stepped in to help the research department to make personalized scripts, which would be read by each of the Bible's storytellers and readers.
The systematization of the pre-production process is impressive, since a database was made with all the characteristics of each of the characters to ensure that everything was Biblically accurate.
It's impressive to see all the pre-production work. Each of the narrators and readers who would participate in the project were given personalized scripts. They were also given training to improve their reading skills, so that they could convey emotions and feelings in their readings, and so that they had an exact and uniform pronunciation.
Finally, it is impressive to see the figure of the audio follower or person responsible for ensuring that no word was omitted during the recording of the audios. As we see, the care to give accuracy to the Bible in audio format was something very important.
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