DAILY TEXT, From today Tuesday June 27, Do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul (Matt. 10:28).

DAILY TEXT, Today Tuesday June 27, 2023, Do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul (Mat. 10:28).

Let's Examine the Scriptures Every Day 2023

Tuesday June 27

Do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul (Matt. 10:28).

If we remember when we were studying the Bible, were we a little afraid of becoming Jehovah's Witnesses? Perhaps we thought we could never preach from house to house. Or maybe we were afraid that our family or friends would turn against us. In that case, we can understand what the student feels. Jesus said that some people would have such fears. But he encouraged his disciples not to let fear stop them from serving Jehovah (Matt. 10:16, 17, 27). Let's gradually teach the Bible student to talk about what he is learning. Surely Jesus' disciples got nervous when he sent them out to preach. But he helped them by telling them who they could preach to and what to say (Matt. 10:5-7). How can we imitate his example? Helping the student to see to whom he can preach. For example, Let's ask him if he knows of someone who would benefit from knowing a specific Bible teaching. Then, let's help him prepare what he can say by showing him a simple way to explain that truth. w21.06 6, 7 pars. 15, 16.

What do we learn from what Manuel says?

Let's become friends with the student. We need to show him that we care about him. Because? Let's see what a brother from Mexico named Manuel says about the time he was studying the Bible: “Before starting class, my teacher always asked me how he was doing. This helped me relax and tell her whatever. He felt that he really cared for me ”.

Why is it good that we spend time with the student?

Just as Jesus spent time with his disciples, let us spend time with the student (John 3:22). If he is taking steps and we see fit, we can invite him to our house for coffee or a meal or watch the monthly JW Broadcasting program together. I'm sure he'll especially appreciate being invited over during the holiday season, when he may feel lonely. Kazibwe, who lives in Uganda, says: “My time with my teacher taught me as much about Jehovah as Bible classes. I saw how much Jehovah cares about his servants and how happy they are. That's what I wanted for myself."

Why is it good that we bring different publishers to the Bible course?

Let's invite different publishers to the Bible course. Sometimes we may find it easier to go alone or with the same publisher. Although this can sometimes be practical, the student will benefit from us going with different siblings. Dimitri, who lives in Moldova, says: “Each publisher that accompanied my teacher had their own way of explaining things. This helped me see what I was learning from different points of view. And I was also less embarrassed to go to my first meeting because I already knew many brothers and sisters.”

Why should we help the student to attend meetings?

Let's help the student to attend the meetings. Because? Because meeting together is a command from Jehovah and is part of our worship (Heb. 10:24, 25). Furthermore, the brothers in the congregation are our family in a spiritual sense. When we are with them in meetings, it is as if we are all together enjoying a banquet. By helping the student to attend the meetings, we are helping him take one of the most important steps towards baptism. But there may be some obstacle that prevents you from taking that step. How can we use the Enjoy Life book to help you?

How can we motivate the student to attend the meetings?

 We can use lesson 10 of the Enjoy Life book to motivate the student to attend meetings. Before this book was released, some experienced publishers were asked to discuss this lesson with their students, and they had very good results. Of course, we don't have to wait until we get to lesson 10 to invite the student to the meetings. Let's invite him as soon as possible and do it often. Each student is different and has their own challenges. So let's focus on each other's needs and think about how we can help. Don't be discouraged if you don't come to meetings right away. Let's be patient but constant.

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