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Let's Examine the Scriptures Every Day 2023
Thursday June 29
You are the ones who have stood by me in my trials (Luke 22:28).
Good friendships are based on sincere and frequent communication, and this is also true of Jehovah. When we tell him what we feel, what we think and what worries us, we show him that we trust him and that we know that he loves us (Ps. 94: 17-19; 1 John 5:14, 15). Let's spend time with our brothers. They are a gift from Jehovah (James 1:17). Our heavenly Father shows that he cares for each of us by providing us with a spiritual family of brothers who “love us at all times” (Prov. 17:17). In his letter to the Colossians, the apostle Paul mentioned certain Christians who had helped him and said that they had “become a source of great comfort” to him (Col. 4:10, 11). Jesus Christ himself needed and appreciated the support he received from his friends, both angels and humans (Luke 22:43). Telling a mature brother what worries us is not a sign of weakness; in fact, it can be a protection. w21.04 24, 25 pars. 14-16.
How does Jehovah show that he cares about each of us?
Spend time with our brothers. They are a gift from Jehovah (James 1:17). Our heavenly Father shows that he cares for each of us by providing us with a spiritual family of brothers who “love us at all times” (Prov. 17:17). In his letter to the Colossians, Paul mentioned certain Christians who had helped him and said that they had “become a source of great comfort” to him (Col. 4:10, 11). Jesus Christ himself needed and appreciated the support he received from his friends, both angels and humans (Luke 22:28, 43).
How do our brothers help us draw closer to Jehovah?
Do we seek and accept the help of our brothers in the congregation? Telling a mature brother what he worries us is not a sign of weakness; in fact, it can be a protection. Consider what James says, mentioned in paragraph 5: “Having good friendships with mature Christians has been a lifesaver for me. When negative feelings come over me, these dear friends listen patiently and remind me that they love me. Through them I sense that Jehovah loves me and cares for me.” How important it is that we have good friends in the congregation!
Who should we listen to, and why?
Satan wants us to give up and stop doing what is right. He wants us to think that Jehovah does not love us and he does not consider us good enough to save us. But, as we have seen, there is nothing further from reality.
Jehovah loves us and values each of his servants very much. If we obey him, we will always remain in his love, just like Jesus (John 15:10). So let's not listen to Satan or our hearts when they try to convince us that Jehovah does not love us. Instead, let's listen to Jehovah, who notices the good things each of us has. Let's convince ourselves that he “is delighted with his people”, including you.
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