Sunday, June 18, 2023

DAILY TEXT, From today Monday June 19, 2023, Give us more faith (Luc. 17:5).

DAILY TEXT, From today Monday June 19,  Give us more faith (Luc. 17:5).

Let's Examine the Scriptures Every Day 2023

Monday June 19

Give us more faith (Luke 17:5).

No se desanime si alguna prueba pasada o presente ha revelado que tiene alguna debilidad en su fe. Véala como una oportunidad de hacer su fe más fuerte. Ore de corazón a Jehová, sobre todo en los momentos más difíciles. Y acepte la ayuda que Jehová le puede dar por medio de su familia o de los hermanos. Si permite que Jehová lo ayude a afrontar las pruebas actuales, tendrá más confianza en que él también lo ayudará a afrontar cualquier prueba que venga en el futuro. Jesús señaló aspectos en los que sus discípulos necesitaban más fe, pero nunca dudó de que con la ayuda de Jehová podrían superar las pruebas en el futuro (Juan 14:1; 16:33). Además, estaba seguro de que habría una gran muchedumbre que sobreviviría a la gran tribulación gracias a una fe fuerte (Apoc. 7:9, 14). Usted será parte de esa multitud si aprovecha ahora toda oportunidad para fortalecer su fe (Heb. 10:39). w21.11 25 párrs. 18, 19.


According to Matthew 17:19, 20, what problem did Jesus' disciples have?

Jesus taught his disciples that faith would help them overcome obstacles (read Matthew 17:19, 20). Although they had cast out demons several times, on one occasion they were unable to do so. What was the problem? Jesus explained to them that they needed more faith. He told them that if they had enough faith, they would be able to move obstacles as big as mountains. Today, we too can face problems that seem insurmountable.

How has faith helped Geydi to face a painful tragedy?

Let's see the example of Geydi, a sister from Guatemala. Her husband, Edi, was murdered on their way home from a congregation meeting. She tells how her faith has helped her deal with the immense pain: “Through prayer, I cast my burden on Jehovah, and that gives me peace. I see how he takes care of me through my family and the brothers in the congregation. Keeping busy in serving Jehovah eases my pain and helps me live from day to day without worrying too much about tomorrow. What I have lived through has taught me that no matter what test comes in the future, I will be able to face it with the help of Jehovah, Jesus, and the organization.”

What can we do when we face an obstacle that looks like a mountain?

Have you suffered the loss of a loved one? Take time to strengthen your faith in the resurrection by reading Bible accounts of people who were resurrected. Are you very sad about the expulsion of a family member? Study to convince yourself that God's discipline is always best. Whatever problem is before you, see it as an opportunity to strengthen your faith. Open your heart to Jehovah. Instead of isolating yourself, stay close to your brothers (Prov. 18:1). Engage in activities that will help you endure, even with tears (Ps. 126:5, 6). Do not stop attending meetings, preaching and reading the Bible. And keep meditating on the wonderful blessings Jehovah has promised you. Seeing how Jehovah helps you, your faith in him will grow stronger and stronger.

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