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Bible course (5 min.): lff lesson 10 summary, review and “Resolve this” (th lec. 8).
Publisher: Very good Ishmael. We have seen that it may seem easy to attend the meetings, they are only twice a week, but what is complete is being regular every day of every week of the whole year, like this year after year... why?
Student: Of course, we have studied two reasons that are very true... The first thing we have to do is plan our life with meetings and preaching and then, the second, is that we should not fall into monotony, routine or think that missing once in a while there is nothing wrong...
Publisher: Very good, absolutely right and very well summarized... and why is it even more difficult in your case?
Student: Because unlike the rest of the brothers, they already have the routine of many years and I have to give up habits that I used to do and do to dedicate this time...
Publisher: Excellent, remember that the servants of God, even though they have spent many years in what we call the truth, we also suffer the consequences of this system, of this society, of this world, and many times it is not easy either... so you can seeing reflected in these faithful servants who attend yes or yes, struggling with their adversities... can be a source of empowered encouragement knowing that Jehovah is proud and feels very happy seeing you in the meetings...
Student: Thank you very much Alberto, it is an area in which I am going to work more…
Publisher: I'm glad Ishmael, very good, if you do it as the summary says, you will get closer to Jehovah every day, every meeting and you will strengthen your friendship with him, and not only that, but you will be serving with the people of God in unity…the first review question asks: “Why does Jehovah invite us to go to the meetings?
Student: Because like this, as you said, it is the only way to get closer to God and get to know him in depth together with his people, to become friends with him by serving as he wants...
Publisher: Very good Ishmael, and also, keep in mind Psalm 26:2... in meetings you will have your feet on solid ground... what did this mean?
Student: That I am sure to do things as God says... it is not the same to be with your people than in a bar having drinks for example...
Publisher: For example, and as we have seen throughout the Bible course, I encourage you to continue working on the subject of drink and to be responsible as Jehovah wants us to with the matter of alcohol... the second question: What do you learn in the meetings?
Student: Well look, I learn a lot from God and as you just said, I become more responsible because I begin to value things and life as God sees and values it... before I took many aspects of my life lightly... so I'm applying many beginnings in my life...
Publisher: Yes, I see it reflected in the many adjustments you have managed to make to attend many meetings so you are on the right track working on this aspect... have you seen that it was worth talking to the employer to take the morning shift Thursday?
Student: Yeah, and it wasn't that hard… I thought it was going to be impossible for me to do it.
Publisher: How do you feel now on Thursday afternoons?
Student: I leave the meeting happy and exhilarated... even with the desire and energy to work on a Friday...
Publisher: From what we have seen that one of God's promises is fulfilled in your day-to-day life, which is that the Bible gives you comfort and hope, energy to continue fighting even in an imperfect world with as many problems as the current one... although barely time…How else do meetings help you? Last review question...
Student: I think it's helping me to meet very good people who believe in the Bible and that it's making me leave certain selfish friendships that I'm beginning to see don't do me much and it's harming my own health...
Publisher: The last thing you just commented is a very profound reflection... and it will take a lot of work ahead of you, but the Bible will help you... What does an airplane do before taking off?
Student: Hmm warm up?
Publisher: Yes, it is one of the things but there are many... for example... There is a passenger manifest, there are some suitcases that he carries with him in the hold, the cabin is clean and free of obstacles and the pilot and co-pilot are preparing to take off, They are qualified people with a lot of knowledge… do you see yourself on the plane?
Student: Yes, I'm imagining it...
Publisher: Ok, well, the plane is your whole life... the passengers are the people you choose to share it with, the suitcases are your emotional loads, feelings and thoughts that you choose to take with you, the cabin is your home and it has to be free of temptations such as excessive tobacco or alcohol and you are the pilot who needs Biblical knowledge to take off and not turn back, being your co-pilot Jehovah... what does he want the destination of the trip to be?
Student: Wow... you are making me see things in a different and profound way... I want the destination to be the paradise that our co-pilot promises us...
Publisher: For this... to prepare the trip, one of the things that you can propose is to attend all the meetings and interact with the people of God... What other things can you propose to prepare your plane and have your ticket to the new world?
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