Monday, June 19, 2023

APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY: Week of June 19-25, 2023, Speech, Harness the Power of God's Word in Preaching, Lesson 14, Prepared Assignment.

APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY: June 19-25-2023, Speech, Lesson 14, Assignment Prepared. 

Talk (5 min.): w17.09 25-26 pars. 7-10. Title: Take advantage of the power of the Word of God in preaching (th lec. 14).

Hasn't it ever happened to us that we talk to a certain person about a certain person and use the words or opinion of another person?

Why are we doing this? Let's explain this situation more extensively. We are arguing about a certain topic or situation, about which we know that we are right and that is the case. But the other person feels incredulous at what we say, even though it is the truth and deep down we feel that she is not going to believe us no matter how much we say and it hurts us because we know that we are absolutely right.

We know about the feeling that we are commenting on, right? Then what do we do? We may know that a certain subject is like that, because we dedicate ourselves to it, but this continues without convincing the person until now we say: they said it on the radio or it was on television the other day, or such a person stands out, doctor or professor or expert in a certain subject corroborated it.

This is when the person totally changes and says “Ahh it's true”. Why do we use the words of an authority as an argument? Because he has power, in this system, because of his predominant and publicly recognized social position.

That's right, brothers and sisters, in our ministry we are arguing about spiritual issues that we fully know to be the truth, but no matter how much we argue, people continue to be incredulous. Who has the authority here? Jehovah. We have to harness the power of Jehovah in the ministry and speak through the Bible, argue from the authority of our heavenly Father. In this way, the Holy Scriptures urge us in the text that we are going to read next and that is found in 1 Thessalonians 2:13:

"That is why we also constantly thank God, because when you received the word of God, you did not accept it as the word of man but for what it truly is, as the word of God." Untill there.

The people in the ministry are not going to know the truth with our arguments, but with the power of the word of God, which is what acts on you, those who are and will be believers, as this biblical passage ends by saying.

Jehovah is the one who has to speak through us, because he is the one who has the authority and power to bring the truth to all people.

Does our work end here? Not much less. In the previous example, when we have refused our own arguments even knowing that we were right, in order to convey authority... to this socially recognized important person, we do not introduce them into the conversation as: "that person said"... but rather "the science expert graduated from such a university said…”.

Indeed, each person is different, each social environment is different and depending on the territory, some expressions or others will be used, a certain level of formality or not... that is why, when we mention that these words were written by God, we have to do it with authority that he deserves and give that point of rigor to our speech in such a way that the arguments that we give, imperfect human beings, are distinguished from the being that has created everything... for example, it is very different to say... "look what he says here …” what to say… “look at what is mentioned in the holy scriptures…” Do we notice the difference? Authority. Can. We know God's authority, but the people in the ministry don't have to, which is why we have to mention Jehovah with the authority and respect he deserves.

At this point we have practically the perfect conversation, what are we missing? We are going to read it in Luke 24:32:

“And they said to each other: “Did not our hearts burn within us when he came talking to us along the way, when he clearly explained the Scriptures to us?”

Before mentioning this verse, let's note how the faithful and prudent slave writes "Scriptures", how does he do it? With a capital letter, that is: Authority.

Well, in this text it says that the Scriptures transmitted knowledge and the truth of God, obviously, but when did these words have the power to burn the heart? Yes, when they explained it to him.

Let's go back to the example at the beginning, now this person with authority that we use to defend that we are right is a scientist who uses technical terms. How will the person stay? He possibly can say: "Well, if he says so, I'm nobody to debate it, he'll be right" and he accompanies these words with a non-verbal gesture like a face of not understanding what it means at all.

Therefore, brothers, for the word of God to act with power in the ministry and help us teach the truth, we have to imagine that we are preaching with Jehovah, that He is our companion. That is, Jehovah lays the foundations of authority and power with his Word, and we defend it by explaining the texts well and using the Bible with reason.

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