APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY: Week of June 26 to July 2, 2023, First Conversation, Lesson 3, Assignment Prepared.

APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY: June-26-July-2023, First conversation, Lesson 3, Assignment Prepared.

First conversation (3 min.): Use the topic of ideas to talk and overcome a common objection in your territory (th lesson 3).

Publisher: Good afternoon, my name is Alberto and you may not know me even though I live here in the community and I was talking to the neighbors if I may.

Helper: Well Alberto, if it's brief, maybe I can take care of you...

Publisher: what's his name?

Helper: Ishmael.

Publisher: Very well Ishmael, as you can see, I carry the Bible with me and I am a Jehovah's Witness... surely you know us and I don't know if you usually attend us when we knock on doors...

Assistant: Well, the truth is that I don't usually do it, but as I said, if it's brief, maybe this time I can listen to you...

Publisher: Great, do you usually see us around this territory talking to the neighbors?

Assistant: Yes, the truth is that yes, and to be honest, I usually avoid them...

Publisher: I appreciate the honesty and don't worry, we're used to it… but let me ask you something… Why do you think Jehovah's Witnesses do this?

Helper: Well, as in all religions I suppose... you are recruiting people for your Church...

Publisher: Do you know what the Bible says about God's people compared to the world?

Assistant: I understand that you will say many things...

Publisher: One of them is that it tells us that it would be a minority and that only a few listened to God... so why do you think that these people who claim to be Jehovah's Witnesses insist day in and day out to talk to people even if they don't want to listen to us if the Bible already tells us that this would happen?

Helper: For money?

Publisher: The truth is that no, we do not move for money, in fact we do this work in an altruistic and loving way for God and the same happens with the resources with which we can get information to people... it is not a question of money, so what can Ishmael be?

Assistant: Well, the truth is that I have never talked about this with any witness...

Publisher: What do you think of the Bible?

Helper: That it is an ancient book that supposedly was written or says what God said... but today it is not very useful...

Publisher: It's true in part, let me read you a text, Romans 15:4: "For all things that were written before were written for our teaching, so that through our endurance and the comfort of the Scriptures we may have hope"... For whom? was the bible written?

Helper: For me? And what is she supposed to teach me?

Publisher: Did you know that the Bible said that God's people would be a minority?

Helper: No.

Publisher: Well, we could say that it has already taught him something... although you will tell me, what good is it, right? The reality is that there are many other things that it tells us that can help us in life, and promises that it makes to us, some of which have already been fulfilled, which are for our present and future benefit... at the beginning of this conversation, he told me that you have talked about topics that you had not done before with another witness... Will you give me an opportunity to continue speaking briefly next week and I assure you that we will see another topic that you surely have not touched on?

Assistant: You kept your word to be brief, and it is true that you have told me something different from what I did not know... so I take you at your word again, what are you going to tell me next time?

Publisher: I will tell you and I will mention some promises that will give you a lot of hope even if you do not believe much in the Bible...
