Monday, June 12, 2023

APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY: Week of June 12 to 18, 2023, Bible Course, Lesson 10, point 5, Lesson 19, Prepared Assignment.

APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY: June 12-18, 2023, Bible Course, Lesson 10, point 5, Lesson 19, Prepared Assignment.

Bible course (5 min.): lff lesson 10 point 5 (th lec. 19).

Publisher: Now we will discuss point number 5, Effort is required to attend the Meetings. Do you think that people would make an effort to go and listen to talk about God?

Student: Well that depends on how much love you have for God to make sacrifices. 

Publisher: Now let's see an example in Luke 2:39-42 Please read it.

Student: Yes, the text says:….. 

Publisher: It amazes me to think of the effort Jesus' family had to make to attend the meetings in Jerusalem. Do you think this trip required effort on the part of Jesus' family? 

Student: Definitely. Just imagine that for three days they had to travel through a mountainous region to reach the temple. This demonstrates your commitment and dedication to the worship of Jehovah. 

Publisher: And added to that, the trip was on foot, since there weren't the technological scopes that exist now, such as planes, cars and trains. 

Student: I think because of that they had to walk for three days.

Publisher: And have you ever walked that long?

Student: To be honest, I have never walked so much. 

Publisher: Well today we don't have those problems, but other situations could arise. What obstacles would we face in attending meetings? 

Student: Well today it seems that there are not many obstacles compared to what there were before. 

Publisher: How about if you could make a goal to find the time to attend or overcome some distractions of everyday life. 

Student: Yes, that would be a good goal, for example now we can find obstacles such as distance, family responsibilities or even work pressures. 

Publisher: You are quite right, those are some obstacles, but we must remember that Our effort to come together is a show of love and devotion to Jehovah. And you think it's really worth it. 

Student: I suppose that will benefit us.

Publisher: What do you think if we read what the text of Acts 10:24,25 says, could you please read it.

Student: Yes of course it goes like this:…

Publisher: According to the text read, why should we have the habit of going to meetings?

Student: Well, according to what we have read, the Bible teaches us that we should be aware of each other, and motivate ourselves to show love to each other and do good works.

Publisher: Then coming together gives us an opportunity to strengthen each other, receive encouragement, and learn more about Jehovah's will.

Student: I hadn't thought about that.

Publisher: And also, by being together, we can encourage each other as the day of judgment approaches. Meetings give us a constant reminder of our purpose and help us stay strong in our faith.

Student: I get it now. Even though it takes effort, the value of the teaching and spiritual growth we experience at meetings is unmatched. It fills us with strength and helps us face the challenges of life.

Publisher: You've come to a good conclusion, now let's look at the next paragraph.

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