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"Who has created these things?" (IS. 40:26).
1. What do Christian parents want?
PARENTS, we know you want to help your children know and love Jehovah. But, since God is invisible, what can they do to make their children see him as someone real and get closer to him? (James 4:8).
2. How can parents teach their children about Jehovah and his qualities?
2 One important way parents can help their children draw closer to Jehovah is by studying his Word together (2 Tim. 3:14-17). Now, the Bible shows another way that young people can learn more about Jehovah. In the book of Proverbs, a father talks to his son, apparently encouraging him not to lose sight of Jehovah's qualities, which are reflected in creation (Prov. 3:19-21). Next, we will look at how parents can use creation to teach their children about Jehovah and his personality.
3. What help should parents give their children?
3 Speaking of God, the Bible says that “his invisible qualities […] have been clearly seen since the creation of the world, since they are perceived by created things” (Rom. 1:20). Parents, don't you enjoy spending time outdoors with your children? Use these opportunities to help them see the relationship between “created things” and Jehovah's wonderful qualities. Let's see what lessons parents can learn from Jesus' example.
4. How did Jesus use creation to teach his disciples? (Luke 12:24, 27-30).
4 Notice how Jesus used creation to teach. On one occasion, he asked his disciples to observe the ravens and the lilies (read Luke 12:24, 27-30) . Jesus could have mentioned any animal or plant, but he chose a bird and a flower that his disciples knew very well. Surely they would have seen crows flying in the sky and lilies blooming in the field. Jesus may have pointed these things out as he was speaking to them. And what did Jesus do after mentioning these examples? He taught his disciples a powerful lesson about the generosity and goodness of his heavenly Father: Jehovah will feed and clothe his faithful servants just as he feeds the ravens and the flowers of the field.
5. What examples from creation can parents use to teach their child about Jehovah?
5 Parents, how can you imitate Jesus' way of teaching? For example, you can talk to your child about an aspect of creation that you like, such as a favorite plant or animal. Don't forget to explain what that tells us about Jehovah. Then you could ask your child which animal or plant he likes best. If you talk to him about Jehovah using things that catch his attention, he is likely to listen with more interest.
6. What do we learn from Christopher's mother?
6 This does not mean that parents have to spend a lot of time researching a particular animal or plant. Jesus didn't get involved in giving a detailed explanation about the eating habits of crows or the cellular composition of lilies. His son may like to learn complex details about nature, but sometimes a simple comment or question is enough to teach him something about Jehovah.For example, a brother named Christopher recalls: “My mom used to make simple comments about our surroundings to help us appreciate creation. When we were near some mountains, she would tell us: 'What huge and beautiful mountains! Isn't Jehovah amazing?' Or, when we went to the sea, she would tell us: 'Look at those strong waves! God has to be very powerful.'” Christopher says: "With such simple ideas she made us think a lot."
7. What can you do to teach your children to meditate on creation?
7 As your children grow, you can teach them to meditate on creation and learn lessons about Jehovah's personality. They can mention something specific in nature and ask their children: “What does this teach you about Jehovah?” They may be surprised to hear your answer (Matt. 21:16).
8. What could the Israelites do when they were “on the road” with their children?
8 The Israelites were instructed to teach their children Jehovah's commandments when they walked “by the way” (Deut. 11:19). Along the rural roads of Israel one could see a great variety of animals and flowers. So Israelite parents could use the occasion to arouse their children's curiosity about Jehovah's creation. Today, parents can do the same. Let's see what some of them have done.
9. What do you learn from Punitha and Katya?
9 A mother named Punitha, who lives in a huge city in India, says: “We have family in the country, and when we visit them, we take the opportunity to teach our children about Jehovah's wonderful creation. It seems to me that being away from the chaos of a city full of people and cars makes it easier for children to understand what creation teaches us”. Parents, chances are your children will never forget the time they spend with you in beautiful, natural surroundings. Katya, a sister from Moldova, recounts: “I remember the times I spent with my parents in the fields as if it were yesterday. I am very grateful to them for teaching me from such a young age to stop and look at what Jehovah has created and to meditate on its qualities.”
10. What can parents do if it is difficult for them to leave the city? (See the box “Helps for parents”).
10 And if you find it impossible to go to the field? Amol, who also lives in India, says: “Where I live, parents have to work long hours, and a trip to the countryside can be expensive. But you can look at creation and talk about Jehovah's qualities in a park or on a balcony.” Parents, if you look carefully, you will also find many aspects of creation around you that you can show your children (Ps. 104:24). They may see birds, insects, plants, and much more.Karina from Germany explains: “My mom loves flowers. So when I was little and we would go for a walk, she would point out the pretty flowers along the way.” They can also use the many videos and publications on creation that Jehovah's organization has produced. Whatever your circumstances, you can help your children see what God has done. Next, let's look at some of Jehovah's qualities that you can talk about with your children.
A mother tells her little daughter to watch a butterfly fly past them. They are in a city, on a balcony of the building in which they live. Even in a city, there are aspects of creation that you can use to teach your children about Jehovah. (See paragraph 10).
Aid for parents
They can take advantage of the following information, which is available at jw.org:
The articles and videos in the section “Did someone design it?”
The booklet Is Life the Work of a Creator?
The Wonders of Creation Video Reveals the Glory of God
The videos of the section "Opinions on the origin of life"
11. What can parents do to help their children perceive Jehovah's love?
11 To help your children perceive Jehovah's love, you can talk about the tenderness with which many animals care for their young.—Matt. 23:37. They can also mention the extraordinary variety that exists in creation and that we like so much. Karina , mentioned in the previous paragraph, says: “When we would go for a walk, my mother would encourage me to stop and notice that each flower is different and how its beauty reflects Jehovah's love. Although a few years have passed, I still notice the variety, design and colors of the flowers. All of that reminds me how much Jehovah loves us.”
12. What can parents do to help their children see Jehovah's wisdom? (Psalm 139:14; see also images.)
12 Help your children to see the wisdom of Jehovah, which is certainly far superior to ours (Rom. 11:33). For example, you can explain that water turns into clouds and floats through the air to easily reach other places (Job 38:36, 37). You can also tell them about the amazing design of the human body (read Psalm 139:14). Look at how a father named Vladimir did it . He recounts: “One day, our son fell off his bike and injured himself. After a few days, the wound healed. My wife and I explained that Jehovah created our cells with the ability to repair themselves. And we also told him that this is something that things that human beings do not have. For example,a car does not repair itself after an accident. With this explanation, our son was able to understand the wisdom of Jehovah.”
A father is talking to his son while holding a band-aid. Magnified view of the boy's knee shows that he scraped himself. To teach your children about God's wisdom, you can talk about the amazing design of our bodies. (See paragraph 12).
13. What can parents do to help their children think about Jehovah's power? (Isaiah 40:26).
13 Jehovah invites us to look up to heaven and think about how his mighty power keeps all the stars in their place.—Read Isaiah 40:26. You can encourage your children to look at the sky and think about what they see. A sister from Taiwan named Tingting remembers something that happened to her when she was a child. She recounts: “Once, my mom and I went camping, and since we were far from the city, we could see a clear sky full of stars. At that time I was facing pressure from my schoolmates and I was worried about failing Jehovah. My mom encouraged me to think about the power Jehovah used to create all those stars and to remember that he, too, could use that power to help me be faithful.After observing creation on that trip, I wanted to know Jehovah better and serve him no matter what.”
14. How can parents use creation to help their children see that Jehovah is a happy God?
14 Jehovah's creation shows that he is cheerful and has a sense of humor. Scientists have observed that most animals play, including birds and fish (Job 40:20). It is probable that his children have seen a kitten chasing a ball of wool or some puppies playing with each other, and they have laughed when observing the scene. The next time his children are amused by the funny things an animal does, why not remind them that we serve a happy God? (1 Tim. 1:11).
15. What can help parents find out what their children are thinking? (Proverbs 20:5; see also image.)
15 Sometimes parents have a hard time getting their children to tell them about their problems. If that happens to you, what can help you find out what your children think? (Read Proverbs 20:5.) Some parents have had good results talking to their children while enjoying nature. Because? One reason is that there are fewer distractions for both children and parents. A Taiwanese father named Masahiko explains another reason: “When we spend time outdoors with our children—whether in the mountains or on the beach—they are generally more relaxed. That's why it's easier for us to talk to them and find out what they think and what they feel.”Katya, mentioned in paragraph 9, says: “After class, my mom would take me to a very nice park. In that quiet place, I felt more comfortable talking to her about what was happening at school or what was worrying me.”
A young girl tells her mom how she feels. They are sitting on a park bench. While you are enjoying nature together, your children may be more relaxed and want to tell you what they are feeling. (See paragraph 15).
16. How can families enjoy Jehovah's creation?
16 Jehovah's creation also gives families the opportunity to relax and have fun, and that brings them closer together. The Bible says that there is "a time to laugh" and "a time to leap" (Eccl. 3:1, 4, note). Jehovah has created beautiful places where we can do things we like. Many families love to spend time in a nature reserve, in the countryside, in the mountains, or on the beach. Some children enjoy running and playing in a park, watching animals, or swimming in a river, lake, or ocean. Without a doubt, there are many ways to enjoy nature and all that Jehovah has created.
17. Why should parents help their children enjoy Jehovah's creation?
17 In the new world, parents and children will enjoy Jehovah's creation like never before. We will no longer be afraid of animals; nor they to us (Is. 11:6-9). We will have plenty of time to enjoy all that Jehovah has done (Ps. 22:26). But parents, don't wait until then to help your children observe and learn from creation. If from now on you use creation to teach your children about Jehovah, surely they will feel like King David, who said: “There is none like you, O Jehovah, nor are there works like yours” (Ps. 86: 8).
What do we learn from the way Jesus used creation to teach?
We learn that Jesus used creation to teach spiritual truths. For example, he spoke of the lilies of the field and the birds of the sky to teach his disciples about trusting in Jehovah and the importance of seeking first the kingdom of God, then by following his example the Parents can use creation to teach their children about Jehovah, his qualities and his purposes.
When and where can parents teach their children about Jehovah?
Parents can teach their children about Jehovah anytime, anywhere. They can take advantage of everyday moments, such as when they are at home, in the park, when they go for a walk, to talk about the Wonders of creation in Jehovah's qualities. You can also use the many resources available on jw.org such as articles, videos, and publications on creation.
Why is it good for families to spend time enjoying nature?
It is good for families to spend time enjoying nature because it gives them the opportunity to relax and have fun, which makes them more united. In addition, Jehovah's creation offers beautiful places where you can do things that families like, How to spend time in a nature reserve, in the countryside, in the mountains or on the beach.
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