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"Who has created these things?" (IS. 40:26).
1. What do Christian parents want?
Christian parents certainly want to help their children to know and love Jehovah, so they should help them draw closer to him.
Good Christian parents want to help their children to know and love Jehovah and it is said that good Christian parents, because there are parents who abandon their children, who do not love them, prefer to leave the burden or work to another person or third parties . So that's why they say good parents, responsible parents who want to help their children.
As Christian parents we wholeheartedly want our children to know Jehovah, and not only that, but to see him as a real God, to get close to him and most important of all, to love him with all their hearts.
2. How can parents teach their children about Jehovah and his qualities?
They can help them, for example, by analyzing the Bible together, and another way is by encouraging us not to take creation for granted, but to see in it the qualities that it reflects from Jehovah.
Yes, it is very interesting and I think that parents should understand one thing, children, children are very logical, that is, if they do not see Jehovah, if they do not see, they have to give many arguments so that they come to think that he exists, and the argument that we have at hand is creation. So that creation has to be used very well for a child who uses a lot of logic to see Jehovah as someone real.
Proverbs 3:19-21, contains paternal Instruction from Jehovah and encourages us to observe the Earth, the heavens and the deep waters, not to lose sight of these things, because in them we can extract many qualities that it possesses in knowing more than your personality.
We note in an important way that it is: Studying the Bible together, that is very important, as Second Timothy 3:14-17 says. there it is mentioned that Timothy was persuaded to believe from childhood. And this is very important because he gave her a basis for his faith.
Another way that young people can learn more about Jehovah is in another book, and that is the book of creation. The book of Proverbs mentions a father talking to his son and apparently encouraging him not to lose sight of the qualities of Jehovah that are seen in creation. We notice this in Proverb 3:19 to 21 and there it talks about how God laid the foundations and the earth with wisdom, the heavens with discernment and knowledge in the deep waters in the dew. For example, and he says don't lose sight of these things, he talks about practical wisdom and the ability to think.
3. What help should parents give their children?
They must help them to see the relationship between creation and the beautiful qualities of our God, and for this they can use the occasions in which they enjoy the outdoors with their children.
Parents should take advantage of the moments we spend with our children outdoors, to help them see the relationship that exists between created things and the wonderful qualities of Jehovah. As the apostle Paul pointed out at Romans 1:20, Jehovah's invisible qualities are also manifested in his creation, so we must teach our children to think and reflect on them.
And the expression they perceive this implies that you have to meditate and scrutinize, of course this is a task that corresponds to the parents because the children cannot do it and it is the help they need.
In Romans 1:20 he mentions that we must help them see the relationship that exists between creation or created things and the wonderful qualities of Jehovah, that is the objective that a Christian father should have, instead of assuming that she is and that there is nothing important, it is normal, so to speak that it is so and take it for granted. That is why the text encourages us to show the relationship of the invisible qualities, by the visible, referring to creation.
4. How did Jesus use creation to teach his disciples? (Luke 12:24, 27-30).
Jesus used creation to teach his disciples about God's goodness and care. In Luke 12:24, Jesus tells his disciples to consider the ravens, which neither sow nor reap, but God feeds them. In verses 27-30, Jesus tells them about how God Clothes the flowers of the field and tells his disciples not to worry about their material needs, but to trust in God. In short, Jesus used creation to teach his disciples about God's generosity and care in everyday life.
He did know how to choose very, very well because for example the ravens were an impure bird, then Jesus' argument had even more force, if God feeds the ravens that are impure, then even more so his faithful servants who trust in him.
For example, the Gospel of Luke says that Jesus specifically mentioned Jehovah's creations, ravens and lilies, a bird and a flower that his disciples knew very well. By speaking of these, Jesus wanted to teach them about the generosity and goodness of his heavenly father. He wanted to make it clear to them that: Jehovah will feed and clothe his faithful servants just as he does with the ravens and the flowers of the field.
Jesus taught profound truths with simplicity, using things familiar to them, with the goal of teaching them powerful lessons about Jehovah's wonderful qualities. This example teaches us that in the preaching work and also with our students we can use simple examples of creation to help people come to know Jehovah's beautiful qualities, so that they can come to love him, know him, and be the servants of Jehovah. he.
5. What examples from creation can parents use to teach their child about Jehovah?
Parents can use many examples of creation to teach their children about Jehovah, by, they can start by telling them about their favorite animal or plant, and tell them what that teaches us about God, they can also ask what animal or plant they like best and so on. Gradually gaining interest.
Also, when they are given homework it is another opportunity to teach them about Jehovah, one of these is when they ask them to make a drawing or model of the planets, there we can tell them that the universe is always in motion, but it is not a wrong or unpredictable movement, rather, the planets, the stars and the galaxies move throughout space following precise physical laws, and it is because Jehovah, the God of order, dictated the laws that govern it. So, in this simple but profound way, we help our children to reflect on our creator, Jehovah.
Good The idea is to imitate Jesus, using known examples, the Parents can talk about some aspect of creation that they like. For example, your favorite plant, your favorite animal, and explain what that tells us about Jehovah. Then you could ask your son or daughter, which animal or plant do you like the most? If we talk about Jehovah using things that catch your attention they are likely to listen to us and show interest.
6. What do we learn from Christopher's mother?
We can learn that in order to talk about creation it is necessary to investigate a certain animal or plant a lot, since sometimes a detailed explanation is not necessary, but rather very simple comments that make us think about how the mother of the brother mentioned in the paragraph did exactly , since if she was near the mountains, she would tell them how huge and beautiful they were, which made them see how amazing Jehovah is, or if they were in the sea, she would mention how powerful God is.
And here we see, as he mentions in the paragraph, he says that Jesus did not complicate himself by giving a detailed explanation about the eating habits of crows or the cellular composition of lilies, Jesus, as we have seen in the speech, was an expert worker so he could have done it , but he didn't so we learn a lot from him.
We learn that we must not complicate things, we must speak simply as Jesus did, Christopher's mother did not complicate the subject of creation with endless and endless conversations, she simply said that mountains are so big and beautiful, it is true that Jehovah is Amazing when they went to the sea she would say Look what a strong wave, God must be powerful, very powerful, and with those simple ideas it made her think a lot. There are deep truths with simplicity, not deep truths with complexity.
The experience of our brother Christopher teaches us that we should not complicate ourselves or look for such detailed explanations to teach our children something about Jehovah. Rather, he shows us that sometimes just making a simple comment or question is enough to teach them something profound about Jehovah.
7. What can you do to teach your children to meditate on creation?
For example, they can specifically about and ask their children: What does this teach you about Jehovah? or What makes you think about Jehovah's wisdom? In this way they will learn to meditate on creation.
These questions will make them think and may even surprise us when they give us their answers.
And that can be done, because by talking to them about something concrete in nature and then asking them what Jehovah teaches you and as Jesus said, parents can also be surprised when they see how children praise Jehovah.
The Israelites had to teach them about Jehovah, and the Rural roads lent themselves to it, since there was a great variety of animals and flowers, So parents had to take advantage of these opportunities to arouse their children's curiosity about creation.
8. What could the Israelites do when they were “on the road” with their children?
The Israelites had to teach them about Jehovah, and the rural roads lent themselves to this, since there was a great variety of animals and flowers, so parents had to take advantage of these opportunities to arouse their children's curiosity about creation.
They could teach them the commandments of Jehovah, in fact this was not something optional, it was a direct commandment from the creator that is in Deuteronomy 6:6,7 to talk to them along the way when he gets up, when he lies down, at all times. Jehovah wanted his children to be focused at all times on his commandments.
How beautiful it is that Jehovah wants his children to be taught, but there is also the responsibility, as he gave the people of Israel, of parents to teach their children, because all of us who have had children know that children ask many questions. So how important it is that we know the children's question and that we know how to relate it to Jehovah's creation, because that is what will make them reason about what Jehovah teaches them and what parents teach their children.
9. What do you learn from Punitha and Katya?
From Punitha and Katya, we learn that it is important for parents to teach their children to meditate on creation and appreciate Jehovah's qualities reflected in it. We also learn that Parents can find opportunities to teach their children about creation and Jehovah's qualities, even if they can't go to the field often, and take advantage of those opportunities they have.
In the case of our Sister Punitha who lives in India, we know how are the cities of India with traffic congestion, in those places it is not easy to be able to dialogue with our children and teach them what Jehovah created, that is why there is We have to use any opportunity that comes our way to be able to be calm and be able to talk and dialogue with them and make them see the importance of appreciating Jehovah's creation.
The two sisters remember how their parents took them for a walk in the countryside. In this beautiful and natural environment they could observe Jehovah's wonderful creation and meditate on its qualities. So this teaches us that places that are far from the chaos of a city are favorable for our children to keep a good memory and above all teach them about Jehovah's creation.
We learn to take every opportunity to teach our children about Jehovah.
We also learn that living in the city could be an obstacle to focus on creation but with Jehovah's help it is not impossible to do so.
In addition, we also learn that time passes quickly, and it is in our hands what kind of memories we will leave our children.
10. What can parents do if it is difficult for them to leave the city? (See the box “Helps for parents”).
If parents find it difficult to leave the city, they can observe creation and discuss Jehovah's qualities in a park or on a balcony. They can also find aspects of creation that they can show their children, such as birds, insects, plants, and much more. In addition, they can use the many videos and publications on creation that Jehovah's organization has produced. In short, Parents can help their children see what God has done, even if they can't go to the field.
Well, although it is true that in the city we do not have a natural environment, but we do have other places such as parks or perhaps our own house, we have plants or pets, they are creations of Jehovah in which we can also see their qualities and teach them to our children.
It is true that Satan in his efforts to distance us from Jehovah has made the earth a rather ugly place full of asphalt stones, difficult to see creation, but nevertheless Psalm 124 reminds us of a truth, it says how many are your works, O Jehovah, with wisdom you have made them In fact, all the earth is full, so if the earth is full of your creations, we have to look for them because they are still there, Satan is not going to get us not to find any.
If it is difficult for us to leave the city, what we can do is take our children to the park, it is possible that we will see some birds, insects or plants there, we must tell them that these creations teach us a lot about Jehovah. We can also use the many videos and publications on creation that Jehovah's organization has produced. So, the important thing is that we parents pay attention to our environment and look for some aspect of creation that we can show our children and thus teach them about Jehovah.
A sister named Karina from Germany explains that her mom loves flowers. So, when she was little and she would go for a swim, she would point out the pretty flowers along the way, and this is a great example for those of us who are parents, we can use beautiful aspects of creation to help our children. love Jehovah.
In the image we see that even in a city there are aspects of creation that parents can use to teach their children about Jehovah, there is the mother teaching her little girl about Jehovah and that is very important to teach them that there is a creator and teach them the respect that we must have for nature, for Jehovah's creation, for animals and the beautiful variety of flowers.
Jehovah is educating us to know that there is a creator who is interested in us, but also in his creation, and Jehovah expects from his servants to respect nature and animals, even if they are small, even if they are ants, that they are butterflies, they are Jehovah's creation and they deserve that we respect them, of course many people do not share this opinion, quite the contrary, that is why Matthew 7:12 encourages us to do or we would like them to do to us.
A mother tells her little daughter to watch a butterfly fly past them. They are in a city, on a balcony of the building in which they live. Even in a city, there are aspects of creation that you can use to teach your children about Jehovah. (See paragraph 10).
Aid for parents
They can take advantage of the following information, which is available at jw.org:
The articles and videos in the section “Did someone design it?”
The booklet Is Life the Work of a Creator?
The Wonders of Creation Video Reveals the Glory of God
The videos of the section "Opinions on the origin of life"
11. What can parents do to help their children perceive Jehovah's love?
For example: we can talk about the tenderness with which many animals care for their young. Tell them that, in the same way, Jehovah is a loving God and cares for us tenderly.
Well, as this paragraph indicates, since they can speak with tenderness, the tenderness that many animals express when raising their young, Jesus mentions Matthew 23:37, in this case, the hen as she gathers her chicks under her wings, undoubtedly to protect them, in the animals you can see this both the puppies and the cats when they are young as the mother cares for them with great tenderness.
Parents can help their children perceive Jehovah's love by talking about the tenderness with which many animals care for their young, and by mentioning the extraordinary variety in creation, and by encouraging their children to stop and take notice of the variety, pattern and colors of flowers, and explain how their beauty reflects Jehovah's love, so Parents can help their children perceive Jehovah's love by talking about the tenderness and variety in creation .
For example, as Karina recounts, when she went out for a walk with her mother, she encouraged her to stop and notice that each flower is different and how its beauty reflects Jehovah's love. This teaching of hers left its mark on her because over time she continues to notice the variety, design and colors of flowers. All of this reminds us how much Jehovah loves us. So, we must teach our children how different creations of Jehovah reflect his great love.
12. What can parents do to help their children see Jehovah's wisdom? (Psalm 139:14; see also images.)
Parents can help their children see Jehovah's wisdom by talking about the amazing design of the human body, and how Jehovah created our cells with the ability to repair themselves. He can also explain how water turns into clouds and floats through the air to easily reach other places. Parents can use simple, everyday examples to help their children understand Jehovah's wisdom and how he is superior to ours.
Well, here comes an illustration that we have all suffered as children and well, it is the falls, the accidents, the blows and how the body truly regenerates, it is a very wise way of showing children how Jehovah has made us in such a way that we even we can recover unlike what the human being believes that he needs additional help to recover, the human body regenerates and that shows the wisdom that it is done by Jehovah.
For example, we can tell you how wise Jehovah is when creating the water cycle, our creator makes the water condense in the clouds and then it falls as rain over specific regions, which shows us the superior infinite wisdom that has Jehovah.
And we see that this brother has used a simple explanation to reach the child's heart because he says here with this explanation our son managed to understand Jehovah's wisdom, so we don't have to get too complicated with simple explanations, the children can understand it.
Also, as we see in the image, a father explains to his son how a wound healed because Jehovah designed the human body with cells that have the ability to regenerate, he mentions that, in the case of a car, it cannot be repaired by itself after an accident. This comparison makes the son understand that Jehovah's wisdom is far superior to that of any human being.
We have here an example the child was injured on his bicycle, he scratched himself perhaps from a fall, but there the father took the opportunity to help him, to heal him and at the same time to speak to him about Jehovah, I explain to him that when he fell and after a few days that wound healed. He and his wife explained to him that Jehovah created our body, as the Psalm says in a marvelous and impressive way, our cells are capable of repairing those wounds and they also told him that this is something that those who manufacture cars do not have, for example, since a car crashes or even makes a slight scratch, it cannot repair itself as it does with our body, and with that explanation our brother managed to make his son understand that Jehovah's wisdom is impressive.
In the photograph he shows us how with something so simple parents can teach their children, for example, this child got a wound, then the wound begins to heal, then the father teaches him how with his great wisdom God designed our body so that our cells regenerate.
A father is talking to his son while holding a band-aid. Magnified view of the boy's knee shows that he scraped himself. To teach your children about God's wisdom, you can talk about the amazing design of our bodies. (See paragraph 12).
13. What can parents do to help their children think about Jehovah's power? (Isaiah 40:26).
Parents can encourage their children to look at the sky and think about how Jehovah's power keeps all the stars in their place. And as the sister quoted in the paragraph says, thinking about this can help you see that with that same power that Jehovah has created all things can help us make him faithful.
If, in the end thinking, for example, about how powerful a man can be, the way you can know is by lifting a weight or something big that he has done, so you know the power he has or by wealth, in the same way we think about what Jehovah has made it really powerful, the mother realized that the stars were an incredible amount of power to be able to make them and the daughter also understood it that way and that helped her to think because this being so powerful It's going to help me, so we're going to focus a lot on easy comparisons that give vital lessons in Jehovah's power.
Parents can teach our children to accept Jehovah's invitation found in Isaiah 40:26, to look up at the sky and think about how his extraordinary power keeps all the stars in their place. Our children will soon recognize the tremendous power that Jehovah used to create all these stars and will remind them that he, too, can use that power to help them be faithful.
In the paragraph we can see the experience of a sister who tells that she went on a trip with her mother and they saw a clear sky full of stars. At that time she was facing pressure from her schoolmates and she was worried about failing Jehovah. Her mother encouraged her to think about the power Jehovah used to create all the Stars and to remember that he, too, could use that power to help her be faithful. After observing her creation on that trip, she wanted to know Jehovah better and serve him no matter what.
This reminds us of what Jehovah did with Abraham, the Bible says that Abraham is the father of all those who have faith. What the creator did with him, when he showed him the stars and told him that this was how his offspring would be. So it is not the same to tell someone to think about stars, than to show them the stars.
14. How can parents use creation to help their children see that Jehovah is a happy God?
Parents can use creation for their children to see that Jehovah is a happy God by teaching them about the variety and beauty of creation, and most likely most of us here have a little pet at home, and many Sometimes we have a lot of fun watching the puppies play or have their occurrences, or also the kittens how they follow objects, so we can take advantage of these situations to remember that we serve a happy God.
For example, if we have a pet like a dog or a cat, and we laugh when one of them plays or does some mischief, we can tell them that the animal creation reminds us that we serve a happy God. We must emphasize to them that Jehovah created them that way because he is a cheerful God and has a sense of humor.
Well, if we have domestic animals, for example, in the case of puppies, we see how funny they are, how they play like in the tail every time you tell them to go for a walk, then observing them and paying attention to their actions make us realize that Jehovah He is a happy God.
Scientists have observed that most animals play, including birds and fish, sometimes one can enjoy this type of action and it is likely that our children have seen, for example, a kitten chasing a ball of wool playing, or puppies. playing with each other and if they have laughed when watching the scene. The next time your children are amused by the funny things an animal does, let's remind them that we serve a happy God, and that is important to promote a sense of humor promote laughter, As mentioned in the Bible, everything has a time and Jehovah He is a happy God and he wants us to be happy too, so there is a time to laugh we can enjoy that time with our loved ones with our brothers.
15. What can help parents find out what their children are thinking? (Proverbs 20:5; see also image.)
To help parents find out what their children are thinking, it is important for parents to be patient and willing to listen. They can also find quiet, distraction-free times to talk with their children, such as when they are enjoying nature together. By doing this, children can feel more comfortable and open to sharing their thoughts and feelings with their parents.
Proverbs 20:5 Says that discernment is required to get a person to express the deepest thoughts and feelings in his or her heart. So, what can help parents to talk with their children is to do it in a calm environment like nature . We know that a mountain, lake or the beach are places where we can be relaxed, which makes it possible to talk to our children and for them to express what they feel and tell us about their problems.
And the recommendation that the paragraph gives us to find a suitable place to talk with our children is very interesting, since an important reason is that there are fewer distractions for both children and parents, since it is a time where they are everyone relaxed and more attention can be paid to Jehovah's wonderful creation.
Yes, as seen in the image, the mother has sought a quiet moment and an adequate moment to be able to talk with the daughter so that the daughter can vent with her, even tell her things that she cannot tell her at home and thus be able to know well the concerns of that son or daughter who has them and that she has looked for a suitable moment so that she can tell him.
In the image we see how a mother is with her daughter, possibly in a park or a forest. In this place, her daughter feels comfortable and is confidently expressing how she feels. So, this shows us that talking with our children while enjoying nature is good.
A young girl tells her mom how she feels. They are sitting on a park bench. While you are enjoying nature together, your children may be more relaxed and want to tell you what they are feeling. (See paragraph 15).
16. How can families enjoy Jehovah's creation?
Families can enjoy Jehovah's creation in many ways. They can spend time in a nature reserve, in the countryside, in the mountains, or on the beach. Some children enjoy running and playing in a park, watching the animals or perhaps a river, lake or sea. And Jehovah has created beautiful places where we can do things we love, so by enjoying nature together, families can relax, have fun, and strengthen their bond.
There are many ways to enjoy nature and everything that Jehovah has created, we can go to a nature reserve, to the countryside, to the mountains or to the beach. These places give us the opportunity to relax and have fun, and be united with our families and enjoy and observe the different fauna and flora that Jehovah has created.
Some children enjoy running around playing in a park watching the animals, swimming in a river, lake, or the sea. No doubt there are many ways to enjoy nature, but the important thing is to do it and enjoy everything that Jehovah has created.
17. Why should parents help their children enjoy Jehovah's creation?
Because this will bring them closer to Jehovah and it is also in some way a foretaste of what we are going to experience in the new world.
Parents should help their children to enjoy creation because this allows them, like King David, to appreciate the wisdom and love of God, because by observing nature, they will be able to see the beauty and complexity of God's creation. , which will help them understand that he is a powerful and loving God.
Because creation teaches us many of Jehovah's qualities. King David recognized that there is none like Jehovah or his works, so from now on we can help our children to observe creation and learn about Jehovah through it.
It is important that parents do not wait until the new world to help their children observe and learn from creation. If from now on they use creation to teach their children about Jehovah, surely they will feel like King David, and they will be able to make these words their own, which we find in Psalm 86:8. "There is none like you, O Lord, nor are there works like yours"
What do we learn from the way Jesus used creation to teach?
Jesus told his disciples about two of Jehovah's creations, the ravens and the lilies. By speaking of these, he wanted to teach them about the generosity and goodness of his heavenly father. He wanted to make it clear to them that: Jehovah will feed and clothe his faithful servants just as he does with the ravens and the flowers of the field. In imitation of Jesus, we parents learn that we can talk to our children about a plant or animal that they like, we must explain to them and highlight some quality of Jehovah that we see in one of these creations.
Yes, then we learn that going in a simple way can help or teach children to appreciate the good qualities of Jehovah with only the animals that look at an animal or flower that they like or a landscape as Jesus did, it can lead them to Appreciate his generosity, his wisdom, his power, and also his humor, and that will make them want to get closer to Jehovah.
When and where can parents teach their children about Jehovah?
Parents can imitate the Israelites, when they walked the roads they took the opportunity to arouse the curiosity of their children about Jehovah's creation. In the same way, whether we live in the city or in the country, we should carefully observe and look around us for many aspects of creation that can show our children some quality of Jehovah. In addition, we can use the many videos and publications on creation that Jehovah's organization has produced.
One of the verses that were given for reference said when you walk on the road when you are sitting in your house when you get up and when you go to bed that means that throughout the day there may be occasions to help the children see how Jehovah has given us blessed with good food with perhaps a piece of nature close to home where children can be taught that all this reflects the wisdom and love of Jehovah.
Why is it good for families to spend time enjoying nature?
Well, because we have seen that this unites families, brings them closer to Jehovah and is also a prelude to what life will be like in paradise.
Because Jehovah is a happy God, he created beautiful places for us to enjoy. Therefore, he wants us to have fun, be united and learn to observe his creation, since through it we learn a lot about him and his qualities.
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