The Study Watchtower, "Article 12", Week of May 15 to 21, 2023, Let's get to know Jehovah better by observing creation, Answers.

The Study Watchtower, "Article 12", May 15-21-2023, Let's get to know Jehovah better by observing creation, Answers.

"His invisible qualities [...] have been clearly seen since the creation of the world, for they are perceived by created things" (ROM. 1:20).

1. What helped Job to know Jehovah better?

Something that helped Job to know Jehovah better was observing the impressive things of creation, since through them, he perceived the qualities of Jehovah. For example, he was able to perceive his wisdom and also the love with which he cared for animals. This led him to trust in Jehovah, and that the same loving care could be given to him as well.

2. Why might it not always be easy to observe creation?

It may not always be easy for those who live in cities. Even though we can live surrounded by nature, sometimes it can be difficult to observe creation, because we probably don't have enough time for it or maybe it's not worth it. worth the time to do it.


3. How do we know that Jehovah wanted Adam to enjoy creation?

We know this because the Bible clearly shows it. Jehovah placed Adam in a beautiful paradise to explore, cultivate, and expand. In this way, Adam was able to observe the germination of the seeds and the flowering of the plants. He also had to name the animals. In the Illustration we appreciate that for this he first had to observe its characteristics and behavior very well. This work could have been done by Jehovah. However, he gave it to Adam, because it was a nice thing to do and because he would find enjoyment in it.


Adam curiously observes a snail that is on a rock. Jehovah wanted Adam to enjoy creation and name the animals. (See paragraph 3).

4. (a) What is one reason we should observe creation? 

One reason is that Jehovah wants us to observe creation. Isaiah 4026: says: "Raise your eyes to heaven and see." And then he asks: Who has created these things?. This shows that Jehovah wants us to look at the impressive things in creation and meditate on how he has made them. He also wants us to farm at a price for them and enjoy them with the wonderful senses he has given us.

4. b) What things in creation do you like the most? 

One of the things that I personally like the most are the colored sunsets on bricks. That color palette that can go from violets to blues, going through reds, yellows and oranges, is wonderful. These beautiful sunsets show the creativity, wisdom, power, justice and love of Jehovah, because we can not only observe them but also enjoy them.

Another thing that I love about creation are the flowers, with that great diversity of colors, textures, shapes and aromas. To observe them is to see Jehovah's wisdom and love reflected in them. They are beautiful gifts from him to all of us.

5. According to Romans 1:20, why is it good for us to look at creation?

It is good because it helps us to better know Jehovah's qualities. Romans 120 says that Jehovah's qualities are invisible, but can be unapologetically perceived by looking at creation. That is very true. For example, if we look at the wonderful design of nature, we will see Jehovah's wisdom reflected. By eating the food that nature produces we perceive the love of it. In addition, he not only gave us a great diversity of rich foods, but also the senses so that we can enjoy them.


6. What can we learn from migratory birds?

From migratory birds we learn that Jehovah has a schedule. For example: Jeremiah 8:7 shows that Jehovah set a schedule for migratory birds according to the seasons of the year so that they know when to migrate and when to prepare for it. And just as he set a timetable for these birds, he also has a set time to bring the end of this wicked world as Hebrews 2:3 shows. Therefore, just as these birds prepare for their migration, we must prepare for when the day of the end arrives.

7. What do we learn from the flight of birds? (Isaiah 40:31).

When we observe the flight of the eagles, we see that Jehovah helps them by giving them instinctive wisdom so that they take advantage of the air currents, soar and can glide effortlessly and almost without moving their wings. This teaches us that just like the eagles, Jehovah can also help us as long as we trust Him. Isaiah 4031 confirms that those who put their hope in Jehovah can regain their strength, soar as if they had eagle wings, run without exhausting themselves and walk without getting tired.

8. a) What did Job learn from creation?

In his conversation with Job, Jehovah mentioned many things about creation such as clouds and lightning. He also told her about animals like the wild bull and the horse. These examples taught Job the tremendous power of God, his love, and his wisdom, which helped him to trust more in Jehovah.

8. b) What do we learn?

We learn that studying creation helps us remember that Jehovah is infinitely wiser and more powerful than we are. Therefore he can and will remove all our problems. Meditating on these things, like Job, will help us trust Jehovah even more.


9, 10. What do sunshine and rain teach us about Jehovah?

When Jesus was on earth, he taught that Jehovah loves all people impartially and that is why he allows us all to benefit from the light of the Sun and the rain. He also taught that he wants us to show this same kind of love towards others. So meditating on this motivates us to preach to all people fairly and out of love, so that they can have an equal opportunity to benefit from the Kingdom promises.

11. How can watching the birds in the sky encourage us?

Observing the birds of the sky is encouraging because they do not sow or reap and yet they always have food, since Jehovah is in charge of supplying them. For its part, Matthew 6:26 says that we are worth more than these birds, so Jehovah is also can give us everything we need to live. And Matthew 6:31, 32 reminds us that because Jehovah knows what we need, we should not worry. 

In fact, watching the birds in the sky helped a pioneer sister in Spain. She tells that she was discouraged because they couldn't find a suitable place to live. But seeing some little birds eat seeds and fruits made her feel better because she reminded her that Jehovah takes care of the birds, so she could take care of her too. And her trust in Jehovah was not disappointed. Before long, she found a suitable place to live.

12. According to Matthew 10:29-31, what do sparrows teach us about Jehovah? 

At the time Sparrows were used as an example in the Bible, they were worth very little. However, Jesus said that not a single one of them falls to Earth without his father knowing about it. With this example, Jesus taught his disciples that if Jehovah values ​​sparrows individually with much more reason, he did so with each one of them, so they should not be afraid of persecution. That has not changed, today Jehovah continues to value and help his servants individually so that they can bravely face all kinds of positions as shown in Psalm 118: 6.


13. What do we have to do to continue learning from creation?

What we can do is continue to observe everything around us and meditate on what things they teach us about Jehovah. We can also follow the example of sister Geraldine, who, although she lives in a city, makes an effort to observe nature. Also the example of brother Alfonso, who sets aside his free time to be alone and observe creation to meditate on what she gives him. teaches about Jehovah. 

14. What did David learn from meditating on creation?

Psalms 8:3,4. He shows that David was not limited to simply contemplating the beauty of creation, but meditated on what it teaches about Jehovah. Therefore, when observing the stars in the sky, he was able to perceive their grandeur. And on another occasion, reflecting on how his body developed in his mother's womb, the process seemed so impressive that his admiration for Jehovah's wisdom increased.


In the Illustration David is seen in Soledad, observing a wonderful starry sky. Despite his limited knowledge of the heavenly bodies, David understood that he was insignificant compared to the creator of this universe. In this way, creation taught him a lesson in humility and how great Jehovah is.

David watches a starry sky while tending his sheep. David learned a lot about Jehovah by meditating on creation. (See paragraph 14).

15. Have you perceived qualities of Jehovah by observing creation? Give examples (Psalm 148:7-10).

Yes. When we look at the sun, we feel its heat and see how it illuminates the day, or we look at the moon and the stars at night, or listen to the strong roar of the waves of the immense sea, we see the power of Jehovah in a forceful way. On the other hand, watching a little bird build its own nest reflects God's wisdom. And if we want to know if Jehovah is in a good mood, we only have to watch how a dog chases his own tail.

Another example is that of the mother who cares for and plays with her baby, since Jehovah's love is reflected there. In Psalm 148:7-10. We are shown many examples: large marine animals, lightning, hail, wind, powerful storms, domestic animals and wild animals, fruit trees, among many other millions of examples that we could cite and that show a very clear way the different qualities of Jehovah. For this reason, we cannot help but praise him and continue learning from him by observing his creation.

16. What should we aim for?

We should propose to look for the different qualities of Jehovah in creation, take the time to enjoy it, meditate on the things that it can teach us about Jehovah, and take advantage of this medium to get much closer to him.


Why should we take time to observe creation?

One of the reasons we must observe creation is because Jehovah wants us to. Jehovah not only filled the skies with fascinating creations, but also the land and the sea, and we can learn a lot from them.

Another reason why we should look at creation is because it helps us better understand Jehovah's qualities. For example, the wonderful design of nature reflects the wisdom of God. And the wide variety of foods we can try shows that he loves us.

How did Jehovah and Jesus use creation to teach important lessons?

Jehovah used creation to teach that he has a schedule, that he gives strength to his servants, and that he is trustworthy.

In the case of Jesus, he used creation to show that Jehovah shows his love to everyone, to show that Jehovah gives us what we need to live, and that Jehovah values ​​each one of us.

What should we do to continue learning from creation?

We have to take time to notice what is around us and meditate on what it teaches us about Jehovah, and although it is not always easy to do that, since we live in the city and others are very busy.
