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"His invisible qualities [...] have been clearly seen since the creation of the world, for they are perceived by created things" (ROM. 1:20).
1. What helped Job to know Jehovah better?
What helped Job to know Jehovah was to follow the advice to observe the creation, since he would discover some qualities of Jehovah. For example, when he saw the creation, he would realize that Jehovah cares for it, including human beings.
Job seeing and observing the works of creation helped him a lot to know Jehovah, and it is interesting that Job had a conversation with Jehovah in which he told him to direct his attention to creation and this made him learn and understand the qualities about God. This teaches us that we too can converse with Jehovah through his word and prayer, because if we pay attention and observe everything that Jehovah has created, it will help us to appreciate more and learn more about his beautiful qualities, and thus we can imitate him .
2. Why might it not always be easy to observe creation?
It can be difficult because of where we are. For example, if we live in the city, we may not have much contact with nature or it may be that we spend a lot of time busy with daily chores and forget to pay attention to the creation that surrounds us.
Now today we live in a modern world where they have made many buildings and have excluded the nature of animal trees. And that is the reason why it is difficult for us to observe the nature that Jehovah created since we are surrounded by vehicles buildings of people, but not trees. And another reason is that we may live in a rural area, but we cannot take time to contemplate the beauty of creation.
3. How do we know that Jehovah wanted Adam to enjoy creation?
We know this because Jehovah put Adam in a place surrounded by trees and animals, it was a beautiful garden. He also gave him a job related to this, to care for and study the animals so that according to their characteristics he could give them names.
We know that God put Adam in a beautiful garden or paradise or also called Eden, which means "Place of pleasure" and this was for Adam to explore it, cultivate it, extend it, of course, take care of it. Jehovah also asked Adam to name the animals, of course these names were not in Spanish, but in him probably in Hebrew. Jehovah could have done that on his behalf, the creator could have done it perfectly, but he decided to delegate or trust Adam and gave him that assignment. Surely Adam carefully observed the animals and noted their characteristics and behavior before deciding what to call them and this gave him the opportunity to perceive the wisdom, creativity and artistic prowess of his father Jehovah.
And there we see, what animal is Adam looking at? In that image we can see it, a little snail. Jehovah wanted Adam to enjoy creation and name the animals and without a doubt take care of them as well, not mistreat them as sadly happens today.
Adam curiously observes a snail that is on a rock. Jehovah wanted Adam to enjoy creation and name the animals. (See paragraph 3).
4. (a) What is one reason we should observe creation?
One reason is that it is found in the text of Isaiah 40:26 where Jehovah himself asks us to raise our eyes on high and observe his fascinating creation, both the heavens and the earth, since it can teach us much about his personality and its qualities.
Another reason is that Jehovah gave us what it takes to appreciate what is around us. For example we have five senses of the body such as sight, taste, smell, and touch that give us the ability to learn from creation.
4. b) What things in creation do you like the most?
I like to observe the universe, a starry night, the impression of seeing that it is quite large, compared to the human being, since we are quite tiny. So as a servant of God said, we feel tiny but at the same time we feel the great love of Jehovah that he shows to each one of the human beings, despite everything such a great creation.
Some brothers like it, they are attracted to the idea of walking among nature, others like water, others earth and fire, for example, others like to explore certain cliffs, certain volcanoes, there are also those who like to observe birds, others fish, others like domestic animals, others are surprised by the complexity of the master machine that is the human body. How is it that God has endowed us with the five senses that work perfectly. And these allow us to enjoy creation. So it is not by chance that the body is also marvelous, it is a perfect machine in a certain way, the way it works is not by chance, it is not the product of chance or there was simply an explosion and everything appeared. So the important thing is to appreciate the creation and thus know more about the qualities of the Creator.
5. According to Romans 1:20, why is it good for us to look at creation?
Because through them we can see the invisible qualities of Jehovah. For example, when we observe nature, we observe the wisdom of Jehovah when we taste the great variety of foods, and we can see the love with which the human being was created and all this brings us closer to our creator.
Perceiving the qualities of God in the things he has done helps us to know him better and drives us closer to him. We could spend hours and hours talking or learning hours and hours and days about each of God's creations and that is that everything he has created is countless and how this teaches us a truth about him and his qualities.
6. What can we learn from migratory birds?
These migratory birds like storks have a time to migrate north, because Jehovah set a timetable for them. In the same way Jehovah has a schedule to bring judgment and the end of this wicked world. That is why when observing the storks they remind us that very soon Jehovah will end all the injustice and pain that this evil world causes each of his servants.
And this is important to comment on, brothers, since we have seen how the human being has altered the natural cycle of birds, for example, that they no longer know which way to go, to the north or to the south. That has been a phenomenon that has been observed because of all this radiation and all this climate change. But unlike the birds we can say that no matter what the human being does, nothing can delay or advance the day of Jehovah, he is not conditioned by man's alteration to planet Earth.
7. What do we learn from the flight of birds? (Isaiah 40:31).
Eagles know how to take advantage of the air current to soar without making much effort. Jehovah used this example to show his servants that with the power he gives us we can face problems, as the text says they will not exhaust us or get tired.
It reminds us that just as Jehovah helps these birds, he can also help strengthen his servants. So when we see a bird flying very high without almost moving its wings, let's remember that Jehovah can also give us the strength to rise very high, above our problems, it is a beautiful lesson that the subject of birds teaches us. , which is very important for when we feel weak.
8. a) What did Job learn from creation?
Seeing the stars, the clouds, the lightning, the wild bull. she learned to see that the power of Jehovah is immense, but creation also taught her the love and wisdom that Jehovah possesses.
He learned that Jehovah is trustworthy, God mentioned many things about creation such as the stars, clouds, lightning, he also spoke to him about animals such as the wild bull and the horse, and all these examples helped him to see not only the enormous power of God, but also also his love wisdom great wisdom. That conversation made Job trust in Jehovah more than ever.
8. b) What do we learn?
Well we learn that Jehovah has abundant wisdom and is infinitely powerful and that he will use his power to clean up humanity's problems.
We learned that Jehovah is infinitely wiser, more powerful and almighty than any of us and any human being. In addition, he can eliminate all our problems and he will, just as he helped Job when he had lost part of what he lost, he will return to you in a full and perfect way what his servants have lost in this system, thinking about it helps us to trust more in Jehovah, we have had to go through situations similar to what he experienced, and reading the book, he said, can strengthen us significantly, it can strengthen us to remember that after the darkness of a very dark night there is a dawn. And with Jehovah's help we can come to see a way out of our complicated situations as Job experienced.
9, 10. What do sunshine and rain teach us about Jehovah?
I learn that Jehovah is not partial to people, because we know that rain and sun are essential for life, and Jehovah gives us all these things to enjoy and benefit from, even to people who act badly without doing distinction whether the person is good or bad.
This example of what Jehovah is like should also prompt us to show love to all people and bring them the message of life and the good things that Jehovah wants to give under his Kingdom to righteous people.
Here we see how the impartiality of Jehovah because light and rain are essential for life. And God could say something like that I am only going to give light and life to those who serve me, those who do not serve me, those who do not believe in me, do not respect me, do not fear me, I will not give them. However, in the Bible Jesus said, no, that he makes the sun rise without rain falling on good and bad. There is the love of Jehovah for the whole world. This teaches us that he is an Impartial God, a loving God who allows everyone to benefit.
Sun and rain are gifts from Jehovah Jesus used this example to teach his disciples that Jehovah wants us to show love to all people, even friends instead of hating them, wishing them ill, or taking revenge on them, he tells us to pray and we must bless even though they have hurt us. When we then see a spectacular sunset or a refreshing drizzle, let us think of Jehovah's love and fairness and this will motivate us to preach to the whole world.
11. How can watching the birds in the sky encourage us?
It encourages us because by observing that this creation, which is small compared to other creations, Jehovah cares about feeding and caring for them. And this example has been very helpful to the brothers who are going through difficult situations, because they know that Jehovah is aware of what is happening to them and that he cares for and protects them.
We already discussed something about that, but now we are analyzing it from another perspective, we are going here to see that Jesus said watch the birds of the sky, they do not sow or reap, they do not store in barns, but the father feeds them. Something is interesting that Jesus said that the birds, they do not bring food to the nest, the birds must go out looking for it, and it is true that Jehovah takes care of us, but we must also do our part.
The example of a pioneer sister is given. She couldn't find a place to live, but when she saw some little birds eating seeds and fruits, she felt better. This reminded her that if Jehovah takes care of her, he will also take care of her. Shortly after the sister found a place to live, so there is the point, she went looking, moved, so to speak, she sided with her and found. So it is important that this is another lesson that teaches us that we must move, we must get down to work, not all of us are going to be given, so to speak, in the mouth, if we do not have to act, get down to work.
12. According to Matthew 10:29-31, what do sparrows teach us about Jehovah?
It teaches us that just as Jehovah values these small birds, he reminds us that Jehovah does not see us in a group, but rather takes into account each of his servants and helps us to bravely face opposition.
It teaches us that Jehovah is aware of his creation, each little animal, that perishes, that falls to the ground. God is aware of all the animals that fall. Jesus said not one of them falls to the ground, without his father knowing, referring to the sparrows. Although for people in general, it's just an animal or it doesn't matter. However, for Jehovah, animals do matter and understanding that is a gift that few have managed to understand. Now, if for God the life of an animal is valuable, for the world, for people it is insignificant.
Jesus highlighted: "You are worth more than many sparrows", this can encourage us, because there are people who could make us feel discouraged at some point. Perhaps Someone has had problems with low self-esteem and that is understandable, but here Jesus assures us that Jehovah values each of his servants, including all of us, that helps us not to be afraid, just as it helped the disciples. It helped them not to be afraid of persecution, surely the disciples remembered these words every time they saw sparrows, when they went to preach, since according to the paragraph it was a very common bird in Israel, in Jerusalem. So every time we see a little bird we will remember this lesson, that Jehovah values his servants individually and personally and personally, for him we are not just another little bird, one more bird, one more human being on the list.
Of course we are not going to pretend or expect or have false expectations that other human beings value us the same as Jehovah does. However, Jehovah does, our Lord Jesus Christ declares to us, we are worth more than many sparrows. So with God's help we will be able to face the opposition and not only the opposition, but also the negative thoughts that can make us doubt God's love and have a low self-esteem. That is why Psalm 118:6 says that the Lord is on my side, I will not be afraid of what man can do to me.
13. What do we have to do to continue learning from creation?
We have to make an effort to take time to meditate on creation and to think about what things we can learn from our creator.
What we have to do is take time to look at what surrounds us and meditate on what it teaches us about the creator. A sister from Cameroon says: Since I grew up in the city, I had to work harder to observe nature. Another brother says: what helped or resulted in me is setting aside time in my schedule to be alone and observe creation and meditate on what it teaches me about Jehovah. So we see there that taking time is what we are encouraged to do.
14. What did David learn from meditating on creation?
He learned to know Jehovah and his qualities. For example, by observing nature, he learned how great Jehovah is, and by thinking about the development process of a child from the mother's womb, she came to admire his wisdom.
Something important is what Psalm 8:3,4 says. When I see the works of your fingers, the moon, the stars that you formed, what is mortal man for you to keep in mind? Who are we really? we are nothing. And King David said to God in his in the Psalm that he wrote. David did not limit himself simply to contemplating the Stars, but he meditated on what the stars taught him about God, he realized how great Jehovah is. On other occasions he reflected, that is to say David, on how the human body develops in the womb of his progenitor and this was something the Bible describes as a miracle, the miracle of life.
And here we see King David, Of course, at this time before he became king, he was a shepherd and Jehovah exalted him to a higher position, but first he instructed him, helped him appreciate creation, life, he learned a lot from Jehovah Meditating on creation, he not only told him that you are going to make the king the people of Israel, so everything easy, but he educated him to learn about creation, to value life as we see it with the sheep.
David watches a starry sky while tending his sheep. David learned a lot about Jehovah by meditating on creation. (See paragraph 14).
15. Have you perceived qualities of Jehovah by observing creation? Give examples (Psalm 148:7-10).
In my case I have seen the wisdom of Jehovah in the animals that surround us. For example, how they take care of their young and in birds how they strive to find food to provide us with their young and how with ingenuity they create solid and robust structures to provide shelter and protection.
We then have many opportunities to learn about Jehovah and imitate his precious qualities. For example with our children or our family, our spouse, with our neighbor, our brothers, because all of God's creations, great and small, praise him. That is why the Bible says in the last Psalm it says: everything that breathes praises Jehovah, when a human being and lives according to that purpose of giving to Jehovah is fulfilling that purpose of praising for that we were made, not to praise ourselves or praising or deifying other people or celebrities.
16. What should we aim for?
We should propose to take time to observe creation and meditate on what our magnificent creator teaches us, that will bring us closer and we will feel impelled, like King David, to praise Jehovah.
We should propose to take time often to enjoy creation and think about what it teaches us about Jehovah, if we do we will get closer to the creator as James 4:8 says, it is a well-known text, but it is important: « Come closer to God and he will come closer to you and purify your undecided hearts» and doing that is something that cannot be achieved just once, it is a continuous process, we cannot see God. Can we get closer to him? Let's think about the following example: there are married couples who live together physically in the same place, but emotionally they are far away, very far from each other, physically they are close, but emotionally they are distant. Well then with the creator spiritually we can be close to him and that is the point of getting closer to the creator.
Why should we take time to observe creation?
One reason is found in the text of Isaiah 40:26, where Jehovah himself asks us to raise our eyes to the top and observe how fascinating creation is, both the heavens and the Earth, since they can teach us a lot. of our creator.
Another reason is that Jehovah gave us what it takes to appreciate what is around us. For example: we have five senses of the human body such as sight, taste, smell and touch that give us the ability to learn from creation.
How did Jehovah and Jesus use creation to teach important lessons?
With the migratory birds he taught us that he has an appointed time to bring judgment to wicked people, and with the eagle's flight he taught us that with the power he gives us we can overcome problems, he also used lightning and the clouds and the wild bull to show us his power.
Jesus taught us that God is not partial, but shows love to all humanity by giving us the sun and the rain, also that Jehovah gives us what we need to live, by showing us the birds of the sky and that Jehovah values us very much by keeping in mind in the life of sparrows.
What should we do to continue learning from creation?
We must strive to take time to observe creation and meditate on what our magnificent creator teaches us. That will bring us closer and we will feel impelled like King David to praise Jehovah.
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