Study of the Book of the congregation, Week of May 15 to 21, 2023, What does it mean to be neutral?, Lesson: 45 point 4, summary, review and "Propose this", Answers.

Study of the Book of the congregation, 15-21-May-2023, Lesson: 45 point 4, summary, review and "Resolve this"., Answers.

Congregation Bible study (30 min.): lff lesson 45 point 4, summary, review, and “Aim for this.”

4. Be neutral in your way of thinking and acting

Read 1 John 5:21. Then watch the VIDEO and talk about the following:

VIDEO: Why True Christians Need To Be Courageous: To Stay Neutral (2:49)

Why did Ayenge decide not to join the political party or participate in patriotic ceremonies such as the flag salute?

Because he wanted to preserve his neutrality and for him the most important thing was to obey Jehovah.


Ayenge knew that participating in politics went against what God teaches and he never wanted to walk away or set aside the truth. That is why, even though it was difficult because to work you needed to support the political party in the area, he took a risk because the most important thing for him is to serve God.

Yes, and remembering what we have considered tonight in treasures of the Bible, it required a lot of courage from him, there they were all outside their work saluting the flag and he alone in his office, they sent for him to defend his position there but he did In other words, he really wanted to be loyal to Jehovah, neutral, he did not show disrespect to the flag or to his companions, but he did remain neutral.

Also something that he said that he saw as a way to support the kingdom of God to be neutral.

He suffered a lot of pressure at work from both his colleagues and his bosses, and they also lowered him in rank, which meant that he earned less money than was barely enough to support his family.

Do you think you made a good decision?

As we could see in the video, this is a difficult situation, because not only your life is at stake, but also the existence of your family. Even so, he remained strong and firm, so it was a good decision, not to give in to pressure, although it was difficult for him, but Jehovah was with him and both Ayenge and his family did not lose the happiness of serving Jehovah .


In a situation like this, many things can cross our minds, such as whether I will be killed, imprisoned or not have a job to support my family. All this passed to the brother, and it was not easy for him, in the end they did not imprison him, but he did suffer a lot from his companions, with a lower position in which he suffered great economic difficulties, but Jehovah provided him with everything they needed.

He himself says in the video that there is nothing better than preaching and taking God's message to others, they had a hard time and could not even meet their basic needs, but they never lost the joy of serving Jehovah, because God was in everything moment with this family, providing them with strength, happiness and everything they needed to move on.

And he made a very good decision, that although they suffered financially, he says that his children did not even enter school for a year and they barely had enough money, but his decision has allowed him to stand firm, be loyal, attend the meetings he was preparing he was with his family, then he has faithfully served Jehovah even in all the circumstances he had.

In the final part, I really liked it because his decision also implied sacrifices for the family, but what he reasoned could have been angry with the government, he said no, he saw it as an opportunity to see the reasons that Jehovah allows for why these things happen. things, then he drew a good conclusion and he encourages this a lot.

Yes, because as he said at the end, I am happy because he really felt happy. He and his family were neutral and faithful to Jehovah despite everything they suffered.

What other situations could test our neutrality? Watch the VIDEO and talk about the following:

VIDEO: Lessons from “The Watchtower”: Be Neutral in This Divided World (5:16)

How can we show that we are neutral when international sporting events are held?

And both this little brother and the others had their neutrality tested because each one in his mind and heart had an inclination towards one side.


And in the video an interesting point was mentioned that the meditation focused on saying I relate it to the actions I do but it was not necessarily like that but it had to do with emotions, and many times we can take sides precisely because of those emotions that we feel and that is where pride begins or one can fall into the trap.

Those of us who like sports want our team to win and there is nothing wrong with that. The problem arises when this desire to win converts us and changes our way of thinking and acting, to the point that we give everything or even get angry. That is why we are neutral, controlling our impulses and not letting the heat of the moment control us.

Something that helped this young brother to realize that he was acting wrong, because although he was not doing the bar but in his heart he wanted him to win, but when he studied the Bible he understood that God is not partial that we are all equal in sight of God there is no superiority of one race over another and he understood that and that helped him correct this point.

It is very difficult when the country we belong to is playing sometimes we get so excited and we want that country to win because we feel that we are connected to this country, but to truly be neutral is to make the decision not to favor this country or not the other countries to be the same.

How can we be neutral even when the decisions of politicians affect us personally for better or worse?

We saw that the sister in the video made the decision to stop watching the news and not be informed of the sectoral policies in the region. In this way, by not being informed, she would not have to talk about the matter and she would not be getting involved in politics. Of course, it is good to be informed of what is happening around us, as God's people, we have to be alert to our surroundings, but we are neutral avoiding being part of the debate about whether it is a good decision of the politician or a bad one.


We have to take care of our feelings and our thoughts, here the sister thought that neutrality is proven only with actions, if one does not go to protests if one is not going to give our opinion on a certain party, well we avoid that, but what he was saying here is interesting The Watchtower demonstrate that we have to be pure even with our thoughts, we do not want to support any political ideology, we know that the kingdom of God is the only solution and that we must strive because sometimes in our hearts we are glad that a certain party rises or that it will support what we want to have, then that is something that we have to control.

It was also recommended not to watch the news so much because there they are also talking about politics and being neutral, he said, in the way of thinking, in the way of acting, influences feelings.

In general, when politicians make decisions that affect people, people go on strike or march or are there holding blockades, we are not part of that, although they may also affect us, but we are not going to hold marches or blockades. and things like that.

So perhaps with our actions we are being neutral but what about what we desire in our hearts, perhaps we want this or that other side to win.

What effect can the media or the people around us have on our neutrality?

The effect it can have is that we eventually reflect on their ideas and are even inclined to think that what they say is true. This is a mistake, because as servants of God, we know that the only truth is what the Bible teaches us.


There was an experience of a sister who commented that she liked to watch the news very often. She was watching all kinds of news on television but it was affecting her, so she realized that her neutrality was at stake, so she stopped watching. the news completely since she realized that at work, for example, they asked her hey did you see this news what do you think of this what do you think of the other what band are you in, but since she stopped watching the news I didn't see any news, so that it helped him not to fall into the current of the other co-workers,That then teaches us that sometimes in the news you can talk about there being social conflicts or injustices, sometimes the media can lean towards one side and if you are constantly watching that news you could lose neutrality and support a political social side and be acting against what Jehovah teaches us.

The problem is that when you look at the news, especially political issues like this, it is impossible not to think at least how good it is that they put out that law at once, we are already supporting a government, so we have to be careful with the influence it has on us. Yes, we must know what is happening around us, but let's not fall into the mistake of this sister of being aware of all the news.

In what situations does a Christian demonstrate that he is neutral in his way of thinking and acting?


As we see in the illustration, we prove to be Christians, to belong to the people of God when we do not participate in human demonstrations, we are not fans of sports and other events, we are neutral in terms of patriotism and we do not vote for human rulers, our vote is to Jehovah.


We see different actions such as supporting a protest even at school, children singing the national anthem even putting their hands over their hearts, doing military service or going to the polls and supporting a certain political party, so there are different situations in which we have to avoid, for example, as was shown in the case of the little brother of not supporting a political party despite the consequences, we have to be neutral and Jehovah will bless our efforts.

Yes brother in the society in which we currently live we see that there are certain biases in politics and even protests in which we also see and in our city it has happened and this we must take great care of our hearts and our mouths and even our thoughts, because like the Sister in the example said a colleague asked me if I had seen such news I said no and that was it, so it is something very important that we must take care of ourselves to demonstrate our neutrality.

For example, when you win there is a very common match, you sit and watch and start like we are showing there, shout and go out into the streets when you have won, so many times one is tempted to feel the same and we must think that it is not It's okay that I wouldn't be neutral-hearted.

When there are elections to choose a ruler of the city or the country, as citizens we are obliged to attend the polls and vote but not to choose, then our loyalty to Jehovah is also seen there.

WHAT SOME ASK: "Why don't you salute the flag or sing the national anthem?"

What would you answer?

We could answer that our vote is for a very different government, a government that will bring the solution to all current problems, where no human ruler or politician can solve. This will give us the opportunity to speak of Jehovah's Heavenly Kingdom.


Well, yes, I had to give an answer to these questions several times, even going to defend the position that our children took with respect to not singing the national anthem, not holding the banner, so I had to go explain and tell them that it is a matter of conscience. and out of respect for the God we adore, then they consider the flag, the banner, the cockade, the anthem as acts of worship that we only give to God, then and ask that they please respect our position, which is not that we do not respect the country or to the emblems we simply do not serve it, we do not

Because we are not part of the world and we do not sing because we do not honor a symbol if we are not on behalf of Jehovah on behalf of the kingdom.

Because in reality it is an act of worship that we walk to the flag and Jehovah cannot accept it and neither can we. 


Christians go to great lengths to be neutral on political issues, and this is reflected in the way they think, speak, and act.


What is our duty to human governments?

The Bible tells us that we have to obey Caesar's Law, as long as it doesn't go against what the Bible teaches us. Therefore, this is our obligation in this system, to be model people as the Bible teaches us and to support before all the Government of Jehovah.


We respect and our obedience to superior authorities is not total because as soon as one of their commands goes against God's, in this case we will obey Jehovah.

Well, it is our duty to obey all the laws established by governments, but not those that go against Jehovah's rules, so we must respect his authority since it was Jehovah who gave them their place on earth and even Jesus was the one who said that we must pay Caesar what is Caesar's and God what is God's, then if we do this we will not only have a good reputation and a good man as Christians before the authorities but we will also make Jehovah happy. 

Why are we neutral in political matters?

Our vote is not directed to any imperfect human person, we do not praise men or have idols or human references. Our only vote is for Jehovah and his eternal rule.


Because we, just as Jesus said, my kingdom is not this world and we are not part of this world, we adore or support the kingdom of God, although we know how it was said, we live in a country where there are laws but we obey them, as long as they do not violate the laws of God, then when we see that, as Peter said, we obey God rather than men.

As Christians we know that the only solution to the problems of this world is the kingdom of God, so our loyalty and faithfulness is to Jehovah and his kingdom. 

What situations could test our neutrality?

There are many situations, including some of them very subtle and from an early age such as the salute to the flag in our children's schools. Others, such as commenting on what we think of what that person said, or even enjoying a soccer match can make us fans and infect us with the spirit of this system.


In our environment in recent years there has been a lot of coming and going in political matters, protests all against everyone, so it is easy for one to issue an opinion and that is where we have to remember that neither for nor against we only support the kingdom of God.

Personally, it has been very difficult for me not to be affected by the information because it is easy to fall into the trap, well I said that I have to watch the news because I have to know what to talk about when I go to preach what the problem is so that It helps to see how the Bible brings the solution, but it's a trap because nowadays the internet is constantly disseminating a lot of political information more than anything and it's hard not to give an opinion or maybe we don't talk about it but we think about it, so I really liked that article because the one that the sister mentioned because it helps to take drastic measures, then limit as much as possible the information that reaches us. 
