Study From The Watchtower, Week of May 15 to 21, 2023, Let's get to know Jehovah better by observing creation, Underlined Answers.

Study From The Watchtower, 15-21-May-2023, Let's get to know Jehovah better by observing creation, Underlined Answers.

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Dark Yellow: Additional Answer.

Light Blue: Additional Points.

"His invisible qualities [...] have been clearly seen since the creation of the world, for they are perceived by created things" (ROM. 1:20).

1. What helped Job to know Jehovah better?

OF ALL the conversations Job had in his life, surely the one that impacted him the most was the one he had with Jehovah. Jehovah told him to look at some impressive things in creation. This would help him to know how wise Jehovah is and to trust that he can care for his servants. For example, Job was able to see that if God gives animals what they need to live, he could also do the same for him (Job 38:39-41; 39:1, 5, 13-16). By thinking about these examples of creation, Job learned a lot about the qualities of God.

2. Why might it not always be easy to observe creation?

2 We, too, can learn more about God by looking at creation. But it may not always be easy to do so. If we live in the city, we may not have much contact with nature in our daily lives. Even if we live in a rural area, it may seem like we don't have time to focus on creation. So let's see why it's worth taking time to observe creation. We will also discuss how Jehovah and Jesus used it to teach important lessons, and what we can do to continue learning from it.


3. How do we know that Jehovah wanted Adam to enjoy creation?

3 Jehovah wanted the first human being to enjoy creation. That is why he put Adam in a beautiful paradise to explore, cultivate, and extend (Gen. 2:8, 9, 15). Imagine what Adam felt as he watched the seeds germinate and the plants flourish. Taking care of the Garden of Eden was a privilege. Jehovah also asked Adam to name the animals (Gen. 2:19, 20). Jehovah could have done that for him, but he gave that task to Adam. He was sure that Adam carefully observed the animals and noted their characteristics and behavior before deciding what to call them. It must have been a very pleasant job, giving him the opportunity to perceive the wisdom, creativity and artistic prowess of his Father.


Adam curiously observes a snail that is on a rock. Jehovah wanted Adam to enjoy creation and name the animals. (See paragraph 3).

4. (a) What is one reason we should observe creation? b) What things of creation do you like the most?

4 a). One of the reasons we must observe creation is because Jehovah wants us to. He tells us: "Raise your eyes to heaven and see." And then he asks: "Who has created these things?" The answer is clear (Is. 40:26). Jehovah filled not only the heavens with fascinating creations, but also the land and the sea, and we can learn much from them (Ps. 104:24, 25). b). Also, think about how God made us. He created us with the ability to appreciate the beauty of nature. He also made it possible for us to enjoy creation by giving us five senses: sight, hearing, taste, smell, and touch.  

5. According to Romans 1:20, why is it good for us to look at creation?

5 The Bible gives us another important reason to look at creation: it helps us better understand Jehovah's qualities.—Read Romans 1:20. For example, the wonderful design of nature reflects the wisdom of God. And the wide variety of foods we can try shows that he loves us. Perceiving the qualities of God in the things he has made helps us to know him better and encourages us to draw closer to him. Now let's see how Jehovah has used creation to teach us important lessons.


6. What can we learn from migratory birds?

6 Jehovah has a schedule. Every year, between the end of February and the middle of May, the Israelites would see storks migrating north. Jehovah told the Israelites: “The stork in the sky knows its seasons” (Jer. 8:7). Just as Jehovah set a time for these birds, he also set a time to carry out his sentences. Watching birds migrate reminds us that Jehovah has a “set time” to bring about the end of this wicked world, and we can trust him to do it (Hab. 2:3).

7. What do we learn from the flight of birds? (Isaiah 40:31).

7 Jehovah gives strength to his servants. Through Isaiah, God promised that when his servants felt weak or discouraged, he would give them strength to “fly up like eagles' wings” (read Isaiah 40:31). The Israelites were used to seeing eagles take advantage of air currents to soar and soar without much effort. This reminds us that just as Jehovah helps these birds, he can also help and strengthen his servants. So when you see a bird soaring high with barely a flap of its wings, remember that Jehovah can give you the strength to rise far above your problems.

8. a) What did Job learn from creation? b) What do we learn?

8 Jehovah is trustworthy. In his conversation with Job, God helped him trust him more (Job 32:2; 40:6-8). He mentioned many things in creation, such as stars, clouds, and lightning. He also told her about the animals, such as the wild bull and the horse (Job 38:32-35; 39:9, 19, 20). All of these examples helped Job to see not only the enormous power of God, but also his love and great wisdom. That conversation made Job trust in Jehovah more than ever.—Job 42:1-6. Similarly, when we study creation, we are reminded that Jehovah is infinitely wiser and more powerful than we are. Also, he can remove all our problems, and he will. Thinking about it helps us trust him more.


9, 10. What do sunshine and rain teach us about Jehovah?

9 Jesus knew creation very well. As a “skilled worker,” he was privileged to help his Father create the universe (Prov. 8:30). Later, when he was on Earth, he used creation to teach his disciples various lessons about his Father. Let's see some.

10 Jehovah shows his love to everyone. In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus told his disciples about two aspects of creation that many people take for granted: sunlight and rain. These two things are essential for life. Instead of depriving those who do not serve him of these elements, Jehovah, who is a loving God, allows everyone to benefit from these gifts (Matt. 5:43-45). Jesus used this example to teach his disciples that Jehovah wants us to show love to all people. When we see a spectacular sunset or enjoy a refreshing drizzle, let us think of Jehovah's love and fairness. His example can motivate us to show that kind of love by preaching to the whole world.

11. How can watching the birds in the sky encourage us?

11 Jehovah gives us what we need to live. Jesus also said in the Sermon on the Mount: “Observe carefully the birds of the sky. They do not sow or reap or store in barns, but their heavenly Father feeds them.” Those listening to Jesus may have seen some birds flying around when he asked, “Are you not worth more than they are?” (Matt. 6:26). What a loving way to remind us that Jehovah will always provide us with what we need to live.—Matt. 6:31, 32. This lesson of creation continues to encourage God's servants today. A young pioneer in Spain was discouraged because she could not find a suitable place to live. But when she saw some little birds eating seeds and fruits, she felt better.She says: “That reminded me that if Jehovah takes care of them, he would take care of me too.” Shortly after the sister found a place to live.

12. According to Matthew 10:29-31, what do sparrows teach us about Jehovah?

12 Jehovah values ​​each of us. Before sending his apostles to preach, Jesus helped them overcome their fear of opposition (read Matthew 10:29-31). He did so by telling them about one of the most common birds in Israel: the sparrow. In those days, sparrows were worth very little. But Jesus told his disciples: "Not one of them falls to the ground without his Father knowing it." And he added: "You are worth more than many sparrows." Thus he assured them that Jehovah valued each one of them. And that helped them not to be afraid of persecution. Surely the disciples remembered these words of Jesus every time they saw sparrows when preaching in towns and villages.In the same way, whenever you see a little bird, remember that Jehovah values ​​you personally, for you, too, are worth “more than many sparrows.” With God's help, you can bravely face opposition (Ps. 118:6).


13. What do we have to do to continue learning from creation?

13 We can continue to learn about Jehovah by looking at creation. For this we have to take time to look at what surrounds us and meditate on what it teaches us about it. It may not always be easy to do that. A sister from Cameroon named GĂ©raldine says: “Because I grew up in the city, I had to try harder to observe nature.” An elder named Alfonso explains: “What has worked for me is setting aside time in my schedule to be alone and observe creation and meditate on what it teaches me about Jehovah.”

14. What did David learn from meditating on creation?

14 King David thought a lot about creation. He said to Jehovah: “When I see your heavens, the works of your fingers, the moon and the stars that you formed, what is mortal man that you keep him in mind […]?” (Ps. 8:3, 4). David did not limit himself to contemplating the imposing beauty of a starry night, but he meditated on what the stars taught him about God. He realized how great Jehovah is. At other times, David reflected on how his body developed in his mother's womb. Thinking of that impressive process, his admiration for Jehovah's wisdom increased (Ps. 139: 14-17).


David watches a starry sky while tending his sheep. David learned a lot about Jehovah by meditating on creation. (See paragraph 14).

15. Have you perceived qualities of Jehovah by observing creation? Give examples (Psalm 148:7-10).

15 As in the case of David, you don't have to look far to find aspects of creation to meditate on. If you pay attention to your surroundings, you will be able to perceive many of Jehovah's qualities. For example, notice the power of Jehovah when he feels the warmth of the sun on his skin (Jer. 31:35). Behold the wisdom of God when he sees a bird building a nest. Think of Jehovah's sense of humor when he sees a little dog chasing its tail. And thank Jehovah for his love when he sees a mother playing with her baby. We have many opportunities to learn about our Father by observing nature, because all of his creations—big or small, far or near—praise him (read Psalm 148:7-10).

16. What should we aim for?

16 There is no one more intelligent, loving, creative and powerful than our God. We can see those qualities and many others in nature; you just have to look for them. Make it a point to take time often to enjoy creation and think about what it teaches us about Jehovah. If we do, we will grow ever closer to our Creator (James 4:8). In the next article, we will look at how parents can use creation to help their children draw closer to Jehovah.


Why should we take time to observe creation?

One of the reasons we must observe creation is because Jehovah wants us to. Jehovah not only filled the skies with fascinating creations, but also the land and the sea, and we can learn a lot from them.

Another reason why we should look at creation is because it helps us better understand Jehovah's qualities. For example, the wonderful design of nature reflects the wisdom of God. And the wide variety of foods we can try shows that he loves us.

How did Jehovah and Jesus use creation to teach important lessons?

Jehovah used creation to teach that he has a schedule, that he gives strength to his servants, and that he is trustworthy.

In the case of Jesus, he used creation to show that Jehovah shows his love to everyone, to show that Jehovah gives us what we need to live, and that Jehovah values ​​each one of us.

What should we do to continue learning from creation?

We have to take time to notice what is around us and meditate on what it teaches us about Jehovah, and although it is not always easy to do that, since we live in the city and others are very busy.
