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Spiritual Gems (10 min.)
2Ch 29:25. Why is it always best to accept Jehovah's discipline, just as Nathan did? (w12 2/15 24 pars. 6-7)
At an emotionally charged moment in his life, he expressed his approval of David regarding the building of the temple. However, God had a different opinion. Nevertheless, this humble prophet willingly submitted to Jehovah's purpose and supported it without complaint. If God were to correct us in any way, we would do well to follow Nathan's example. The fact that he continued to exercise the functions of a prophet indicates that he did not lose divine favor. Indeed, it seems that Jehovah inspired him, along with Gad the man of visions, to lead David in organizing 4,000 temple musicians.
As we see, Nathan's opinion regarding the construction of the temple differed from God's will, however this prophet was humble and willingly submitted to Jehovah's purpose and supported it without complaining and did not lose Jehovah's favor.
From this we learn that it will always be best for us to accept divine correction with the same attitude as Nathan, in order not to lose the approval of our heavenly father and thus continue to count on his blessings.
If we were to be corrected, we should accept the correction just as Nathan did. The fact that Nathan continued to exercise his functions as a prophet indicates that he did not lose Divine favor. Indeed, it seems that Jehovah did not inspire along with the man of visions to direct David in organizing 4000 musicians in the temple service. So may we always be willing to humbly accept Jehovah's discipline.
Accepting Jehovah's discipline is the best, because he corrects us because he loves us, and because he also wants us to continue on the right path and continue serving him. And let's keep in mind that by accepting his discipline we are showing him that we submit to his purpose and that we are humble, which will prevent us from losing his favor. And this is exactly what happened to Nathan, since by not losing favor with Jehovah, he was able to continue exercising his duties.
Although it seemed that Nathan's opinion regarding the construction of the temple differed from God's will, the prophet humbly submitted willingly to Jehovah's purpose and supported it without complaint. And this was the best thing for him, since Jehovah allowed him to continue exercising the functions of a prophet, and together with gad he received inspiration to direct David in the organization of 4000 musicians in the temple service, with which it was demonstrated that he did not lose control. Divine favor.
It is always important to accept Jehovah's discipline, and we notice this with this faithful servant of Jehovah, how was Nathan, he had the privilege of supporting the construction project of the house of worship to Jehovah, but on one occasion he expressed his own feelings in Instead of speaking in the name of God, since Jehovah had told him to take a different message to David, and that message implied not to build the temple, but his son, now by the native divine order he announced that God was making a covenant with him, whereby his throne would be firmly established to time indefinite.
What spiritual pearls have you found about Jehovah, the ministry, and other topics in this week's Bible reading?
2 Chronicles 28:1. Despite having good examples in his family, Acáz decided to do bad, to imitate the bad examples of his family. Certainly no one has a faultless family, despite that we struggle to do the blessed and perfect will of Jehovah, it is good to review our family tree and review the lives of our ancestors to see what has been the most frequent, with the aim of taking care of ourselves and not doing the same as them.
2 Chronicles 29:31. This reading teaches me the importance of our giving, so we have to give with all our hearts because Jehovah loves a cheerful giver.
2 Chronicles 28:8-11. This text teaches me the harmful effects caused by rivalry and enmity, since it causes bad actions to be triggered in us. All these actions are incompatible with Jehovah's way of thinking, making us guilty in his eyes. Therefore, let us continue striving to have harmony and love among us, this will result in peace and unity and, above all, we please Jehovah.
2 Chronicles 29-11,12. This text teaches me that today's elders should never neglect what Jehovah asks of them. True Worship involves caring for the faithful, mainly teaching them about how to serve Jehovah in the right way. Under the direction of the faithful and prudent slave, the elders work hard to spiritually nurture their brothers, spending many hours preparing instructive and motivational speeches. Therefore, let us show appreciation for these gifts in men, because they are a generous gift from Jehovah.
2 Chronicles 28:20-23. This text teaches me that, on more than one occasion, some of us have felt firsthand the effects caused by intense anguish, the issue is how we respond when facing these moments of affliction. The way we act here shows us what we should not do, such as resorting to any source of security instead of Jehovah. Let us remember that the Bible assures us that no matter how many calamities the righteous suffer, Jehovah will deliver us from all of them.
2 Chronicles 29:25. We see that using his prophets, Jehovah gave instructions for his servants to praise him with songs, which is why today it continues to be the same way, but perhaps one might say: singing is not my thing. However, let us remember that talent is not what counts the most for God, but that he pays attention to our intentions, so when we praise Jehovah, the important thing is that we do not strive to do it in the best way we can.
2 Chronicles 28:5. It makes us think that it is not that Jehovah punishes us for our bad acts, but that our disobedience will always bring us terrible consequences, that is why it is better to follow Jehovah's principles, because that way we will get rid of many problems.
2 Chronicles 28:1. It shows us that despite having good examples in his family, Ahaz decided to do bad, what it teaches us is that having a family that has always served Jehovah is not a guarantee that we will always do the right thing, that is why each person must take charge of his spirituality and strengthen his relationship with Jehovah.
2 Chronicles 28:15. We know that anointing the head with oil was a sign of favor. The heads of Ephraim favored the captive soldiers of Judah by anointing us with oil and returning them to Jericho. This teaches us how important it is to love with deeds, instead of just words. Jehovah wants us to be generous with those in need in our congregation, whether they are older brothers, widows, orphans, and give them practical help, and all of this will be rewarded.
2 Chronicles 29:2. The example of droughts teaches us that we can be faithful to Jehovah, even if in our own family we do not have good examples of faith, because we can choose to be different and do the right thing, but this requires courage of session, and of course Jehovah's help.
2 Chronicles 29:5. He talks about sanctifying himself and this has to do with being separated from everything bad, being clean in a moral, spiritual, and physical sense, since Jehovah is holy and expects those servants to be holy.
2 Chronicles 28:23. It teaches us that life is not a game, we are not playing, it is real. Here and now the decisions we make have consequences, and there are people who, even though they hit rock bottom, do not repent or give glory to God, like Ahaz did, who despite having been defeated ends up ruining it by looking for the pagan gods instead of looking for God. Jehovah, we see how his bad decisions affected him and the people.
2 Chronicles 28:3. It teaches us that following the practices or customs of nations can lead us to do detestable things, just as it happened to Ahaz, so let us avoid contaminating the world at all costs.
2 Chronicles 29:3,7,11. In the texts we can note that Hezekiah ordered the temple to be repaired to Jehovah and the services that were carried out in it will be resumed. This involves a choice for us not to abandon meeting, either in congregations or in assemblies, since our meetings play an essential role, because in it we receive the encouragement and impulse that both our brothers and the spirit of God , that's why the importance of meeting.
2 Chronicles 28:1-8,20,23 . This text teaches us that we must always walk in the path of Jehovah, but for this it is important to show loyalty, we must be determined to serve Jehovah alone. That is why we must ask God in prayer to give us strength and wisdom to face the different situations that come our way. If we do so, we can confidently expect Jehovah's blessing.
2 Chronicles 28:9. This reading teaches me the courage that this prophet of God named Obed had, which should motivate us to show courage in our ministry, since every day we have to face the ridicule of people, that is why courage is essential.
2 Chronicles 29:2. In the text we can see that Hezekiah acted differently from his father, which shows that we can be loyal to Jehovah even if our relatives are not.
2 Chronicles 29:16. This text teaches us that our God Jehovah demands a pure and clean worship, for which we must all be clean both physically and spiritually.
2 Chronicles 28:16. This reading teaches us that this King Ahaz does not trust in Jehovah, nor in his laws, which ultimately led him to ruin. From this we learn that we must figure out our trust only in Jehovah.
2 Chronicles: Chapter 29. In this chapter he shows that Hezekiah was faithful to Jehovah despite his terrible childhood, since he did not allow his father to decide for him. This teaches me that people who have had a difficult childhood are not condemned to live a life of suffering or to repeat the mistakes of their parents. On the contrary, Jehovah is willing to help us so that they are happy and travel on the right path.
2 Chronicles 29:11. He shows that the Levites would have a key role in the important task of restoring and promoting Pure Worship. For this reason, it was not the time to be negligent. This reminds me that today's servants of Jehovah have a mission and considering that we are much closer to the end, we must not be negligent in our ministry either.
2 Chronicles 29:16-18. He shows that Hezekiah demonstrated his interest in Jehovah's worship by reopening the temple and beginning to repair it in the first month of his reign. This teaches me that my interest in pure worship must also be manifested by my voluntary donations, my active participation in the maintenance and cleaning of the kingdom hall and the assembly places. Also, I must do it on my own initiative, promptly and wholeheartedly as Hezekiah did.
2 Chronicles 29:1-24. This text shows that Jehovah's advice and discipline prompted Hezekiah to correct the serious mistakes his father made. He cleansed the temple and asked Jehovah to forgive the sins of the people. Furthermore, he led a campaign to destroy idolatry. This teaches me that when a servant of Jehovah lives in a spiritually divided home, he must have great faith and be brave, he must also trust in Jehovah and put his hands to work and perhaps with his good example he can encourage or encourage the rest of his family to make necessary changes to get closer to Jehovah.
2 Chronicles: Chapters 29:1-19. He shows that the first thing Hezekiah did after Ahaz's death was to restore pure worship and help that rebellious nation to regain their relationship with Jehovah. This is a wonderful example for servants today, as we too must be determined to help people spiritually so that they can establish a friendly relationship with Jehovah, the only true god.
2 Chronicles 28:24,25 . This text shows that here he turned his back on Jehovah and sought safety in the gods of the nations, the result of which was disastrous. Today, unfortunately, the way of thinking of the Nations continues to cause many people to turn to their false sources of security instead of turning to Jehovah. Hence, the true Christian should never forget that security and true protection depend only on Jehovah, so we should never abandon his path.
2 Chronicles: Chapters 28 and 29. These chapters show that although the prophets Isaiah, Hosea, and Micah were active in their prophesying work during the time of Ahaz, idolatry characterized their reign. This teaches me that we should not get discouraged or lower our hands in our service to Jehovah even though we see that more and more people are following false religions every day. Like these prophets we must concentrate on our work in the work of the kingdom and leave the rest in the hands of Jehovah.
2 Chronicles 28:9-15. He shows that the leaders of Israel responded to the prophet's message and acknowledged their own sin and guilt. For this, they sent the captives back to Judah. This teaches me that due to imperfection and bad inclinations, we can commit many mistakes and sins. However, we can always repent, accept the advice and discipline that comes from Jehovah, and rectify so that we can once again have his approval.
2 Chronicles 28:16-20. He shows that here he placed his confidence that the king of Assyria would crush Syria and Israel. But this only caused him anguish and weakness, since he brought Judah under the heavy Assyrian yoke. This teaches me that placing our trust in the governments of this world always results in misfortune. Hence, our absolute trust must be placed only in Jehovah if we want things to go well for us.
2 Chronicles 28:1-8. These verses show that although Jehovah offered Ahaz help and invited him to test him, Ahaz refused. As a consequence, Judah lost the war and suffered heavy casualties. This teaches me that rejecting Jehovah has a very high cost, from which power, money or a prestigious position cannot save us. Hence, we must strive every day to show that we accept Jehovah as our Father, God and guide.
2 Chronicles 28:1-14. It shows that Ahaz rejected and gave himself up to idolatry, although he had good examples in both his father Jotham's and his ancestor David's. This teaches me that sometimes it is not enough to set good examples for children. Hence, we must also be vigilant and busy in helping each other cultivate strong spirituality and solid faith so that they do not stray as adults.
2 Chronicles 28:9-15. These verses also show the example of courage of the prophet Obed. This teaches us that with the help of Jehovah, the preaching and teaching of the Bible, we can help many people to repent of their sins and straighten their paths in the sight of God.
2 Chronicles 28:9-15. He shows that the heads of the tribe of Ephraim favored the captive soldiers of Judah just as the prophet Obed had advised them. This teaches us that Jehovah has not only given prophecies through different prophets, but also advice. So we do well to accept ourselves because they come from Jehovah and are for our own good.
2 Chronicles 28:1. Acáz's example teaches us that having good examples in our family does not mean that one will automatically be a good example. We can all decide if we will do the right thing or do the wrong thing, if we will imitate the good and bad examples, it is a personal decision.
2 Chronicles 28:3. It teaches us that moving away from Jehovah is one of the worst decisions we can make, it hurts us individually and also our family, Jehovah wants to see us well and teaches us for our own benefit, and our family will benefit too.
2 Chronicles 28:15. Anointing the head with oil was a show of favour. The heads of Ephraim favored the captive soldiers of Judah by gathering them with oil and returning them to Jericho, as the prophet Oded had advised them. This teaches us how important it is to love with deeds, instead of just words. Jehovah wants us to be generous with those in need in our congregation, older brothers, widows, orphans, and give them practical help, he promises to bless all those who do so in secret.
2 Chronicles 28:21. It says that Ahaz brought a very expensive gift to the king of Syria, but it was useless, this teaches us about the care we must have when giving and receiving gifts, especially if we have a position of authority in the congregation, there are those who try to buy others in exchange for favors, gifts, invitations. This is known in the Bible as simony.
2 Chronicles 28:23. It teaches us that life is not a game, we are not playing, it is real, Here and now, the decisions we make have consequences, and there are people who, even though they hit rock bottom, do not repent or give glory to God, as did Acáz, who despite having been defeated, he ended up ruining himself looking for the pagan gods instead of looking for Jehovah, we see how his bad decisions affected him and the people.
2 Chronicles 29:2. Hezekiah's example teaches us that we can be faithful to Jehovah even if in our own carnal family we do not have good examples of faith. We can choose to be different and do what is right, this requires courage, determination and the help of Jehovah.
2 Chronicles 29:2. Hezekiah's example teaches us that we can be faithful to Jehovah even if in our own carnal family we do not have good examples of faith. We can choose to be different and do what is right, this requires courage, determination and the help of Jehovah.
2 Chronicles 29:5. Sanctifying oneself has to do with being separated from God, being clean in a moral, spiritual, physical sense and removing all the saints from the impure, Jehovah is holy and He expects us to be Holy, not that we appear to be Saints, but that we truly let's be saints
2 Chronicles 29:6. This text talks about looking away from and turning away, which can be a demonstration of indifference or contempt. Without a doubt, we never want to despise or be indifferent towards Jehovah and his principles. This motivates us to take our worship seriously and participate in the congregation.
2 Chronicles 29:6-7. It teaches us that parents with their example can influence their children, the text mentions that they stopped offering sacrifices and this made the people in general stop doing it too, if there are parents who miss the meetings, they stop contributing and helping siblings, children most likely and unfortunately will imitate that example, that is why it is very important to take care of ourselves and be exemplary with our words and actions.
2 Chronicles 29:10. A sign of spiritual maturity is to take into account what Jehovah thinks and feels about our actions, many worry about what others think of them, but the most important thing is that Jehovah thinks of us at that moment, that is what truth matters, we can make it happy or even sad.
2 Chronicles 29:11. He encourages us to be diligent, workers in a spiritual sense, and secular, if we give in to laziness and hope that everything will be served to us, we will have bigger problems when going through trials and difficulties, Jehovah wants us to be workers also in the congregation, he helps us chose to serve and help our brothers.
2 Chronicles 29:12. We can invite the Levites by putting their hands to work when receiving advice from Jehovah, there are those who are listeners and remain the same or worse than before, but there are others who take action, that is why this text teaches us that the decision it's in our hands.
2 Chronicles 29:28. It teaches us the respectful attitude that we must have when worshiping Jehovah, without a doubt, watching videos, playing on the cell phone during the meeting, or having the habit of being late at meetings, would be actions that would show a lack of appreciation for the spiritual .
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