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Spiritual Gems (10 min.)
2Ch 26:4, 5. As the example of Uzziah shows, why is it valuable to have a “spiritual mentor,” a mature brother who gives us guidance and advice? (w07 12/15 10 ¶1-2)
Having a spiritual mentor helps us to grow in faith, in fear of Jehovah, in this context we see that the mentor was Zacharias, he exerted a great positive influence on the young monarch, since it is indicated that he instructed him in fear of the true God.
Well, in this case having a spiritual mentor helped Uzziah the young Uzziah to progress, in our case it also helps us to progress to grow in faith, to grow or to fear God. In this context we see that the mentor was Zacharias who exerted a positive influence on Uzziah, since it is indicated that he instructed him in the fear of the true god. So it's important that we have a spiritual counselor and mentor.
Because this can exert a positive influence on us, since mature brothers can contribute with their extensive spiritual experience and knowledge. This will help us to stay in Jehovah's way and make good decisions.
Having a spiritual mentor or Maduro brother who gives us guidance and advice is very valuable, because it does not matter if we are young or old, men or women, we all need advice based on the Bible, which helps us to be fearful people God and deserving of his blessings.
Zacharias that in his role as Uzziah's spiritual mentor, he instructed me in the fear of God and encouraged him to continue in his ways. Therefore, the fact that shusiah received many blessings from Jehovah while remaining a fearful man, Proves how valuable it is to have the guidance and counsel of a mature, Bible-literate brother with spiritual experience, ability to pass on their knowledge and qualities such as wisdom and piety.
Good advice is always followed and even more so when it comes from people who are interested in others and that is what happened to UZías. He allowed himself to be influenced by people who gave him good advice that helped him to be well with Jehovah, in the same way in the Congregation we have capable mature brothers that we can ask for help and advice to be well with Jehovah.
We read that Zechariah led usiah on the right path, which makes us see that it is important to surround ourselves with mature brothers as spiritual mentors, because they will be very positive influences in our lives, since they have a lot of knowledge and experience, which it will undoubtedly help us to continue on the path of truth without deviating.
What spiritual pearls have you found about Jehovah, the ministry, and other topics in this week's Bible reading?
2 Chronicles 25:7. In this text we see that Jehovah told the king of Judah that he was not going to be with him because he had joined the army of Israel, who was doing what was evil in the eyes of Jehovah. This teaches us that the same thing can happen to us if we do not choose our companies well or prefer companies that do not serve Jehovah.
2 Chronicles 26:16. The text mentions that as soon as the king of Judah became strong, his heart became haughty. This teaches us that even a person whose heart has been humble in his service to God can become haughty due to getting wealth or power. That is why we must always do a self-examination to see who we are trusting in, if it is in Jehovah or in riches. and the power that this world offers.
2 Chronicles 25:4. It also says that parents should not die because of their children, nor children because of their parents, which makes us think that others should not pay for the guilt of others, for example when a parent is expelled from the congregation. , we must not begin to treat his family with indifference or criticism.
2 Chronicles 27:6. It shows that Jotham was a good son and servant of Jehovah, he did not repeat the mistakes of his ancestors, he was faithful to the end. This teaches us that it is good that we strive not to repeat patterns of behavior and justify ourselves by saying that we are like that, or that it is already our family so, without a doubt, with Jehovah's help we can be different and give glory to him with our behavior.
2 Chronicles 26:16. He makes us see that even a person whose heart has been humble in his service to God can become haughty due to gaining wealth or power, and that is what happened to King Uzziah. This teaches us that when we receive some privilege within the congregation, we must work hard with our humility so as not to become like this king.
2 Chronicles 26:5. It makes us meditate that in the congregation there are also mature brothers and sisters like Zacarías, with their experience and example they are like columns in the congregation, and they are generous when helping others who want to be helped, therefore it is important that we take advantage of having to faithful brothers in the congregation.
2 Chronicles 25:14. He says that one of Amaziah's mistakes was to start worshiping other gods, which teaches us that we should only worship the one true God, Jehovah.
2 Chronicles 25:16. We see that Amazías reacted badly to the advice, this makes us think about our reaction when we take a false step and need someone to help us with advice, perhaps our parents or another Christian have the courage to approach us and make us see our mistake, think how we react is very important.
2 Chronicles 25:5 . He makes us think that having a spear and a shield does not make a good warrior. But you have to know how to use each piece. In the same way, the fact that someone has a Bible at home does not mean that he understands it, much less that he is a Christian, this reminds us of the importance of studying, meditating and practicing what we learn.
2 Chronicles 25:2. He says that Amaziah did not serve Jehovah with a complete heart, which led him to make many mistakes, in our case we want to be the opposite, because we must serve our God with a complete heart, that is, we must love him with all our might. and comply with its purposes and standards in every step we take.
2 Chronicles 25:4. It clearly says that each one must die for their own sin, which undoubtedly teaches us that each person individually will give an account to Jehovah, not even parents will be able to save their children or vice versa, but from today each one must go celebrating a man before Jehovah.
2 Chronicles 25:6. The king of Judah began to put his trust in wealth and thought that it would give him the protection he needed when hiring men for war. This teaches us that today in the world people think that wealth is what will give us security, so we must be on guard not to fall into the same way of thinking, because it is Jehovah who is our security.
2 Chronicles 25:11. This reading teaches us that when we have problems we can ask Jehovah to give us courage to face difficulties, just as Amaziah did.
2 Chronicles 27:6. Like Jotham he demonstrated a complete heart toward Jehovah, and met with his approval. We, too, can enjoy a complete relationship with Jehovah and be blessed if we are loyal at all times.
2 Chronicles 26:16. We can see how you continue for a while, everything goes well, but then his heart became haughty and that cost him dearly, by doing things that only priests had to do. We notice that pride can change people as it did Uzziah, so we need to cultivate humility.
2 Chronicles 25:2. This reading teaches me that we must give Jehovah complete worship, not half, in order to count on his blessing and protection.
2 Chronicles 25:4. This text teaches me that each person is responsible for their acts, no one can cover the consequences of others, that is, we will be accountable individually in the eyes of Jehovah.
2 Chronicles 25:9. He shows how Amaziah asks the man of true god "And what about the 100 talents I have given to the soldiers of Israel?" To which the man of the true god replied: "Jehovah can give you much more than that." This teaches me that it does not matter what obedience to Jehovah costs us, since it will always be much cheaper than disobedience.
2 Chronicles 27:9. He shows that Jotham rested with his ancestors and they buried him in the city of David. This is remarkable because the history of three kings before him shows that they started well, but ended badly. From here we learn that we must lead a life of righteousness and faithfulness before Jehovah, in order to enjoy a good reputation and so that he will keep us in his memory as a pleasant memory and a person worthy of enjoying his resurrection promise.
2 Chronicles 26:17-21. Uzziah knew the law. Therefore, entering the sanctuary of the temple to burn incense on the altar was a way of rebelling against Jehovah. Apparently, he wanted to add priestly functions to his royal power. For this reason, the priest Azarias and 80 other priests very courageously censured him. This teaches us that within the congregation we must respect the functions and responsibilities that each one has, since usurping them in some way can be very dangerous for us.
2 Chronicles 26:16-21. It also shows that Uzziah achieved many successes with Jehovah's help, but that prosperity apparently made him haughty and turned away from him. This teaches me that success, recognition and economic prosperity can cause a person to weaken spiritually and end up moving away from Jehovah. Hence, it is so important that we be balanced in all matters.
2 Chronicles 26:16-21. It shows that Uzziah forgot that the main reason for his success was Jehovah's help. Forgetting This was the basis that he began to develop the arrogance that led him to violate Jehovah's laws by burning incense in the temple sanctuary. Hence he suffered as a punishment, until the day of his death. This teaches me that I should never forget that everything good comes to us from Jehovah, for which we must be humble and very grateful.
2 Chronicles 27:6 . It shows that jotham was getting stronger because he prepared his way before Jehovah. he did this, taking it into account before making his decisions. This teaches me that one way to strengthen myself spiritually is by consulting Jehovah before making decisions, and I can do it by researching the Bible and our Christian publications, consulting the mature Brothers of the congregation and also through prayer and meditation on the teachings Biblical.
2 Chronicles 27:6. He shows that Jotham became strong because he prepared his ways before Jehovah. When we read the context, we notice that the majority of the people continued to be unfaithful. So Jotham did not become strong by carrying out a national reform during his reign, but because he remained in permanent union with Jehovah. This is instructive because it shows that although today we cannot change the things of this world, we can be stronger if we remain United to Jehovah.
2 Chronicles 25:11,12. It shows that because Amaziah's heart was not whole toward Jehovah, he made many mistakes such as punishing 10,000 men from Seir with the death penalty, even though this type of execution was not stipulated in the law. From this we learn that although Jehovah has not given us specific laws for everything, we must learn to perceive His will by analyzing Bible principles and then we must strive to put it into practice.
2 Chronicles 26:5. It shows that while Uzziah sought guidance from Jehovah, He granted it and blessed him with prosperity. This teaches me that I must seek Jehovah's guidance if I want to prosper spiritually and count on his blessings. and I can do it by taking time to pray, study the Bible and meditate on his teachings.
2 Chronicles 27:3-6. He shows that Jotham became strong because he prepared his ways before Jehovah. And although the majority of the people continued to be unfaithful, they benefited from Jehovah's blessing, which he granted to the king for his faithfulness. This teaches me that although in this wicked world most people are not unfaithful to Jehovah, through preaching they benefit from the spiritual light that Jehovah bestows on his faithful servants.
2 Chronicles 25:14. We see that Amazías reacted badly to the advice, this makes us think about our reaction when we take a false step and need someone to help us with advice, perhaps our parents or another Christian has the courage to approach us and make us see our mistake, think how we react is important.
2 Chronicles 25:1,2. This makes us see that attending meetings and participating regularly in the Ministry and other theocratic duties is good, but serving God with a complete heart implies more, because if deep down a Christian continues to love the things that are part of of the world's way of life, you are in danger of losing Jehovah's approval.
2 Chronicles 25:16. There are cases in which someone hardens his heart and his conscience to such a high degree that his conscience no longer works, and he does not care about the serious sins he is committing, the common reaction is to explode against all advice and there is no way to reason with him or her.
2 Chronicles 26:5. It is important that we think if there is a mature Christian whom one could consider their instructor, or mentor, who encourages us to seek God, regardless of whether one is young or old, male or female, we should value such a counselor. What he or she tells us can help us to continue walking in Jehovah's ways. Let's listen carefully to the law and take into account his advice. Let us never reject the wise words of this instructor who can guide us in the fear of the true God.
2 Chronicles 26:23. The text says that Uzziah lay with his ancestors, so he was buried with his ancestors, but in the burial field, this implies that his body was buried in the ground, rather than being deposited in a rock-cut tomb. . As we can see, due to his actions, he did not have a good burial, and we do not want to have the same end. That is why we must always watch our actions to make ourselves a good name before God.
2 Chronicles 26:5. There are mature brothers and sisters like Zacarías, with their experience and example they are like columns in the congregation, and they are generous in helping others who want to be helped. It is important that we take advantage of having brothers in a good sense of the word. faithful in the congregation, since they will not be with us forever.
2 Chronicles 26:16. Even a person whose heart has been humble in her service to God can become haughty because of gaining wealth or power, or because of her beauty, success, wisdom, or acclaim from others. So was King Uzziah of Judah. Although for many years he had ruled well and enjoyed Jehovah's blessing, the Bible says regarding him: However, as soon as he grew strong, his heart became haughty even to the point of causing ruin.
2 Chronicles 26:17-18. In this text we read that 80 priests turned against the King when he wanted to offer incense, thus showing their loyalty to Jehovah, despite the fact that they were putting their lives in danger, and we also observe that Jehovah was aware of the situation and ended up punishing the king. king. This teaches us that Jehovah is also aware of his servants when we show loyalty and our lives are in danger.
2 Chronicles 26:19. There are cases in which Jehovah intervenes immediately, such as when King Uzziah, in a gesture of arrogance, usurped the priestly powers, trying to offer incense in the temple of Jehovah on the altar of incense, his sin was immediately made manifest through the withering judgment of Jehovah , which marked him with leprosy on his forehead.
2 Chronicles 27:6. Jotham was a good son and servant of Jehovah, he did not repeat the mistakes of his ancestors, he was faithful until the end, it is good that we make an effort not to repeat behavior patterns and justify ourselves by saying that we are like that, or that our family is like that Without a doubt, with Jehovah's help we can be different and give glory to him with our conduct.
2 Chronicles 26:16. We can also apply this text when respecting the established order, since in this text we see how Uzziah exalted himself and tried to assume priestly duties, despite the fact that God had expressly deprived the kings of Israel of this privilege. What teaches us that we must respect the established order that Jehovah has placed here on earth. For example, obeying the directives given to us by the faithful and prudent slave and obeying the brothers who carry on in the congregations, so we will remain united and obey Jehovah.
2 Chronicles 27:6. Jotham's example teaches us that Jehovah blesses those who listen and obey.
2 Chronicles 26:16. We can also apply this text to the haughtiness of Uzziah, since this king made him cause ruin and acted unfaithfully against Jehovah his God. Today we have a privilege in the congregation that we must remember, and that is that Jehovah uses us to serve our brothers and not to believe ourselves superior to them.
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