SPIRITUAL GEMS: Week from May 15 to 21, 2023, 2 Chronicles from 22 to 24, Answers.

SPIRITUAL GEMS: May 15-21-2023, 2 Chronicles from 22 to 24, Answers.

Spiritual Gems (10 min.)

2Ch 24:22. How were the last words of the prophet Zechariah fulfilled? (it-2 1221).

Before being stoned to death by the people in the courtyard of the temple, the prophet Zacharias pronounced the phrase Jehovah see him and claim him as his last words. Jehovah granted Zechariah this prophetic request, and it was fulfilled when Syria caused great harm to Judah and King Jehoash was slain by two of his servants because of the blood of the sons of Jehoiada the priest. 


Well, they were fulfilled without fail to the letter, since some time later Syria caused great damage to Judah, and it says that two of his servants were eliminated from Jehovah, he was a victim of treason because of what he did to the sons of Jehoiada the priest. This teaches us that there are people throughout the history of humanity millions of acts of injustice like the one we see here, someone will think they are forgotten, but there is the point Jehovah sees it and asks for an account. So that teaches us how dangerous it is to hurt others, the innocent who cannot defend themselves, and even worse, to hurt a faithful servant of the Most High, no one who does this type of action will go unpunished.

Jehoash became king thanks to the courageous action of the high priest Jehoiada and his wife Jehosabeat, who was his aunt, who hid him at the cost of his own life for 6 years, since he was the only heir to the throne of David's line, which was left alive. However, while Jehoiadah lived, Jehoash silvio Jehovah After that he bowed down before false gods and for that reason he treated Zacharias who was the son of Jehoiadah cruelly.

Zechariah in turn was Jehoash's cousin. Seeing his disloyal conduct towards Jehovah, he severely censured him as well as the people who were copying the King's procedure. And that's why he had him killed. The words of the prophet Zechariah were fulfilled when Syria caused great damage to Judah and Jehoash was also killed by two of his servants.

Jehovah granted an early fulfillment to the prophetic request contained in the last words of the prophet Zechariah by turning the mighty army of Judah into the hands of a small Syrian force, which laid waste the princes of Judah and carried off their spoil. Furthermore, the Syrians executed acts of judgment on Jehoash and left him very sick, after which his servants murdered him.

We see that all this was the consequence of King Jehovah turning away from pure worship. He began to listen to bad advice instead of heeding Jehovah's prophets. Therefore, he could not bear Zacharias's severe admonition and instead of repenting he ordered him to be stoned in the courtyard of the temple. He did not care that Zacharias was his cousin and Jehovah's prophet. This teaches us how far someone can go when he abandons the way of Jehovah

The prophet Zacharias pronounced the phrase "Jehovah sees it and claims it" as his last words before being stoned to death by the people in the temple courtyard. His prophetic Supplication was granted by Jehovah when Syria inflicted great harm on Judas and King Jehoash was slain by two of his servants in revenge for the blood of the sons of Jehoiada the priest.

Jehovah granted an early fulfillment to the prophetic request contained in Zechariah's last words by allowing a small Syrian force to take over Judah's mighty army, ruining its princes and plundering its wealth. the Syrians also inflicted punishment on Jehoash, leaving him seriously ill and finally being killed by his own servants. 

What spiritual pearls have you found about Jehovah, the ministry, and other topics in this week's Bible reading?

2 Chronicles 24:10. It shows that all the people and all the princes were glad to pour their contributions into the chest until it was full. This teaches me that when we make our donations for the work of the Kingdom, as well as for the expenses of the congregation, we must do it from the heart. Furthermore, this should be a source of joy and joy for us regardless of whether the contribution is small or large.

2 Chronicles 22:3. It shows us that parents can greatly influence the lives of their children and the decisions they make, hence the importance that parents strive to be a good example for their children and also guide them from a young age on the right path.

2 Chronicles 22:7. It shows us that the death of the cosiah river came from Jehovah and that Jehu acted as executioner. This was the consequence of Ahaziah's association with the doomed house of Ahab. This verse warns us of the consequences that can befall us if we associate with people who practice the things that Jehovah hates.

2 Chronicles 22:10,11. It makes us see that Athaliah believed to exterminate the entire lineage of the house of Judah. However, this was not the case, for Jehoseba secretly took Jehoash away to protect him. This shows that even if the bad guys fight with everything, he never succeeds, because he won't allow it. Like him, neither will he allow anyone to thwart his purposes.

2 Chronicles 22:4. It teaches us that we must take great care of the advice of those we listen to because, in the case of Ahaziah, listening to those who advised him led to ruin. So we must be sure to seek advice from those who are spiritually mature and loyally serve Jehovah.

2 Chronicles 22:12, 24:18. We note how Jehoash stayed in the house of Jehovah for 6 years, but Chapter 24:18 we observe how this King forgot gratitude, and everyone could have been different if Jehoash had continued to be Jehovah's servant and had shown respect and appreciation.

2 Chronicles 24:10,11. This text narrates how Athaliah tried to exterminate the royal lineage, but Jehoseba hid Jehoash to protect him. This shows that the enemies of God will never be able to exterminate his people, nor truncate his purposes.

2 Chronicles 24:17-19. It relates how, after the death of Jehoiada, the Princes of Judah abandoned the house of Jehovah to serve idols, which provoked the wrath of God. This idolatry is still a temptation today, as it is disguised as greed or nationalism. That is why we must be careful not to fall into this trap of Satan.

2 Chronicles 22:10. This text indicates that the people and the Princes were happy to contribute to the chest for the work of the kingdom, which teaches us that we should give our donations sincerely and cheerfully, regardless of their size. This also includes the expenses of the congregation.

2 Chronicles 22:20. It is mentioned that Joash reigned in Judah for 40 years and that he did what was right in the eyes of Jehovah. This resulted in a blessing to him and to the people of Judah, as they experienced peace and prosperity during his reign. This teaches us that obedience to God brings blessing and that, as a result, we can experience peace and prosperity in our lives.

2 Chronicles 23:14. This text indicates that Athaliah and her followers were put to death, teaching us not to follow human leaders, even within the congregation. Even less should we follow worldly characters, since this would not deviate from the exclusive devotion that Jehovah demands.

2 Chronicles 22:7. He explains that the death of King Ahaziah was divine punishment for his association with the house of Ahab. This verse warns us about the consequences of associating with those who practice what God hates.

2 Chronicles 22:5-9. It shows that Athaliah, by not parting with Jehoash, exposed herself to the same punishment that Jehovah had announced against the house of Ahab. This teaches us that we must separate ourselves from the world and from people who practice the things Jehovah hates, even if they are our parents, grandparents, or other near and dear family members.

2 Chronicles 22:17. We see that after Joash was crowned king, the altars of baal were destroyed and the true duration was established in the temple of Jehovah. This reminds us of the importance of truly worshiping God and eliminating any form of idolatry or false worship in our lives.

2 Chronicles 22:5-9. He shows that Ahazias, by not separating from Jehoram, exposed himself to suffer the same punishment that Jehovah had announced against the house of Ahab. This teaches me that we must separate ourselves from the world and from people who practice the things that Jehovah hates. Even so, if it were our parents, grandparents or other very close and dear relatives.

2 Chronicles 23:14. We see that Athaliah and those who followed her were to be put to death, which teaches us that true Christians are not to be followers of men. Not even of those who are considered Pillars within the congregation. Much less, following famous people in this world, since doing so could bring us the disapproving look of Jehovah.

2 Chronicles 22:3. This verse reminds us that there are many brothers and sisters who do not have a good time in the truth because they have relatives who do not accept their beliefs and can exert pressure. Sometimes the biggest stumbling block to do bad things in the eyes of Jehovah can come from the same family and we must stand firm in such situations, obeying Jehovah.

2 Chronicles 22:9. Although the punishment was fulfilled and he died, they buried him for the memory of Jehoshaphat who served God. This gives us a lesson in Jehovah's mercy and how He will never forget any detail and act of faith that we show Him and will take into account when His promised time and day of our complete service to God comes.

2 Chronicles 23:10. This verse of a warlike nature, we can see that each person had a weapon, a place and a mission. By way of comparison, today each of us has our place in God's people and serves in one way or another, but we are always ready to do our best in our assignment, whatever it may be.

2 Chronicles 23:12. Every servant of God will meet an Athaliah in our lives, because he would persecute us just for bearing his name. Jesus already warned us about this, but we have to be aware that when we least expect it, we are going to meet that person who wants to see us stumble and fail God, that is why we can never let our guard down.

2 Chronicles 24:16. This text shows us that our faith and courage are strengthened when we see that Jehovah supports those who put God's will and the well-being of others before personal convenience. How is the example of high priest Jehoiadá.

2 Chronicles 22:3. It is mentioned that the young King Joash was influenced by his mother, Athaliah, to follow the evil ways of the house of Ahab. This teaches us that parents have a great influence in the lives of their children and that we must be careful with the example we set for them.

2 Chronicles 24:25. In the text we note how Jehoás, although he survived, was left sick and weakened and shortly after some of his own servants conspired against him and murdered him. This teaches us that if we move away from Jehovah we will have bad consequences, which is why we must obey his word.

2 Chronicles 22:10. In the text we can see that Jehoiáda, the high priest, was a wise and strategic leader, since he raised and executed a peaceful coup to remove Athalía from the Throne and put Joás in his place. This teaches us the importance of having wise and strategic leaders in the congregation, who can guide and protect God's people effectively.

2 Chronicles 22:9. She mentions that Josaba, the daughter of King Joram, hid young Joash from Athaliah's wrath. Josaba was the wife of the high priest Jehoiada, and she had been faithful to her family and her faith, leading her to risk her own life to protect the rightful heir to the throne. This reminds us of the importance of being faithful to our principles and our faith, even in difficult situations.

2 Chronicles 24:22. In the text we could see how Jehoás forgets the love he had received from Jehoiadá and ordered his son to be stoned to death, we can see how Jehoás became a heartless and disobedient man and all because he succumbed to the influence of bad companies . From this we learn that we must be alert because Satan wants to ruin our spirituality, he wants us to lose favor with Jehovah and the perspective of Eternal Life. That is why if we want to stay close to God we must accept the instructions we receive through his word and his organization, if we do so, we will have his protection and care.

2 Chronicles 24:2-4. In the text we note how Jehoash wished to renew the house of Jehovah. This indicates that Jehoiada had succeeded in instilling in the young man a desire to study and obey God's law. This teaches us that with our good conduct we give a good testimony to our family and friends, because if they notice that we maintain a clean conduct, it can encourage them to study the Bible, perhaps to be servants of our great God Jehovah.

2 Chronicles 22:12, 24:18. We note how Jehoash stayed in the house of Jehovah for 6 years, but Chapter 24:18 we observe how this King forgot gratitude, and everyone could have been different if Jehoash had continued to be Jehovah's servant and had shown respect and appreciation. In our case it teaches us that life can also be different if we continue to show appreciation for God's just requirements. A spirit of ingratitude can only cause us ruin, as it happened with Jehoás. Therefore we must strive to continue to deeply appreciate divine guidance.

2 Chronicles 24:10. In the text we note Athaliah's action, she reveals that she was mad with power, she had deep roots of idol worship. The fact that Athaliah murdered her grandchildren to secure her power reveals just how far idolatry can take. Athaliah's case emphasizes the danger of getting involved in idolatry.

2 Chronicles 22:10,11. In our days there is a global objective through the media such as television and the internet, which seeks to leave the children of God, and keep them asleep in a spiritual sense, responsible parents must take specific measures to protect their children , and in this way to separate us from that danger, if they do not take care of them or educate them, this system, its ruler and its agents will do it for it.

2 Chronicles 24:22. Sometimes we think that if we tell the truth and do everything right, others will love us for it and we will have everyone's sympathy, but in reality it is the opposite, some have lost their lives for telling the truth, in this case it was a legitimate prophet commissioned directly by Jehovah, in our case we must have prudence and good judgment in every step we take.

2 Chronicles 23:6,7. Obedience in terms of safety instructions are and have been of Vital importance, therefore, cultivating habits such as punctuality and obeying the instructions we receive in meetings can mean a great blessing and protection for all.

2 Chronicles 23:14-15. Although we know that we will be persecuted for being God's servants, these verses also teach us that we have a united world people who will always protect us and will be willing to fight for and with us, in addition to the fact that Jehovah through his holy spirit will never He will give up, especially when we have difficulties doing his work.

2 Chronicles 23:21. We can be completely sure that God's enemies and those who attack his people sooner or later will have their time, Jehovah's divine justice, one way or another, as happened to Athaliah after all the damage he did. This redemption or justice belongs to Jehovah, while his faithful servants must remain loyal and endure the tribulations for which we will count on God's help as prayer.

2 Chronicles 24:13,14. Just as they reinforced and returned the house of Jehovah to normality. In the reports of the Governing Body on the progress of the works and sacred constructions for the service of Jehovah, we feel extremely happy, happy and rejoiced that our monetary or in-kind contributions make it possible to promote the Work of God throughout the world.

2 Chronicles 24:10. This verse is an example of how our contributions and contributions to the work of God have to be, always with joy. We should not feel bad if we cannot contribute more, every contribution is extremely valuable in the eyes of Jehovah and we are helping to fulfill his work, which greatly pleases God's heart.

2 Chronicles 24:10. Although tithing is not required in the congregation, we can all happily contribute to the local contribution box of the congregation and the world work, and it is also very important to teach our children that giving is a great and unforgettable teaching that they will carry forever. in his heart.

2 Chronicles 24:22. This text was highlighted in a Broadcasting where it was said that sometimes we forget the good that others have done for us, and we become ungrateful, but instead we have a good memory for the faults of others, which helps us to meditate very good to be aware of the qualities of our brothers and forget the offenses they do against us.

2 Chronicles 24:5. When carrying out tasks in life we ​​can do them with diligence and responsibility, do it as for Jehovah, on the other hand, if we do not do them or do them at the last moment, we will be affecting ourselves.

2 Chronicles 23:9,10. We see that certain weapons were distributed for defense protection and it is true that we do not carry physical weapons. Generally in this verse they did come with physical weapons, but let's think about the following: we carry spiritual weapons. That's why when a Christian stops praying, he doesn't read the Bible, or listen to it, leaving it forgotten at home, he's like an unarmed warrior. A warrior who goes to war and does not carry his sword, nor his shield, nor his helmet, is a literally fallen man, a dead soldier. We are in a spiritual war, that is why we must take care of our spiritual armor.

2 Chronicles 24:22. Jehovah is aware of each and every one of the acts of injustice that have occurred in this system, many of which have gone unpunished, but no one mocks him, and each and every one will pay and will have to account for their actions . This motivates us to behave well, not to harm others, since in reality it is in our best interest to behave carefully in life.

2 Chronicles 23:18. Instead of praising Jehovah for strength, we can do it with joy and song, by doing so we are performing acts of devotion to God, it is as if we were giving gifts to Jehovah. He likes that we give him gifts because we want to, not because we are forced to.

2 Chronicles 22:10,11. Faced with the threat of extermination, we see that Jehosabeat cared for and secretly saved Jehovah. This teaches us that as parents we have to take care of our children, at all times and in all places, since we have to be careful who we trust, and be very careful to teach them that we will always be there for what they need.

2 Chronicles 24:22. Zacharias was Jehoash's cousin and yet he had the nerve to give the king advice and admonish him sternly, he could have let it go, he could have let it go as a family matter, he could have brushed the rug between them, as it were, and let it go. so.í But he gave the advice to the people, he did not sell himself, he was not a negligent person regarding their wrongdoing. However, instead of repenting, they stoned him in the courtyard of the temple.

2 Chronicles 24:22. We see that Zacarías was killed for giving advice, without a doubt, giving advice to others is a very difficult task, since it requires tact value and having the right words when giving advice, and sometimes we can become resigned to losing affection or sympathy from others who might react badly to the advice.

2 Chronicles 22:3. It teaches us that parents exert a significant influence on their children, in this case Ahaziah's mother gave him bad advice and he followed it, these days there are parents who give bad advice to their sons and daughters, even starting them in immoral practices . This makes us value the biblical education that Jehovah gives us, which helps us to form ourselves in the best way.

2 Chronicles 24:17-19. It shows that after the death of Jehoiada, the Princes of Judah bowed down to the king and left the house of Jehovah and began to serve the sacred poles and idols, thereby provoking Jehovah's anger. This idolatry ensnared Jehoash, his son Amaziah, and the people of Judah. It continues to be as captivating today as it was back then, especially when it takes the subtle form of greed or nationalism. Hence, we must be very alert so as not to fall into this trap of Satan.

2 Chronicles 22:4. Receiving advice from the wrong people has led many to, some choose to listen to advice from rebellious youth, classmates, others from adults who deny the existence of God. Therefore, we must be very careful in this field.

2 Chronicles 24:10,11. It shows that Athaliah thought she was exterminating the entire royal lineage of the house of Judah. However, it was not so. Jehoseba secretly took Jehoash to protect him. This shows that even if the bad guys fight with all their weapons, they will never manage to exterminate Jehovah's people, because he will not allow it. Like him, neither will he allow anyone to thwart his purposes.

2 Chronicles 23:14. It shows that Athaliah and her loyal followers were to be put to death. This teaches us that true Christians should not be followers of men. Not even of those who are considered pillars within the congregation. Much less, followers of characters from this world. Doing something similar would put us in a disadvantageous situation in the eyes of Jehovah, who as we know is a God who demands exclusive devotion.

2 Chronicles 22:7. He shows that the death of King Ahaziah came from Jehovah and that Jehu acted as executioner. This was the consequence of Ahaziah's association with the doomed house of Ahab. This verse warns us of the consequences that can befall us if we associate with people who practice the things that Jehovah hates. We see that Zacarías was killed for giving advice, without a doubt, giving advice to others is a very difficult task, since it requires tact value and having the right words when giving advice, and sometimes we can become resigned to losing affection or sympathy from others who might react badly to the advice.

2 Chronicles 22:5-9. He shows that cosías by not separating from Jehoash exposed himself to suffer the same punishment that Jehovah had announced against the house of Ahab. This teaches me that we must separate ourselves from the world and from people who practice the things that Jehovah hates. Even if it were our parents, grandparents or other very close and dear relatives.

2 Chronicles 22:11,12. This text shows that Jehoseba had an important role in Jehovah's plan, where he demonstrated Ingenuity and above all courage to preserve David's royal lineage. This teaches us that Jehovah can use any means to fulfill his purposes. It also teaches us that courage is a quality that we must cultivate to advance the work of the Kingdom, and even to save our own lives or the lives of our spiritual brothers. Above all, in places where we are persecuted or the work of the Kingdom is prescribed.

2 Chronicles 23:14,15. He shows that Jehoiada had Athaliah killed, but as a priest he was concerned with the sanctity of the temple. So, in the place where her horses entered, they killed her there. This teaches us that the holiness of Jehovah's house must be preserved at all costs. Hence, we should not dirty it physically, but neither with our words, bad attitudes or incorrect motivations.

2 Chronicles 23:16,17. He shows that Jehoiada made a covenant between himself, the people, and the king, in which they promised to be Jehovah's people. After that they tore down the altars of the temple of Baal and killed their priest Matan. This reminds us that the requirement of Jehovah's word recorded in Deuteronomy 13:5-10, directed against those who lead others to false religion. Today, we can consider this not only a lesson, but also a warning.

2 Chronicles 24:15,16. He shows that Jehoiada grew old and died at the age of 130 and was buried in the city of David with the Kings, because he had done things right with Israel and with Jehovah and his temple. We clearly see that Jehovah blessed him with long life and a fit burial place for him. This teaches us that Jehovah can bless us in many ways and up to the very moment of our death as long as we have shown obedience and faithfulness. Blessings that he will not continue to grant even in the New World.
