DAILY TEXT, Today's Saturday May 13, 2023, O Lord, my heart is not arrogant nor do I aspire to things too great (Ps. 131:1).

DAILY TEXT, Saturday May 13, 2023, O Lord, my heart is not arrogant nor do I aspire to things too great (Ps. 131:1).

Let's Examine the Scriptures Every Day 2023

Saturday May 13

Oh, Jehovah, my heart is not arrogant nor do I aspire to things too great (Ps. 131:1).

Parents should not compare one child to another or ask for more than they can give. Negative comparisons and unreasonable demands can cause a child a lot of frustration (Eph. 6:4). A sister named Sachiko says: “My mother wanted my test scores to be perfect, but that was impossible. Although I finished school years ago, sometimes I think that no matter how much I do, it will seem little to Jehovah.” King David said: "I do not aspire to things that are too great or what is beyond my reach." Thanks to his humility and his modesty, he felt “calm and reassured” (Ps. 131:2). This teaches parents that they can be humble and modest not only in what they expect of themselves, but also in what they expect of their children. They should take their strengths and weaknesses into account when setting goals for their children to feel good about themselves. w21.07 21 pars. 5, 6.

How can the husband honor his wife?

Christian husbands are to honor their wives (1 Pet. 3:7). That means they have to give her special attention and treat her with respect. How can they do it? Showing her that you value her, not asking for more than she can give, and certainly not comparing her to other women. What effect might these comparisons have? Let's look at the case of a sister named Rosa. Her husband, who is not a Witness, has a habit of comparing her to other women. With her cruel words, he has not only shattered Rosa's self-esteem of hers, but also makes her doubt if anyone really loves her. She says: “I need to be constantly reminded that Jehovah values ​​me.” In contrast, Christian husbands give honor to her wife, knowing that this is how they take care of her relationship with her and with Jehovah.c

Husbands who honor their wives speak well of her, tell her that they love her, and congratulate her (Prov. 31:28). That is what the husband of Katerina, mentioned in the previous article, did to help her improve her self-esteem. When Katerina was little, her mother looked down on her and often compared her to other girls, including her friends. So Katerina began to compare herself with others, even after learning the truth. But her husband has helped her fight this trend and have a more reasonable opinion of herself. She says, “My husband loves me, compliments me on the good things I do, and prays for me. He also reminds me of Jehovah's beautiful qualities and helps me correct my negative thoughts.”

How did the elders help a sister who tended to compare herself to others?

How can the elderly help those who tend to compare themselves to others? Let's look at the experience of a sister named Hanuni, who in her childhood was almost never told that she had done something right. She says: “She was shy and felt that the other children were better than me. As long as I can remember, I have always compared myself to other people." Even after becoming a Witness, Hanuni continued to compare herself to others, and this made her feel that she contributed little to the congregation. But now she is a happy pioneer. What helped her change about her?

Hanuni says that he received the help and affection of the elders. They assured her that they trusted her and congratulated her on her good example. Hanuni recounts: “Sometimes the elders asked me to encourage some sisters who needed help. That made me feel that the congregation needed me. I remember the elders lovingly thanking me for encouraging some younger sisters, and then they read me 1 Thessalonians 1:2, 3. That touched my heart. Thanks in large part to those fine shepherds, I now know that I have a valuable place in Jehovah's organization.”

How can we help “the crushed ones” mentioned in Isaiah 57:15?

(Read Isaiah 57:15.) Jehovah cares a lot about “the crushed ones.” All of us, not just the elderly, can encourage our dear brothers and sisters who feel this way. One way to do this is by taking a heartfelt interest in them. Jehovah wants us to show them how much he loves his sheep (Prov. 19:17). Another way to help them is to be humble and modest. We don't draw attention to ourselves because we don't want to arouse envy. We prefer to use our skills and knowledge to encourage one another (1 Pet. 4:10, 11).

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