DAILY TEXT, Today Sunday May 28, 2023, It is useless that they are worshiping me, because they teach doctrines that are mandates of men (Mar. 7:7).

DAILY TEXT, Today Sunday May 28, 2023,  It is useless that they are worshiping me, because they teach doctrines that are mandates of men (Mar. 7:7).

Let's Examine the Scriptures Every Day 2023

Sunday May 28

It is useless that they are worshiping me, because they teach doctrines that are mandates of men (Mar. 7:7).

Does the same happen today? Yes. Many people are upset that Jehovah's Witnesses do not celebrate traditions that go against what the Bible says, such as birthdays and Christmas. Others get angry because we don't participate in patriotic celebrations or follow funeral customs that go against God's Word. These people may be sincere and believe that God accepts what they are doing. But, if you prefer to follow the traditions of this world instead of the clear teachings of the Bible, Jehovah will not give you his approval (Mark 7: 8, 9). What will help you not to stumble? Cultivate a deep love for God's laws and principles (Ps. 119:97, 113, 163-165). If you love Jehovah, you will reject any tradition that displeases you. He will not allow anything to come before his love for Jehovah. w21.05 6 pars. 15, 16.

Why did many condemn Jesus?

In the time of Jesus, the followers of John the Baptist were surprised because the disciples of Jesus did not fast. Jesus explained to them that they had no reason to fast while he was still alive (Matt. 9:14-17). Even so, the Pharisees and other enemies of Jesus condemned him because he did not follow their customs and traditions. They were enraged when they saw him cure the sick on the Sabbath (Mark 3:1-6; John 9:16). Those self-righteous on the one hand were proud that they complied with the law of the Sabbath and on the other hand they had no problem doing business in the temple. They were outraged when Jesus condemned them for it (Matt. 21:12, 13, 15). And, when Jesus preached in the synagogue of Nazareth, those who listened to him were filled with rage because he used some examples from the history of Israel to denounce his selfishness and his lack of faith (Luke 4:16, 25- 30).

Why did Jesus condemn human traditions that went against the Scriptures?

What does the Bible say? Through his prophet Isaiah, Jehovah said: “This people draw near to me only in word and pay lip service, but their heart is far away from me, and their fear of me is based on commands of men, commands that have taught” (Is. 29:13). Jesus was right to condemn human traditions that went against the Scriptures. Those who gave more importance to the traditions and norms of men than to the Word of God rejected Jehovah and his envoy, the Messiah.

What did many people expect of the Messiah?

In Jesus' time, some wanted a change of government as soon as possible. They hoped that the Messiah would free them from the rule of the Roman Empire. But when they tried to make Jesus king, he refused (John 6:14, 15). Others, including the priests, feared that Jesus would bring about political change and the Romans would become angry and take away the power they had been granted from the religious leaders. Many Jews stumbled over all these political issues.

What prophecies about the Messiah were neglected by many Jews?

What does the Bible say? It is true that it was prophesied that the Messiah would fight a war and win, but it was also prophesied that he would first have to die for our sins (Is. 53:9, 12). So why did many have wrong expectations? Because they focused on prophecies that spoke of immediate solutions to their problems and left all others aside (John 6:26, 27).

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