DAILY TEXT, From today Tuesday May 30, My power is fully demonstrated in weakness (2 Cor. 12:9).

DAILY TEXT, From today Tuesday May 30, 2023,  My power is fully demonstrated in weakness (2 Cor. 12:9).

Let's Examine the Scriptures Every Day 2023

Tuesday May 30

My power is fully demonstrated in weakness (2 Cor. 12:9).

The apostle Paul knew that everything he did in the service of Jehovah was not thanks to his own strength, but thanks to what God gave him. Through his holy spirit, Jehovah gave Paul the strength to carry out his ministry fully despite persecution, prison, and other problems. Young Timothy also depended on God's power to fulfill his ministry. For example, he accompanied Paul on long mission trips. In addition, the apostle sent him on other occasions to visit and encourage some congregations (1 Cor. 4:17). Perhaps Timothy felt the assignment was too big for him. Perhaps that was why Paul told him: "Do not let anyone look down on your youth" (1 Tim. 4:12). On the other hand, at that time, Timothy also had a thorn in his flesh, since the Bible says that he was frequently sick (1 Tim. 5:23). But Timothy knew that Jehovah's mighty holy spirit would give him the strength he needed to preach the good news and serve his brothers (2 Tim. 1:7). w21.05 21, 22 pars. 6, 7.


How does Jehovah strengthen us today?

Today, Jehovah gives us “power beyond the ordinary” so that we can continue to serve him faithfully.—2 Cor. 4:7. Let's discuss four things Jehovah has given us to strengthen us and help us be faithful to him: prayer, the Bible, our brothers, and the ministry.

How does prayer help us?

The sentence. In Ephesians 6:18, Paul said, "Keep on praying at all times." If we do, God will strengthen us. Jonnie, who lives in Bolivia, felt Jehovah's support when he experienced various problems. His parents and his wife fell seriously ill at the same time. He found it very difficult to take care of the three of them. His mom passed away, and it took his wife and his dad a long time to recover from their illnesses. Jonnie recalls: "When the pressure was crushing me, what always helped me was to be specific in my prayers." Jehovah gave him the strength he needed to endure. In the same country, an old man named Ronald found out that his mother had cancer, and she passed away a month later. What helped you keep going? He recounts: “Prayer allows me to open my heart wide to Jehovah. I know he understands me better than anyone, even than myself." We may feel overwhelmed at times or don't know what to say in our prayers, but Jehovah invites us to talk to him even if we struggle to put what we feel into words (Rom. 8:26, 27).

According to Hebrews 4:12, why is it so important to read the Bible and meditate on it?

The Bible. Like Paul, we can read the Scriptures for strength and comfort (Rom. 15:4). When we read a passage and meditate on it, Jehovah can use its spirit to help us understand how it applies to our situation (see Hebrews 4:12). Ronald, mentioned in the previous paragraph, says: “I'm glad I got into the habit of reading the Bible every night. I meditate a lot on the qualities of Jehovah and on the love with which he treats his servants. This helps me regain my strength.”

How did the Bible strengthen a sister who was suffering?

Meditating on God's Word helps us see our problems from the right perspective. Let's look at the case of a sister who had been widowed. An old man suggested that she read the book of Job and told her that it would help her. When she did, her first reaction was to criticize Job for his way of thinking. In her head, she said to him: "Job, but how negative you are!" She then realized that her own attitude was much like Job's. This helped her correct her point of view and gave her the strength to deal with the pain of losing her husband.

How does Jehovah use our brothers to strengthen us?

Our brothers. Jehovah also strengthens us through our brothers. Paul wrote that he was looking forward to seeing his spiritual brothers to encourage one another (Rom. 1:11, 12). Mary, mentioned in paragraph 2, loves to be with other Christians. She recounts: “Jehovah has helped me through brothers and sisters who did not even know what I was going through. They gave me some encouraging comment or sent me a card, and that was just what I needed. He also helps me talk to sisters who have been through similar situations and learn from their experience. And the elders always make me feel that the congregation considers me valuable.”

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