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Let's Examine the Scriptures Every Day 2023
Sunday May 14
Each one will carry his own load of responsibility (Gal. 6:5).
Jehovah has given all of us the freedom to make our own decisions. So each one can choose if he will obey him or not. Some young people were not raised in ideal circumstances, but they decided to serve Jehovah and have remained faithful. Others had parents who tried their best to raise them according to Bible principles, but when they grew up they left Jehovah. Ultimately, each one must decide if he will serve Jehovah or not (Joshua 24:15). So parents, if your child leaves Jehovah, resist the tendency to blame yourself. Sometimes it is the father or mother who abandons the truth and perhaps even the family (Ps. 27:10). This can be devastating for children who look up to their parents as role models. Young people, if one of your parents has been disfellowshipped, rest assured that Jehovah is also very aware of how you feel. He loves them and is happy that they continue to serve him loyally. Also remember that you are not responsible for your parents' decisions. w21.09 27 pars. 5-7.
What can faithful family members do while they wait for their loved one to return to Jehovah? (See also the box “Jehovah Wants You Back.”)
When someone you love leaves the truth, it is natural for you to cling to the hope that one day they will return to Jehovah. What can you do in the meantime? Keep taking care of your own spiritual health. In this way, you will set a good example for other members of your family and perhaps even for the disfellowshipped. Also, that will give you the necessary strength to bear the pain and sadness. Let's look at some things you can do to stay spiritually strong.
What will help you keep your faith strong? (See also the sidebar “Texts to Encourage You If a Loved One Has Left Jehovah.”)
Keep a good spiritual routine. It is very important that you continue to strengthen your friendship with Jehovah and that of his family. How can you do it? Regularly reading and meditating on God's Word and attending meetings will help you keep your faith strong. Consider the example of Joanna. Her father and her sister left the truth. She recounts: “When I read about some biblical characters like Abigail, Esther, Job, Joseph and Jesus, I feel a great peace. Her examples fill my heart and mind with positive thoughts that calm my pain. Our JW Broadcasting songs also cheer me up a lot.”
According to Psalm 32:6-8, what can we do if we feel very distressed?
Open your heart to Jehovah. When he feels very distressed, don't stop praying to him. Pray to our loving God to help you see the situation as he sees it and to make you insightful and show you the way he should go (read Psalm 32:6-8). Of course, it may be very painful for you to tell him how he feels. But Jehovah understands it perfectly. He loves him very much and invites him to pour out his heart to him (Ex. 34: 6; Ps. 62: 7, 8).
According to Hebrews 12:11, why should we trust in the discipline that Jehovah gives out of love? (See also the sidebar “Disfellowshipping Is a Show of Jehovah's Love.”)
Support the decision of the elders. Disfellowshipping is a loving measure that Jehovah has established for the good of all, including the person who has sinned.—Read Hebrews 12:11. Some may say that the elders were wrong to expel her, but remember that such people will surely avoid mentioning negative details about the expelled. The truth is that we do not have all the data. So it is best to trust that the elders who participated in the judicial committee did their best to follow Biblical principles and judge “for Jehovah” (2 Chron. 19:6).
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