DAILY TEXT, From today Saturday May 27, 2023, Sow your seed, and let your hands not rest (Ecl. 11:6).

DAILY TEXT, From today Saturday May 27, 2023,  Sow your seed, and let your hands not rest (Ecl. 11:6).

Let's Examine the Scriptures Every Day 2023

Saturday May 27

Sow your seed, and let your hands rest not (Eccl. 11:6).

Many Witnesses find it increasingly difficult to talk to people in their homes. Some live in areas where there are many high-security apartment buildings or controlled-access developments. There may be a security guard who won't let anyone in unless invited by one of the residents. In other places, the brothers find few people in their homes or preach in territories where few people live. They may have to travel long distances to talk to someone, and when they arrive, it turns out that they are not at home. If we find ourselves in any of these situations, we should not give up. Let's change the hours. We will talk to more people if we preach at times when they are most likely to be home. After all, everyone goes home sooner or later. Many brothers preach in the afternoon or evening because they find more people. Also, at such times people may be more relaxed and more willing to talk. w21.05 15 pars. 5, 7.

How can we apply Ecclesiastes 11:6 in the ministry?

The theme text of this article reminds us not to give up (read Ecclesiastes 11:6). David, mentioned in the previous paragraph, did not give up. After many attempts, he finally managed to find someone in a certain house. It was a man who was interested in talking about the Bible and told him: “I have lived here for about eight years, and this is the first time I have seen a Jehovah's Witness at my door.” David explains, “I've learned that when you finally find people in their homes, many of them listen to the message.”

What do some brothers do to talk to people they can't find at home?

Let's change places. Some publishers have tried preaching in different places to talk to people they cannot find at home. For example, in areas where there are large buildings where house-to-house preaching is not possible, street and cart witnessing has been successful. Thanks to this, the brothers can talk face to face with people who were previously impossible to reach. Many publishers have also noticed that people are more willing to talk or accept literature in parks, markets, and business areas. Floiran, a circuit overseer from Bolivia, says: “We go to the markets and the stores between 1 and 3 in the afternoon, when the vendors are less busy. We usually have good conversations and even start Bible courses.”

What methods can we use to talk to all people?

Let's change methods. Let's imagine that we have tried over and over again to talk to someone from the territory. We've been to his house at different times, but we couldn't find him. What other methods can we use? A sister named KatarĂ­na recounts: “I write letters to those I cannot find at home and I tell them what I would have told them in person”. What does this teach us? That we must try different methods in order to reach all the people in the territory.

Why don't some people want to hear our message?

Some people don't want to hear our message. They think they don't need to learn about God or the Bible. They may not believe in God because of all the suffering in the world, and they may reject the Bible because they see that religious leaders do not practice what they preach. Others are so focused on their work, their family, or their problems that they don't realize that the Bible can help them. How can we stay positive when so many people don't see the importance of our message?

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