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Let's Examine the Scriptures Every Day 2023
Monday May 22
Critical times hard to bear will come in the last days (2 Tim. 3:1).
Although many of the rulers of nations claim to serve God, they do not want to give up their power and authority. As in the time of Jesus, today they oppose Jehovah's Anointed by attacking his loyal servants (Acts 4: 25-28). How does Jehovah respond? Psalm 2:10-12 says: “So now, kings, be discerning; accept correction, judges of the earth. Serve the Lord with fear and rejoice with trembling. Honor the son; if not, God will be indignant and you will die on the way, because his fury ignites quickly. Happy all those who take refuge in him!" Jehovah is kind and gives these opponents a period of time to change their minds and accept his Kingdom. But time is running out (Is. 61:2). It is more urgent than ever for people to learn the truth and make a decision to stand on Jehovah's side. w21.09 15, 16 paras. 8, 9.
According to Haggai 2:7-9, what positive reaction would there be as a result of the shaking?
The symbolic shake that Haggai predicted has a positive effect on some people. He explains that as a result of the shaking, “the valuable things [i.e., good-hearted people] from all the nations” will come to worship Jehovah.—Read Haggai 2:7-9.c Isaiah and Micah also prophesied that this would happen “in the last days” (Is. 2:2-4, note; Mic. 4:1, 2, note).
How did a brother react when he first heard the Kingdom message?
Let's see how this exciting message struck a brother named Ken, who serves at world headquarters. Some 40 years have passed since he first heard of the Kingdom, but he remembers it like it was yesterday. He recounts: “When I heard the truth from God's Word, he made me happy to know that we are living in the last days of this system. I realized that in order to receive God's approval and eternal life, I had to get out of this unstable world and stand firmly on Jehovah's side. I prayed and immediately did. I left this world behind and took refuge in the Kingdom of God, which cannot be shaken."
How has Jehovah's spiritual temple been filled with glory during these last days?
Clearly Jehovah has been blessing his people. During these last few days, we have seen that the number of people who worship him has increased impressively. In 1914 we were only a few thousand. We are now more than eight million active servants of God, and every year millions more join us in celebrating the Memorial. In this way, “the valuable things of all the nations” have filled the earthly courtyards of Jehovah's spiritual temple, which represents all that he has done for us to worship him in the right way. The changes these people make when they put on the new personality also bring glory to Jehovah's name (Eph. 4:22-24).
What other prophecies are these exciting events fulfilling?
These exciting events also fulfill other prophecies, such as the one in Isaiah chapter 60. Verse 22 says: “The little one will become a thousand, and the insignificant one, a mighty nation. I, Jehovah, will speed it up in due time." Because so many people are entering God's people, something wonderful happens: these “valuable things” bring with them different abilities and a willing spirit to join in the preaching of “the good news of the Kingdom.” As a result, Jehovah's people are able to take advantage of those abilities that Isaiah described as “the milk of nations” (Is. 60:5, 16). With the help of these precious men and women, it is preaching in 240 countries and territories, and publications are being published in more than 1,000 languages.
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