APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY: Week of May 15-21, 2023, First Conversation, Offer a Teaching Kit Post, Lesson 1, Assignment Prepared

APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY: May 15-21-2023, First Conversation, Lesson 1, Assignment Prepared. 

First Conversation (3 min.): Use the topic of ideas for conversation. Offer a teaching kit publication (th lec. 1).

Publisher: Good afternoon, my name is Alberto and you may not know me. I'd like to talk to you a little about the Bible, just for a few minutes.

Helper: Good afternoon, I'm Israel, talk about the Bible?

Publisher: Yes, when might have been the last time you saw this book?

Helper: Honestly, I think my grandmother had one, and it has to be somewhere somewhere...

Publisher: On some shelf collecting dust, perhaps?

Helper: Well yes, surely yes... now that you mention it and bring up the subject... I think he also had more than one...

Publisher: Very good, I think it is very cool, can I ask you... Which of the two versions have you read?

Helper: None, at most, when I was little, maybe I read something from the Bible but it's not that I remember it anymore...

Publisher: I understand you perfectly, here I bring with me the version or translation of the New World... Did you know that no matter how many versions or translations exist, the essence of the Bible remains? Even when in many versions they have removed, for example, the name of God?

Helper: Don't they say things their way?

Publisher: We could do a test, I'm going to read you a text, from my version of the Bible, you write it down, and then you could look it up in both your grandmother's versions and see if it's accurate?

Assistant: Well, it seems interesting to me, I would have to look for them... What is that text?

Publisher: Look, it's Romans 15:4… do you want to read it?

Helper: Okay, it says… “Because all the things that were written before were written for our teaching, so that through our endurance and the comfort of the Scriptures we might have hope.”

Publisher: Thank you very much for reading Israel, what is the Bible for you?

Assistant: A very old book that is on the shelf, as you said, collecting dust...

Publisher: But I understand that that dust will be cleaned up now when you check this text in their versions, right?

Assistant: Yes, you're right, I'll dust it off and see if what you're telling me is true, wait... that you wrote down the text...

Publisher: Great, it will be a curious exercise... notice that in the text we just read... it says that what is written in the Bible is for our teaching... but, what do we have to learn or what is it that tells us? teaches?

Helper: It's a very good question... today there are books for everything, and very specific ones... I suppose the Bible will tell us about God... However, I don't know if I already believe in God... for that you have to have faith...

Publisher: It is true, you have to have faith, but no one is born with faith... and the Bible not only teaches us about God, it obviously does, but it is very extensive and there is no book like it... for a reason it is still on your shelf... I am going to leave this brochure that I brought with me, “Enjoy life forever”. It is one of the things that the Bible teaches us…

Assistant: Ah thank you very much, is it free?

Publisher: Don't worry about it, if you want, next day, like today briefly, we can answer a question related to that booklet, which is what promises in the Bible give us hope? And by the way, tell me if you found Romans 15:4 in your bibles...
