APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY: Week of May 22-28, 2023, First Conversation, Lesson 2, Prepared Assignment.

APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY: Week of May 22-28, 2023, First Conversation, Lesson 2, Prepared Assignment.

First Conversation (3 min.): Use the topic of ideas for conversation. Tell the person about our Bible classes and give them a contact card from our Bible classes (th lec. 2).

Publisher: Good morning.

Assistant: Yes, good morning. How can I help you?

Publisher: I was visiting people and I'd like you to lend me a few minutes of your time.

Assistant: Tell me, what is it about?

Publisher: We were talking about a book that everyone has at home.

Assistant: So, what is it?

Publisher: It's about the Bible.

Helper: I do have a Bible in my library.

Publisher: Many have a different opinion of this book, although they have it at home because not all opinions are the same. What do you think of the Bible?

Helper: Well, what I think of the Bible is that it is a book that tells us about God.

Publisher: yes what you say is true, and that is the opinion of most people, but there is also one more benefit. That we find it in Romans 15:4, I would like you to read it.

Helper: Sure, that's fine.

Publisher: Have you noticed that when you read the Bible some are stories that happened in the past.

Helper: Yes, that's true, they talk about stories like the flood when God destroyed with water.

Publisher: Yes Well, but look at what these things are for, according to the text it says that all the things that were previously written, what are they for?

Helper: it says for our hope. How can things that were written in the past give us Hope?

Publisher: Well, because if you can see, the same problems that people had in the past, they have today. As for example diseases, suffering and death.

Assistant: yes, that's true, I hadn't realized it.

Publisher: Well, to all these people who suffered, God gave them hope of what was going to happen in the future. So that same Hope God has made for us.

Helper: And what things can happen in the future that can give us hope?

Publisher: Well, how about next time we talk about what promises in the Bible give us hope.

Helper: Sure, that's fine.

Publisher: Like all your neighbors we were offering to study the Bible for free, we do it with this booklet, I would like you to think about it And next time we can continue talking.

Assistant: Sounds good to me, I'll be waiting for you.

Publisher: Before leaving I would like to leave you a contact card where you talk about what our Bible classes are like, with which you direct us to a website and even show a video of what these Bible studies are like.

Assistant: It's okay, I'll be waiting for you. I'll watch it later.
