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"Keep your senses and be vigilant!" (1 PE. 5:8).
1. What did Jesus tell his disciples about when the end would come, and what advice did he give them?
A FEW days before Jesus died, four of his disciples asked him what sign there would be "of the conclusion of the system" (Matt. 24:3). These disciples may have wondered how to know that the Jewish system was nearing its end. With his response, Jesus told them not only about the end of the Jewish system, but also about “the conclusion of the system” in which we live. Speaking of when the end would come, he said: “The day or the hour no one knows, neither the angels in heaven nor the Son; only the Father." He then gave them these advice: “Keep awake” and “Be ever vigilant” (Mark 13:32-37).
2. Why did Christians living in the Jewish system have to be vigilant?
2 First-century Jewish Christians had to be ever vigilant . His life depended on their being. Jesus explained to his followers what things they had to look for to know that the end of the Jewish system was near. He told them: “When you see Jerusalem surrounded by encamped armies, then know that its devastation is near.” And at that time they had to flee to the mountains, just as he told them (Luke 21:20, 21). Those who followed Jesus' instructions fled before the Romans destroyed Jerusalem, and managed to save themselves.
3. What will we analyze in this article?
3 We are living in the time of the end of this evil system. So, like the early Christians, we need to maintain our good judgment and be vigilant. In this article we will analyze what we can do to stay balanced when we closely follow world events. We will also see how we can keep an eye on ourselves and make the best use of the time that this system has left.
4. Why should we be interested in world events?
4 We have good reason to be interested in how world events are fulfilling Bible prophecies. For example, Jesus mentioned several events that help us know that the end of Satan's system is near (Matt. 24:3-14). The Apostle Peter also encouraged us to pay attention to the fulfillment of Bible prophecies so that our faith remains strong (2 Pet. 1:19-21). And the last book of the Bible begins with these words: "A revelation from Jesus Christ, which God gave him, to show his slaves the things that must shortly take place" (Rev. 1:1).So it is normal that we are interested in knowing what is happening in the world and how this fulfills the prophecies of the Bible. And we may even like to talk about these issues with our brothers.
5. What should we watch out for when talking about Bible prophecies, and what should we do? (See also pictures).
5 When we are talking about the fulfillment of Bible prophecies, we must be careful. Because? Because we don't mean personal ideas that might divide the congregation. For example, we may hear world leaders talking about what they are going to do to resolve a conflict and bring about peace and security. Instead of wondering if this fulfills the prophecy of 1 Thessalonians 5:3, we should keep up with the latest news. If everything we say is based on what Jehovah's organization has explained, we will help the congregation stay together “of the same mind” (1 Cor. 1:10; 4:6).
Images of two married couples who react differently to world events. 1. A couple sees on the news that some world leaders sign a peace treaty. Later, at the Kingdom Hall, the same couple enthusiastically tell two sisters their opinion. 2. Another couple views a report from the Governing Body. Later, they preach to a man who has approached the cart. What should we watch out for when talking about Bible prophecies, and what should we do? (See paragraph 5).
6. What do we learn from 2 Peter 3:11-13?
6 (Read 2 Peter 3:11-13). The Apostle Peter helps us keep a balanced view when analyzing Bible prophecies. He encourages us to “keep watchful for the presence of the day of Jehovah.” Because? It is not because we want to discover “the day and the hour” when Jehovah will bring about Armageddon, but rather because we want to use the remaining time to “perform holy acts of conduct and deeds of devotion to God” (Matt. 24:36; Luke 12:40). That is, we want to be on our best behavior and make sure that everything we do for Jehovah is motivated by our deep love for him. To achieve this, we must watch ourselves.
7. What do we have to do to keep an eye on ourselves? (Luke 21:34).
7 Jesus told his disciples to be aware not only of world events, but also of themselves . This is made clear in the warning found in Luke 21:34 (read it). Notice what Jesus said: "Watch yourselves." What does it mean to watch ourselves? Be aware of all things that can damage our friendship with Jehovah and do everything possible to avoid them. In this way, we will remain in the love of God (Prov. 22:3; Jude 20, 21).
8. What advice did Paul give Christians?
8 The apostle Paul told Christians to watch themselves. For example, he wrote to the Christians in Ephesus: “Be very careful not to behave like fools, but rather like wise ones” (Eph. 5:15, 16). Satan tries by all means to destroy our spirituality. That is why the Bible advises us to understand "what is the will of the Lord", and thus we will be able to resist any attack (Eph. 5:17).
9. How do we understand what Jehovah's will is for us?
9 The Bible does not contain a list of all the dangers that threaten our friendship with Jehovah. We often have to make decisions related to matters that are not directly mentioned in it. To decide well, we must understand "what is the will of Jehovah." How do we do it? Studying the Word of God and meditating on it regularly. The more we understand Jehovah's will and the more we strive to have “the mind of Christ,” the easier it will be for us to behave “like wise men,” even when there is no specific rule telling us what to do.—1 Cor. 2:14- 16). Sure, some dangers are easy to spot, but there are others that are more subtle.
10. What are some of the dangers that we must avoid?
10 Some of the dangers we must avoid are flirting, drinking or eating excessively, using hurtful words, as well as viewing violent entertainment or pornography (Ps. 101:3). Our adversary, the Devil, is always looking for a way to damage our friendship with Jehovah (1 Pet. 5:8). If we are not careful, he can plant in our minds and hearts seeds of envy, dishonesty, covetousness, hatred, pride, and spite (Gal. 5:19-21). They may not be very strong impulses at first. But if we don't uproot them right away, they will continue to grow into a poisonous and harmful plant (Jas. 1:14, 15).
11. What is a subtle danger, and why should we avoid it?
11 Consider a more subtle danger: bad company. Let's imagine that we have a co-worker who is not a Witness. Because we want you to think highly of Jehovah's Witnesses, we are friendly and helpful. We may start eating with that person from time to time, but then it becomes a habit. Sometimes our partner talks about immoral topics. At first he makes us uncomfortable and we don't play along. But over time we are so used to it that he doesn't even bother us anymore. Then one day he asks us out for drinks after work, and we say yes. In the end, he ends up rubbing off on us the way we think about him. How long before we start behaving like him? It is true that Christians are kind and respectful to everyone. ButLet's not forget that the people we associate with will greatly influence us (1 Cor. 15:33). If we do what Jesus said and watch ourselves, we will not spend more time than necessary with those who do not keep Jehovah's standards (2 Cor. 6:15). We will see the danger and avoid it.
12. What were Jesus' disciples to do until the conclusion of the system was reached?
12 Would Jesus' disciples sit idly by until the system was concluded? No, because Jesus entrusted them with a task. He commanded them to preach the good news “in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the uttermost part of the earth” (Acts 1:6-8). The mission ahead of them was enormous. But if they devoted themselves completely to it, they would make the best use of their time.
13. Why should we make the best use of time? (Colossians 4:5).
13 (Read Colossians 4:5). To keep an eye on ourselves, we must analyze how we use time. As Ecclesiastes 9:11 says, "some unforeseen event" can come to all of us. We could even lose our lives unexpectedly.
14, 15. What is the best way to use our time? (Hebrews 6:11, 12; see also picture.)
14 The best way to make the most of our time is by doing Jehovah's will and strengthening our relationship with him (John 14:21). We must follow this advice from the Bible: "Stand firm, immovable, and always be very busy in the work of the Lord" (1 Cor. 15:58). Thus, when the end comes—either of our lives or of this evil system—we will not grieve that we could have done more for Jehovah (Matt. 24:13; Rom. 14:8).
15 As promised, Jesus continues to lead his disciples today in preaching the message of the Kingdom throughout the earth. Through Jehovah's organization, Jesus enables us to preach the good news and gives us the necessary tools to do so (Matt. 28:18-20). What we have to do is to preach and teach diligently and to be vigilant while we wait for Jehovah to destroy this system. We will be able to hold on to our hope “to the end” if we follow the advice of Hebrews 6:11, 12 (read it).
The sister who was watching the news and the sister who was watching a report from the Governing Body give Bible classes to a woman. She is shown the video “How are our meetings?” What is the best way to use our time? (See paragraphs 14 and 15).
16. What are we determined to do?
16 Jehovah has already decided when he will end Satan's world. When he arrives on that day, he will surely fulfill the prophecies we find in the Bible. And, although at times it seems to us that the end of this system is long in coming, the day of Jehovah “will not be late” (Hab. 2:3). Therefore, we are determined to do what Micah 7:7 says: “I will always look out for Jehovah. I will wait patiently for the God of my salvation."
What can we do to not lose balance when we see world events?
For example, we may hear world leaders talking about what they are going to do to resolve a conflict and bring about peace and security. Instead of wondering if this fulfills the prophecy of 1 Thessalonians 5:3, we should keep up with the latest news.
If everything we say is based on what Jehovah's organization has explained, we will help the congregation stay together “like-minded.”
What does it mean to watch ourselves?
Be aware of all things that can damage our friendship with Jehovah and do everything possible to avoid them.
That is why the Bible advises us to understand "what is the will of Jehovah", and thus we will be able to resist any attack.
How can we make the best use of time?
The best way to take advantage of our time is by doing Jehovah's will and strengthening our relationship with him (John 14:21). We must follow this advice from the Bible: "Stand firm, immovable, and always be very busy in the work of the Lord."
What we have to do is to preach and teach diligently and to be vigilant while we wait for Jehovah to destroy this system. We will be able to hold on to our hope “to the end” if we follow the advice at Hebrews 6:11, 12.
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