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"By him we have life, we move and we exist" (ACTS 17:28).
1. How valuable is our life to Jehovah?
For Jehovah our life is worth so much, that he gave his son out of love for us as John 3:16 shows. Thus he gave us back the possibility of recovering perfection and eternal life to all of us who exercise faith in the sacrifice of Jesus.
2. As indicated at 2 Corinthians 7:1, what does Jehovah expect of us?
Jehovah expects us to do all we can to care for our physical and spiritual health. From there 2 Corinthians 7:1, tells us that we must cleanse ourselves of everything that contaminates our body and our spirit. Therefore, to the extent that we strive to be obedient in this sense, we will be perfecting our holiness or purity with the fear or respect that we feel for Jehovah.
3. What is one reason we want to stay healthy?
One reason is to give our best to Jehovah, since we want to offer our bodies as living and holy sacrifices that are pleasing to him. Therefore, we avoid everything that we know can harm our health. And for this reason too, we strive to be healthy.
4. What did King David want to do?
King David wanted to stay alive as long as possible so that he could continue to praise Jehovah. Hence the heartfelt words he expressed in Psalm 30: 9.
5. Even if we are very old or sick, what can we do?
Even if we are very old or sick, we can continue to strive to take care of our health. Even under these circumstances, we can continue to praise Jehovah just as King David did. Also, despite old age and poor health, we will still be very valuable to Jehovah, so we must continue to take care of ourselves.
6. When deciding what and how much to eat and drink, what does Jehovah expect of us?
Ecclesiastes 11:10 says "Keep things that hurt from your body." So Jehovah expects us to avoid gluttony and drunkenness, AND also to control what and how much we eat and drink, so as not to put our health or life at risk.
Although eating and drinking is necessary to live and is allowed, 1 Corinthians 6:12 reminds us that not everything that is allowed is beneficial. Therefore, we must eat and drink in a controlled or balanced way. Above all, taking into account that the diseases caused by eating or drinking excessively put the person at risk of disability and even at risk of death.
7. How can we apply the principle of Proverbs 2:11 when making decisions about our health?
We apply this principle when we avoid eating something we like, but it hurts us. When we strive to get enough sleep Even though we have many things to do. When we do physical exercise, even if we don't like it. When we maintain good personal hygiene, as well as at home and in all our things, since in this way we demonstrate good judgment, development of our ability to think and discernment.
8. According to the Bible, how important is Jehovah to our safety?
According to the quoted texts from Exodus and Deuteronomy, since ancient times Jehovah has given laws to his people to prevent them from suffering serious accidents in the place or at work. Which shows that for him, our security has always been very important. we know that Jehovah has not changed. He wants us to continue to take precautions to take care of our safety.
An example that shows that for Jehovah our security has always been very important we do not have in Exodus 21:22,23. This law protected not only the pregnant woman, but the babies that had not yet been born. According to the law, whoever hurt an unborn baby, even accidentally, should receive the punishment that the Mosaic Law stipulated. This meant that consequently, everyone took due precautions in order to avoid punishment.
9. What measures can we take to avoid accidents? (See also pictures).
As we see in the Illustration, at home we must keep sharp objects, chemicals and medicines out of the reach of children. In the same way, when it comes to discarding them, we must also do so by applying safety regulations. Other measures to take at home are to be careful with fire, hot liquids and electrical outlets.
When driving, we must also take measures to avoid accidents. For example, not driving under the influence of alcohol or medication, or when we have not rested enough. Nor should we drive and use the phone at the same time. Similarly, the vehicle must be in good condition and traffic regulations and speed limits must be respected.
In our workplaces there are surely also stipulated safety regulations that we must respect. For example, in many of these places it is mandatory to wear gloves, eye and ear protectors, helmets, pants, belts, harnesses and also safety boots. And in the event that power tools are used, great care should also be taken with them, so as not to harm ourselves or cause harm to other people.
Image series: 1. A brother types a text message while driving. 2. A little boy looks into a kitchen cabinet where cleaning supplies are kept. 3. At a construction site, a brother uses a drill without wearing personal protective equipment. How can we show that we respect life in these situations? (See paragraph 9).
10. What can we do before and during an emergency that puts our lives in danger?
In these circumstances, we must try to reduce the risks and increase the chances of survival. For example, before the emergency you have to store water and non-perishable food, as well as have a well-stocked first aid kit. On the other hand, during an emergency, you must obey the authorities if they manage to order a curfew, an evacuation or if they give any other instructions.
11. If there is an epidemic, what should we be willing to do?
We must be willing to obey the authorities and follow the instructions they give us. For example: wash our hands, apply social distancing, wear a mask and face mask, and respect quarantines. In this way, we will show that we value our lives and the lives of others.
12. How does Proverbs 14:15 help us to be careful about the information that comes to us during an emergency?
We have seen that in emergencies all kinds of information spreads. Hence, the proverb 14:15 warns us so that we do not sin naive and end up believing everything they tell us. On the contrary, in the confusion of an emergency is when we should be more prudent servants of Jehovah. So instead of listening to comments from friends or information from the media, we should only listen to official sources of information from the government and medical authorities.
In addition, in such circumstances we must follow the instructions given to us by the governing body and the branches regarding congregational meetings and the preaching service, as they make every effort to use accurate and reliable information in making such decisions. Consequently, if we cooperate in this sense, we will be taking care of our health and giving a good public witness.
13. When the question of blood comes up, how do we show that we value life?
In such circumstances we show that we value life, if we look for health professionals who are willing to give us high-quality medical care, without using blood transfusions.
14. How can we reduce the chances of having to undergo a major medical procedure?
We can reduce these possibilities by taking care of our health beforehand, striving to eliminate all possible dangers at home and at work, respectfully following traffic regulations, reducing the risks of accidents, eating and resting well. Of course, also following all the advice in this regard that Jehovah gives us through the Bible and his organization.
15. a) Why is it so important to always carry the medical instructions document and keep it updated? (See also pictures).
Always carrying the updated dpa with us is important because it is another demonstration that we value the gift of life, since through this card or document we express in writing our decisions regarding blood transfusions and other medical treatments. In this way, during an emergency we will not waste time giving explanations and we will get them to attend to us much faster. We will also avoid being mistakenly administered treatments that harm us or go against our principles.
15. b) According to the video, how can we be well informed to make good decisions about the use of blood?
We can do it like the young brother in the image. We note that he is doing very good research on the issue of blood and alternative medical procedures and treatments. Once he has the information, he fills out his DPA and keeps it in his wallet to always carry with him. If we imitate this example, we will be prepared to make good decisions in this regard, and in the event of finding ourselves in an emergency where we are unconscious, the DPA will speak for us.
In the video “How to make good decisions about the use of blood”, we see several situations that any of us could experience at some point. Hence the importance of having made the right decisions in advance and of having written them down on the DPA card, as well as always carrying this card with us. This video teaches us that it is not just about researching and having good information, the important thing is to have all things in order.
A brother fills out the medical instructions document. Next to him he has a tablet, in which he is consulting lesson 39 of the book "Enjoy life". In the images of the circles, the brother is seen keeping the document in his wallet and taking the wallet with him when he goes out with his bicycle. Since we all value the gift of life, we fill out our medical instructions document and carry it with us at all times. (See paragraph 15).
16. What can you do if you don't know how to fill out your medical instructions document?
In this case, the congregation elders who are most familiar with this document can help us fill it out. And while they won't decide for us and won't even give their personal opinions or try to influence our decisions, they can help us obtain and understand the information. Then, responsibly, each one will decide what to do, and will put said decisions in writing in the DPA.
17. How can we show that we are reasonable in matters of health?
We demonstrate this by educating our conscience regarding this matter in order to make good personal decisions and reflect it in our conversations. Another way is not to obsess over our health or pressure others to think the same as us. We also show that we are reasonable, if we respect the decisions that the brothers make in these matters without ceasing to love them in the event that their decisions are contrary to ours.
18. How can we show that we are grateful for the gift of life?
We show this by caring for and valuing our lives and the lives of others. We also do it by giving Jehovah our best now, despite the suffering in this world, and by using our lives to serve him as we await the fulfillment of his promise to a new world.
Why is life so valuable?
Life is very valuable, because it is a gift that comes from Jehovah. And something that also makes it valuable is that Jehovah gave us the life of the son of his beloved by us, with the objective that we have life in abundance. Hence, thanks to the life that Jehovah gave us, we move and exist. And not only that, it gives us the love we need to stay alive.
In what ways do we show that we value life?
There are several ways in which we can show that we value life, for example by maintaining a healthy lifestyle, taking proper precautions, reducing risks in an emergency situation, being prepared to abstain from blood, and being reasonable.
We show that we value life by staying healthy. And we do it because we want to show our heavenly father that we appreciate that he has given us life. as we said to offer our bodies as a living sacrifice, Holy and pleasing to God, we avoid everything that we know is harmful to our health.
How can we show that we are reasonable in matters of health?
In matters of health, we can show that we are reasonable when we do not obsess over our health and do not pressure others to have the same opinion or point of view as us. Since we love and respect our brothers, even though they may make different decisions than we do. Hence the importance of demonstrating that we are reasonable in health issues.
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