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"By him we have life, we move and we exist" (ACTS 17:28).
1. How valuable is our life to Jehovah?
Our lives are so precious to Jehovah that he was willing to "give up his son Jesus for us." So, if we have faith in the sacrifice of Jesus we can have "Eternal Life".
Not all the gold in the world and all the oil and all the material goods on this earth could, so to speak, pay a ransom for humanity, for the life of the human being. How do we know? the Bible says that God paid the highest price, not a high price, the highest price for the Precious Blood of the lamb of our Lord Jesus Christ.
John 3:16 mentions that the father's love for us was so great that he was willing to send his son as a ransom.
2. As indicated at 2 Corinthians 7:1, what does Jehovah expect of us?
As this text says, Jehovah expects us to "cleanse ourselves of everything that contaminates our body and spirit," that is, that we do everything possible to take care of our physical and spiritual health.
The text is clear, let's cleanse ourselves of everything that contaminates our physical flesh, our body, and of course also in the spiritual. There are people out there whose physical body is very healthy, they are in good condition, but they are only bodies that breathe, because spiritually they are dead. That is to reflect physically very well, spiritually they are bad. The Bible encourages us to be physically well but above all spiritually.
3. What is one reason we want to stay healthy?
One of the reasons we stay healthy is because we want to show Jehovah that we appreciate him for giving us life. As Romans 12:1 says. We want to make sure that we offer our bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God, therefore we will avoid anything that we know is harmful to our health.
It is because as Mark 12:30 says, so we can love God with all our hearts, with all our minds, with all our strength, with all our souls, with all our being, only then can we give the best of ourselves to Jehovah. If our mind, our physical body is stable. they are fine. The Bible says that we can present our body as a living sacrifice, holy that pleases God, this is not talking about having to kill ourselves, it is not talking about that, it is talking about taking care of our body, having a holy body, a consecrated body separated from sin.
Physical cleanliness means in this context "Holy." Obviously a person who leads a double life who lives in adultery in fornication and smokes and inhales addictive substances, is not following this principle, this commandment. That is why it is said that he is someone "Holy" who offers his body as a sacrifice that pleases God, we avoid everything that we know is harmful to our health and no matter how much we take care of ourselves, we know that we are going to get sick, but it is very The difference between the fact that a disease comes to us and that we look for our diseases are two very different things.
A subject that is not widely discussed or well known, but it is in the Bible is taking care of the physical body, people believe that it is not important to take care of our body, that the most important thing is to go preach, go to meetings, although we are dying alive. This is not promoted by the Bible, 1 Corinthians 3:16 and 17 says that we are a temple and 1 Corinthians 6:19 says that our physical body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, so pay close attention to how we take care of our temple. Imagine all the maintenance that is given to the places of worship that are the halls of the Kingdom, with how much more reason we should give them maintenance, give care to our physical body, also to our spiritual health, which goes from hand.
4. What did King David want to do?
King David wanted to stay alive as long as possible so that he could continue to praise Jehovah. For this reason, he wrote in Psalm 30:9, that he did not gain anything by his death, nor by going down to the hole, because he knew that when man dies he becomes dust and in that condition he cannot praise Jehovah or proclaim his faithfulness. .
It is a very important point that King David recognized that if one dies one cannot praise God, because the dead do not praise God. Therefore he expressed that he wanted to take advantage of the time of his existence in this system to give to Jehovah. In fact, one of the last penultimate psalms of the Bible, Psalm 150:6, says that everything that breathes praises the Lord, this even has an application, in terms of science, since it has been scientifically proven that trees breathe, animals breathe, so all creation praises Jehovah, the planet earth also breathes.
Of course science now proves it, but the Bible says all creation everything that breathes the bird to Jehovah. So if the animal creation, if all of creation does it, who are we humans to believe ourselves so arrogant and not give praise and glory to our creator, that was what King David expressed and he wanted to do it for as long as he had the opportunity.
5. Even if we are very old or sick, what can we do?
What older people and those who are sick can do is continue praising Jehovah as David did. Perhaps, sometimes, they feel frustrated and sad for not doing many things as they did before, but it should reassure them to know that even in their difficult circumstances, Jehovah values them very much and expects them to continue taking care of their health and their lives so that they continue to serve him.
Whether we are old or sick we can still praise Jehovah. Although the bad days have already arrived in our physical body, although the bill for so many years has already arrived, our spirit, our faith, can serve us or can work for us to praise Jehovah.
There are people out there, with a very stable body, in very good physical condition, but they are only bodies that breathe, because they do not praise Jehovah, they do not serve Jehovah, let's remember people believe that praising God is being religious, it is be someone who goes every Sunday to a place of worship, and if you already went every Sunday, you have fulfilled it. That is not praising God, praising God is living a life set apart for God, living the way of life that obviously pleases God, that is where many people do not want to go to that level, because they live in sin, but for so that it does not appear that they are bad, they go to church on Sunday and then give themselves the freedom to live in sin.
Praising Jehovah elevates us more than the religiosity that we see around us, how much it reassures us to know that Jehovah loves us, that he values us, that for him we are not a simple number or a list. For example, in Matthew 10:29 to 31, our Lord Jesus Christ mentioned, there is the text that when a sparrow falls to the ground, the creator Jehovah is aware of it, nothing happens without his knowledge. So with all the more reason we are worth more than many sparrows, and God is aware of our situation.
Every day people die and almost no one cares, there are few who are there, so to speak, they grieve for someone who died, but in general the world does not stop. However, the text says that Jehovah is aware that he does carry a note of each faithful servant who has died. What does that teach us? That Jehovah loves us and values each one of his faithful sheep, he even gives us the promise of the resurrection sealed with the guarantee that he raised his son Jesus Christ of course and the ransom he paid . So seeing it like this it is convenient for us to take care of our physical body, our life and our spiritual health to praise Jehovah.
6. When deciding what and how much to eat and drink, what does Jehovah expect of us?
As 1 Corinthians 6:12 says, Jehovah expects us to know how to control ourselves, have balance and make the right decision even in these matters. In fact, many biblical passages allow us to understand what Jehovah thinks about this. For example, the scriptures condemn excesses, including drunkenness and gluttony, so we should avoid indulging in these things, while at the same time, we are encouraged to take reasonable steps to protect our health.
Jehovah of us, expects us to have self-control. For example, there we see the text of 1 Corinthians 6:12, where it alludes to something that is common, everything is allowed to me, but not everything is beneficial, everything is allowed to me, but I will not let myself be controlled by anything and Ecclesiastes 9:25 It conveys the idea that all those who participate in a competition demonstrate self-control in all things, they do it for a crown that withers, but we do it to receive one that does not wither, so here we see the point of controlling ourselves.
Some believe that every meal time should be until they are full, until they are completely satisfied, which should not be the case, since that is not healthy, from any point of view, eating until you are full that is counterproductive, what about those who go too far with alcohol are not satisfied with one or two, but want more and more, among the things that endanger our health, our lives, there is gluttony and drunkenness as already we saw it Ecclesiastes 11:10 says keep things that hurt away from your body.
7. How can we apply the principle of Proverbs 2:11 when making decisions about our health?
This Proverbs encourages us to use our ability to think. So, we are going to have good judgment when deciding what we will eat or what we will drink and we will avoid what we know causes us harm. In addition, we will make correct decisions regarding good habits such as: getting enough sleep, exercising regularly, having good personal hygiene and keeping our home clean.
The text mentions that the ability to think will watch over us and discernment will protect us. The ability to think is something that today people have been losing. Generally they do not think and they are like bodies that breathe in their electronic devices, feeding the flesh, carnality, immorality, that is what music promotes today, the programs , the videos, generally promote. However, what is the effect? The effect is that then, they no longer have discernment or ability to think, this is very important, because the system programs us so that if we are hungry we quickly put in food that is not really food , but in the long run it can harm us
The paragraph also tells us that we should get enough sleep, information recommends sleeping 7 to 8 hours, neither less nor more than that amount. It has been proven that if we do not get enough sleep, this will affect our day-to-day performance, we will be more irritated, more stressed, in a bad mood, exhausted, fatigued, upset, and not sleeping enough can even promote depression. enough.
What about exercising regularly, it is difficult to implement these habits in our daily routine, at first it will be very difficult especially if the next day we feel body pain because of the exercise we did. But if we do it gradually we will learn to enjoy a new healthy lifestyle, and of course there are exercises for each age, for each circumstance, some exercises will simply be walking, others may be running, going to a gym to do other types of stronger exercises, according to their physical build.
What can we say, for example, about having good personal hygiene and keeping our home clean. Although we have the privilege that we have, we must take care of these things and it is true that if someone does not take care of their personal hygiene, they have bad odors that can make others uncomfortable due to their poor hygiene or lack of hygiene. So there is a reason to implement these new habits in our life. If we have children and we can also instill in them the importance of all these habits, of course it will not be easy at first, but once we have established it we will enjoy a great lifestyle.
8. According to the Bible, how important is Jehovah to our safety?
For Jehovah the safety of people is important. For example, he gave laws to the Israelites so that they should be careful and that way they will avoid suffering serious accidents at home and at work. Moreover, according to the law, he brought serious consequences and even punishment to anyone who by carelessness or intention causes harm to another person. This shows us that Jehovah wants us to take proper precautions to avoid accidents.
The Bible makes it clear that Jehovah wants us to care for our safety, our lives, and the lives of others, including taking precautions to avoid accidents. How do we know? when he led the people of Israel, he performed miracles, he opened the red sea, he commanded the plagues, he commanded manna, he even gave them meat, but he did his part and the Israelites had to do his part.
We can also highlight that Jehovah gave them specific laws, that is, he did not solve everything for them, they also had to do their part to prevent them from suffering accidents, such as putting a railing on the second level, at work, taking care of an aggressive animal , of a bull. Take measures if someone killed another person, even by accident there would be very serious consequences, punishing anyone who hurt a pregnant woman, even if the Infant had not been born, even if it was unintentional, if it was unintentional . This teaches us something else: for Jehovah, what many say I am imperfect is not an excuse and be patient with me, with Jehovah that excuse does not count.
It is important to learn to be discerning and not justify ourselves with our imperfection, because if we justify ourselves we could end up committing a crime, or do something evil to someone on purpose, and as we have already seen killing someone or going overboard with someone, that is already a meanness on purpose, and it is a crime and everyone has to answer for what they do.
9. What measures can we take to avoid accidents? (See also pictures).
For example, as we see in the images: we will not carry the phone in our hand when we are driving, nor will we take medication that affects our ability to drive, nor will we drive when we are under the influence of alcohol or when we have not slept enough. In addition, we will keep chemical products or medicines or sharp objects out of the reach of children. This includes that we will be careful when getting rid of them and we will be very careful when using power tools or any hot liquid, in these cases it is always advisable to use safety equipment that protects us.
Due to overconfidence, sometimes we do not take precautions and suddenly when they least expect it, a tragedy occurs, you can lose, damage or have an irreparable accident. So those are very simple tips, but very vital to avoid harm to ourselves and our family and those around us.
In the image we can see three aspects, in which we must be very careful. For example: We can see a brother driving recklessly, with a cell phone in his hand, in the other image we can see a child of approximately 3 years in danger, because his parents freely left very dangerous liquids, and in the In another image, we can see a brother who is working with a machine that drills wood, without any protection, since he actually has the necessary protections, but he does not use them. Through these three images, Jehovah wants to teach us that we must be prudent when carrying out activities or also in our home, because if we do not do so, we run the risk of losing our lives or losing our loved ones.
Image series: 1. A brother types a text message while driving. 2. A little boy looks into a kitchen cabinet where cleaning supplies are kept. 3. At a construction site, a brother uses a drill without wearing personal protective equipment. How can we show that we respect life in these situations? (See paragraph 9).
10. What can we do before and during an emergency that puts our lives in danger?
For example: before an emergency we can store water and non-perishable food and have a first aid kit. And, one can or the curfews, the evacuation orders and other instructions that the authorities give us. By following these guidelines, we will likely reduce our risks and increase our chances of survival.
It is important that we obey the recommendations and laws that are established, for example, curfews, evacuation and other instructions given by the authorities, the mask, for example, hand disinfection, since there are emergencies that can be prevented.
So we do well to follow the guidelines given by the authorities, to be prepared. For example, it may be useful to store non-perishable, canned food and water and have a first aid kit, people who have survived tragedies, storms and emergencies say that taking this simple step saved their lives and the lives of others. their families respectively.
11. If there is an epidemic, what should we be willing to do?
We must obey all instructions given to us by the authorities, such as washing hands, maintaining social distancing, wearing a mask or face covering, and respecting quarantines.
It is important that we obey the instructions given by the authorities. Because if we take these matters seriously, we will show that we value the life that God has given us.
12. How does Proverbs 14:15 help us to be careful about the information that comes to us during an emergency?
This Proverbs says that we should not be naive and believe everything we are told, rather, we should be prudent and measure all our steps well. Therefore, when an emergency arises, we must be careful and carefully evaluate the information we hear, we want to pay attention to the most reliable sources of the government and medical authorities. In addition, we have to follow the instructions given to us by the governing body and the branches regarding meetings and preaching work, because our brothers do their best to use accurate and reliable information to make sound decisions that contribute to our protection and well-being.
We should not believe everything they tell us, nor everything we hear out there. And discernment and the ability to think make us realize that not everything that the media puts in front of us is reality. Sometimes it comes to light in one way or another that if it was a plan that they had orchestrated and that many lent themselves to that plan or to simulate things, which in the long run end up being false, it is something very sad. So we must be careful not to naively believe in everything that we are told, we want to be like the Bereans, they verified, if what they were told was in accordance with what the scriptures said, which is a great example for us when we receive unreliable information, outside of Jehovah's organization.
And in Proverbs he tells us not to believe everything the media tells us, it is also very important that the organization gives instructions to the branches on how to carry out the meetings, the preaching. And that is also important to cooperate, to protect our physical health and that of others. And perhaps we will achieve as 1 Peter 2:12 says that others see our good works and give Glory to God for our good works. Of course people are going to see some who are always going to criticize us for one thing or the other, but the important thing is to do our good deeds as the text says.
13. When the question of blood comes up, how do we show that we value life?
We show that we value life when we look for health professionals who are willing to give us high-quality medical care, without the use of blood transfusions.
We obey Jehovah's law on this matter, refusing blood transfusions even in cases of medical emergency. The Biblical basis is in Acts 15:28,29, now let's remember it is not that one is going to die for not getting a blood transfusion, there are cases in which it is the opposite, there are people who have died because they received a blood transfusion, others have infected with AIDS, hepatitis, for having accepted a transfusion. But of course this news does not appear in the media, because it would discredit the position and prejudice that they have adopted against Jehovah's Witnesses. Now this does not mean that we want to die quite the contrary, we want to live but we want to live our life as God wants, in the way that he approves.
What good is it for someone to prolong our existence by a procedure that God condemns in the Bible. So this person saves his life, just temporarily for a few years and then the new world comes. But this person will not be around forever because he failed Jehovah. How many brothers have died from suffering persecution, others have died from going to preach, from going to meetings and not accepting blood, but they will rise again because they proved to be obedient to Jehovah, so let's remember the thing is to remain faithful until the end, that's the key.
We value life as a gift from God, which is why we look for professionals who are willing to give us quality care, without using blood transfusions. There are countries in the world where blood transmissions are considered as something old, something retrograde, something that has no positive effect. In fact, after seeing cases of Jehovah's Witnesses, they have implemented and innovated other alternative methods to transfusions that have had excellent results. So there it is, the results have been seen, of course, we are not looking to fight with anyone, of course. But it is good to have clear principles in our minds.
And it is true that if we want to prolong our existence for a few years, we will lose the new world, or we will be like our Lord Jesus Christ and many of the faithful of antiquity and of modern times who died faithful, but with the hope and promise of the New World before us. them forever.
14. How can we reduce the chances of having to undergo a major medical procedure?
We can reduce the chances of undergoing a medical procedure if we follow the advice we have seen, in fact, simple preventive measures help reduce health risks, also due precautions help us avoid accidents that can urgently take us to an operating room .
Of course none of us wants to go through a situation like that, but it can happen at any time. However, if we follow the advice that we have seen in this article, we can reduce the possibilities, if we strive to Eliminate all possible dangers, risks at home at work and follow traffic regulations, we are significantly reducing the risks of accidents and Let this take us to the operating room, since nobody wants to go there and how much they regret not having followed steps as simple as the ones we have seen in this article.
15. a) Why is it so important to always carry the medical instructions document and keep it updated? (See also pictures). b) According to the video, how can we be well informed to make good decisions about the use of blood?
Why this document is used to express what we have decided regarding blood transfusions and other medical treatments. Therefore, we must keep it updated and always carry it with us, so in an emergency we will not have to waste time explaining to the doctors the treatment we want and they will be able to attend to us faster.
This document can be used to express what we have decided regarding transfusions and other medical treatments or allergies that we suffer. In a state of unconsciousness after an accident intubated in a hospital, no one will be able to speak. But if we carry our medical instructions card with us, the medical staff will know how to care for us based on it, while if we put our decisions in writing clearly, we won't have to waste time explaining to the doctors and they can care for us faster.
It is also important because if we have our DPA card up to date, we will not put our brothers in trouble, nor will we help prevent them from administering a treatment that harms us by mistake, which is why we must keep it up to date.
Well, there have been cases in which the representative or representatives have already passed away or moved to another congregation far away. So it is convenient then to have it updated and with us.
15. b) According to the video, how can we be well informed to make good decisions about the use of blood?
We can do it like the young brother in the image. We note that he is doing very good research on the issue of blood and alternative medical procedures and treatments. Once he has the information, he fills out his DPA and keeps it in his wallet to always carry with him. If we imitate this example, we will be prepared to make good decisions in this regard, and in the event of finding ourselves in an emergency where we are unconscious, the DPA will speak for us.
In the video “How to make good decisions about the use of blood”, we see several situations that any of us could experience at some point. Hence the importance of having made the right decisions in advance and of having written them down on the DPA card, as well as always carrying this card with us. This video teaches us that it is not just about researching and having good information, the important thing is to have all things in order.
What we must do to inform ourselves well, first ask Jehovah for wisdom and his Holy Spirit in prayer, We must also meditate on what the Bible says and Investigate the medical treatments that can be offered to us, Another thing that we can also do is ask for help in order to know well the options available to us, and finally put our decisions in writing.
Jehovah knows what is best for us. When our obedience is put to the test, we must be sure that he does not leave us alone, rather, he helps us. So let's respect the life that Jehovah gave us.
It is important to prepare well to give it the courage to give it the importance it deserves to investigate well, set aside our time with our electronic device to investigate, pray to Jehovah asking him to help us understand and obey what he thinks on this subject. Then we will put it in writing, and that way we will not allow fear to overcome us. There are brothers who have not survived a medical procedure in the operating room. And in fact, one way or another, we are all going to die at some point, in an accident. We should not be afraid of dying, because as we have already seen, we are going to die faithful to Jehovah in one way or another, but as Jesus said, whoever wants to save his life by ignoring the father's commandments will lose his life. Seeing it like this, we are better understanding this information,
In the image we see how a brother is filling out this document in advance and conscientiously, he writes what treatments and procedures he will accept in the case of a medical emergency. he then keeps it in his wallet and makes sure to carry it with him at all times in his personal routine.
We see in the image a brother who has his DPA, he is filling it out, he is investigating, he carries it in his bag, he takes it on his bicycle. There are brothers who carry a DPA in their briefcase for preaching, for meetings and how it can be seen here in the image, they carry it everywhere.
A brother fills out the medical instructions document. Next to him he has a tablet, in which he is consulting lesson 39 of the book "Enjoy life". In the images of the circles, the brother is seen keeping the document in his wallet and taking the wallet with him when he goes out with his bicycle. Since we all value the gift of life, we fill out our medical instructions document and carry it with us at all times. (See paragraph 15).
16. What can you do if you don't know how to fill out your medical instructions document?
We can ask for help from the elders in our congregation, because they are most familiar with this document and can help us understand the options and put our decisions in writing. We must be clear that they will not make decisions for us, that is a personal responsibility.
Well it is important to seek help from the elderly. They are here to help us to do it with kindness, they will not embarrass anyone and they will not deceive anyone, since it is the work that Jehovah has entrusted to them. Think of a named brother who we would feel comfortable talking to, for him to help you with. Of course, they are not going to tell us what decision to make, since it is a personal decision. However, they can help us by explaining to us, helping us understand the options that we have to put in writing the decisions we make.
17. How can we show that we are reasonable in matters of health?
We show that we are reasonable when we do not obsess over our health, and we do not pressure others to think like us. We know that many of the decisions we make depend on our conscience educated by the Bible. So, we respect the decisions that our brothers make even if they are different from ours.
We can show that we are reasonable by not obsessing over our health, or pressuring others to think the same as us, we love and respect our brothers, even if they do not make the same decisions as us. So if we see someone who takes this care seriously, we should not mock or disrespect him in bad taste. Because they take their health seriously, but if we see someone who doesn't even know what this is, who doesn't even know that they should take care of their body and their health, we don't want to attack them either, each one advances at the pace of their individual process, now yes ask us for advice we will give it in the best way.
18. How can we show that we are grateful for the gift of life?
We can show Jehovah that we are grateful for the gift of life by taking care of ourselves as best we can, and by giving him the best of ourselves.
Taking care of the life that Jehovah has given us and giving him the best of us, praising him with a life, a pure, transparent, clean adoration as Revelation 4:11 says, because he deserves it, not in a double life. There are people out there with an incredible state of health, but nothing else is outside inside, they are bodies that breathe, they have no faith, they do not recognize the creator. Let us value the life we have and use it to serve the one who has given it to us, Jehovah.
Why is life so valuable?
Why is it a gift from Jehovah. So one way to show gratitude for her is by taking care of our physical and spiritual health, that way we can continue praising our God who is the source of life.
Life is a gift that Jehovah has given us, it is not from us, he gave it to us, it is not that we produce life just like that, playing God. He paid the highest price so that we can have eternal life, not just a short existence in this system, that price was the precious blood of our Lord Jesus Christ, as ransom, which gives us eternal hope in the future.
In what ways do we show that we value life?
We do it when we make good decisions to have a healthy life. So, we have good personal hygiene and we keep our home clean. In addition, we take the necessary precautions to avoid serious accidents at home or at work. And if an emergency occurs, we pay attention to the most reliable sources in government and medical authorities, AND we follow the instructions given to us by the governing body and branches. Also, as Jehovah's Witnesses we keep our medical instructions documents up to date and carry them with us at all times.
We show that we value life by maintaining a healthy lifestyle, And we show it when deciding what AND how much to eat and drink And this is very important because Jehovah expects us to know how to control ourselves.
Also when deciding what we are going to eat, we need good judgment. And we say this because if we like a food, but we know that it hurts us, the most sensible thing to do is not to eat it. Common sense also tells us to get enough sleep, exercise regularly, practice good personal hygiene, and keep our homes clean.
How can we show that we are reasonable in matters of health?
We can show that we are reasonable by not obsessing over our health or putting pressure on others to think like us. We know that many of the decisions we make depend on our conscience educated by the Bible, so we respect the decisions that our brothers make, even if they are different from ours.
Although what was mentioned is true, it is important that we should not become obsessed with our spiritual health, the other extreme also comes, we should not neglect ourselves on this issue, they are two very dangerous perspectives or extremes. The important thing is to find the balance in order to achieve a health that allows us to serve Jehovah for much longer.
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