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Return Visit (4 min.): Use the topic of ideas for conversation. Then offer a teaching kit post (th lec. 6).
Publisher: Good morning John, I'm glad we can continue talking about Jesus for a while, just like we did last week.
Assistant: Good morning Alberto. Well, I've been thinking about what we talked about and the question you left pending to answer.
Publisher: Okay, why did Jesus have to die? We talked about how Jesus was a great person and that he did very good things for others, and even if you no longer believe in God that much, he is a person to imitate...
Helper: Yes, you taught me that to imitate other people who have defects it is better to imitate Jesus who was perfect...
Publisher: Of course and let's remember that he is the Son of God and what was it that we discussed?
Helper: We commented, which is the most coherent, that God as a father, would not send to Earth to see my son die that way.
Publisher: That is true, and God has many qualities, but the Bible says that God is love, not that it is a quality, but that it is love. So why did she do that to his own son?
Helper: It's a very good question, are you going to answer it for me?
Publisher: You are going to answer it yourself by reading the following biblical text, is this, Matthew 20:28, would you like to read it?
Helper: Sure, this text says: “That was what the Son of Man did. He did not come to be served, but to serve others and to give his life as a ransom in exchange for many people.
Publisher: You read several reasons, which one attracts your attention the most?
Helper: Well... well, the first part is what we already discussed the other time, that he was a good person, and that he demonstrated it with his actions... wow, he proved to be the son of God throughout his life.
Publisher: Exactly, would you as a parent be proud to see your child not deviate from what you consider to be good?
Assistant: Obviously, it would be good to talk about the family.
Publisher: Jesus, he respected his heavenly father at all times and never failed him. Not even when he knew that the final task, which was to give his life, but not in a simple death, but in sacrifice, was necessary for all of us... not only for his acquaintances at that time, or his friends with whom he surrounded himself... but even for people who would live thousands of years later that I was not going to meet... how do you stay, what do you think of it?
Helper: I think that perhaps I have not given Jesus the importance throughout my life that I should have done... for example, the rescue, what rescue are you referring to, what did he save us from...
Publisher: Very well, that is a key question and a beginning to study the Bible... because like everything, there is always a beginning in life and it is from there that we begin to know everything and relate ideas... I will give you two points that we will go deeper in subsequent visits if you want…
Helper: Sure, tell me, it's been a long time since I reflected on my faith like that...
Publisher: Jesus, the ransom for many people…was a double ransom, so to speak…
Assistant: Double why?
Publisher: People of science believe in evolution, which is an unverified and incontrovertible theory, and people of faith believe in God's creation written in His Word, the Bible, which gives us proof of its veracity... Jesus gave his life for all of us in rescue of our original parents who sinned and in rescue of ourselves with the sins that we commit every day...
Helper: I mean, let's see if I understand it correctly, the ransom saves us from all human sins...
Publisher: Very well, it is a beginning, sins have consequences and it has caused a series of circumstances that were not God's initial idea in his creative purpose when he formed everything... So, before going deeper, wouldn't you be grateful because someone who gave his life to save another?
Helper: The answer to that question is very obvious, eternally grateful, it would even be unfair.
Publisher: And what are we doing to show that we appreciate what happened?
Helper: Hmm. The truth is I do not know?
Publisher: Don't worry, it's a question that you don't need to answer now... we'll see it the next day... I'll tell you in advance that it revolves around what we've discussed, the beginning of studying and delving into what all this about the rescue and the matter of faith...
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