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Spiritual Gems (10 min.)
2Ch 11:15. What was perhaps referred to by the expression “goat-like demons”? (it-1 657, 658).
This expression can mean several contexts, in short, it indicates that there were indications that the Israelites came to worship false gods contaminated by the practices of Egypt. In any case, said expression is related to idolatry, contrary to what the only true God Jehovah teaches.
The Israelites had been affected to some degree by the false duration of Egypt during their sojourn in that country, their belief in pan, and in satyrs, forest gods of a lascivious nature, who are in time represented with horns, tails, and tails. and goat legs. There are those who believe that the idea of representing Satan with a tail, horns and hooves was derived from that representation.
Therefore these words show that the Israelites had been affected to some degree by the false worship of Egypt during their sojourn in that country, and Ezekiel indicates that such pagan practices continued to plague them long afterward, all indicating that among the Israelites there was a certain type of goat worship, similar to that practiced in Egypt. So they had been deeply polluted due to so many years coming up with that kind of practice, no doubt a false worship that had very deep roots.
We know that the false worship that was practiced in Egypt had affected the Israelites to some degree, which is why some scholars conclude that there was some form of goat worship among the Israelites, but the Bible doesn't say what it really was. were those "Hairy", Well, the term does not necessarily indicate goat-shaped idols, since the use of the word "goats" can be an expression of disdain, just as the word "idol" It is obtained from a term that originally meant dung balls. Therefore possibly hairy or goats simply indicated that in the minds of those who worshiped false gods they were conceived with a goat-like shape or hairy appearance.
Possibly the expression goat-like demons alludes to literal goats or perhaps images with that form, since the Israelites according to Joshua 24:14 and Ezekiel 23:8 and 21, speak of the Israelites being affected by the false worship of Egypt during their captivity, which continued hitting them long after. However, in the scriptures there is nothing to indicate or confirm this, so it is more likely that the term goat-like demons refers to the image that the idolater conceived in his mind or simply was a derogatory expression to allude to. to the idolatrous object.
Well we can't say for sure, since the Bible doesn't say that they were those demons in the form of goats, some have theorized that they were literal goats or similar images. However, it seems that the original text indicates something else or there are simply no indications to confirm it, it could be that it was simply a derogatory expression to allude to idolatrous objects, whatever the fact is that they were committing a sin that was abhorrent in sight of God. And this is idolatry, so anyway it was an abhorrent sin of idolatry and it was causing them to stumble.
What spiritual pearls have you found about Jehovah, the ministry, and other topics in this week's Bible reading?
2 Chronicles 10:4. In this verse we see the contrast and difference of God's people. As Christian servants we do not serve Jehovah because it is easy, in fact, we know that we will be persecuted for it, but still we serve them, out of love and not out of interests that help us have easier lives because we know the promises he makes to us Jehovah.
2 Chronicles 10:6-14. It shows us that as a newly appointed king Rehoboam had to make very important decisions. So he first consulted the elders who had been Solomon's advisers. But then he turned to men his own age for advice. In the end he decided to follow the advice of the young people, which was bad advice. Which teaches us that the wisest thing to do is always pay attention to what older and spiritually mature people tell us, since since they have experience, they can anticipate the possible consequences of a decision and advise us well.
2 Chronicles 11:1-4. We see that Jehovah gives Rehoboam an order and tells him that he must not fight against his brothers. This surely irritated him a lot, but still he obeys, despite the fact that even people would think that he didn't follow through on what he said, or that he was a coward. This teaches us that it is always best to obey God even if others make fun of us, because if we do so, we will receive Jehovah's approval and blessing.
2 Chronicles 10:13,14. These verses show that Rehoboam preferred to ignore the advice of the elders and follow the advice of the young. Many people today also prefer to do this thinking that the young are more up-to-date on many issues. But the Bible advises seeking advice from our congregation elders and mature spiritual brothers, showing that Jehovah highly values the experience and knowledge that comes with age.
2 Chronicles 12:4. It shows us that Solomon's reign became oppressive, thus indicating that despite the fact that at first he had a correct attitude, over time he allowed himself to be contaminated, which teaches us not to forget the love and respect we had for Jehovah and its laws when we started our service.
2 Chronicles 11:17. It is not taught that when Rehoboam did the right thing and followed in David's footsteps, Jehovah blessed him and strengthened his reign, so if we want things to go well we must follow Jehovah's laws and principles.
2 Chronicles 10:16. We see that the 10 tribes of Israel allowed the position taken by Solomon's son Rehoboam, who was unreasonable, to harden their hearts, which leads us to conclude that some allow their hearts to harden due to misuse or abuse of power by those in authority. This teaches us that we should not allow this to happen to us, either by seeing the sins of others or the misuse of authority, but that we should leave everything in Jehovah's hands and focus on our spiritual growth.
2 Chronicles 11:13,14. It shows that the Levites left the cities that had been assigned to them as an inheritance and moved with their families to the south, to Judah, where they could continue to worship Jehovah without problems, this leaves us with a very important lesson and that is that we must always protect our spirituality Since we have already left the world of Satan, we must not let it contaminate us.
2 Chronicles 12:14. It says that Rehoboam had not decided in his heart to seek Jehovah, but if we do not want to make the same mistake as this king, what we must do is strive to preserve the deep love we feel for Jehovah, in the same way to keep a fire alive we have to add fuel to it, to keep our love for Jehovah alive, we must study his word daily, meditate on it and not neglect prayer.
2 Chronicles 10:19. The tells us that the Israelites continued in Rebellion and this because Rehoboam was not a just king, since he had inherited a country with a people dissatisfied with the burdens that his father had imposed on them, this was not comprehensive, which caused the kingdom to was divided in two, parents can learn something very important and that is that oppression can cause their children to rebel, which is why young people should not live in such a rigid and restrictive environment. If not rather, parents should strive to strike a balance between reasonable freedom and well-defined firm limits.
2 Chronicles 12:14. We know that Rehoboam did good things, but he did not have God's approval, because as 2 Chronicles 12:14 says, he did not seek Jehovah with all his heart. That is why Rehoboam sometimes obeyed God and did good works in favor of God. his people, but he never came to have a close friendship with Jehovah, nor a sincere desire to please him, which teaches us that to have God's approval, it is not enough to apply the half-truth or strive to achieve certain achievements, but rather the most important thing is to always put true worship first.
2 Chronicles 10:6-9. These verses show that King Rehoboam asks for advice from the elders who had served his father Solomon, but he rejects the advice. Then he asks for advice from the young people who had grown up with him and this was the advice he accepted. Today it is a common phenomenon to ask various sources for advice until you find just what you want to hear. Hence, the Christian does well to seek Jehovah's wise advice that can be found in the Bible and practically for any situation, rather than seek advice from other unreliable sources.
2 Chronicles 12:14. It is good that we reflect on the following: although at times Rehoboam obeyed God and did good works in favor of his people, he never came to have a close friendship with Jehovah or a sincere desire to please me. Therefore, he acted badly and worshiped false gods. Someone might think that by doing some good things in the congregation, we have the license to do bad things, this would put us in a very dangerous position.
2 Chronicles 11:1-4. The best thing is always to obey Jehovah, regardless of whether others do not understand it, if others make fun of us we must always be faithful to Jehovah, if we do so we will first receive satisfaction, a clear conscience, approval and blessing of Jehovah.
2 Chronicles 11:14. Our enemy is the devil, not our brothers, therefore, we must analyze carefully, if we are fighting or giving war to our own, or if someone has been treating us hostilely, it is good to remember that Jehovah does not want us to fight among ourselves, but, without a doubt, he wants everyone, not just a few, to apply Biblical principles.
2 Chronicles 11:12. We see that the cities were provided with shields and spears, as well as training, the result was that they were strong cities, similarly, if we have our spiritual armor and learn to use it correctly, we will be strong in a spiritual sense, and we will receive the forces of the one who imparts power to us, and this will result in blessing.
2 Chronicles 12:1. This text mentions that he left Jehovah when his reign reached a certain stability, many people seek God out of interest when they are in need, but when things go well, they forget God, it is something very unfortunate and selfish to seek God only for interest.
2 Chronicles 12:6. He mentions that the king and the princes humbled themselves before God, many people with authority do not usually humble themselves before God because the pride of their hearts is very great, this happens in politics, Religion, that is why the Bible says in James 4:: 6 that God opposes the proud
2 Chronicles 12:14. This verse says that King Rehoboam did what was wrong, because he had not firmly set his heart on seeking Jehovah. In this way, the life of this king is summarized. So if we do not want to be remembered by Jehovah in a regrettable way, we have to look for him and establish him firmly in our hearts and not in a superficial way or by pretending like some people tend to do.
2 Chronicles 11:4. This verse shows that everything Jehovah does has a purpose. And the fact that we sometimes don't understand or know all the details is no excuse for disobeying. This text teaches me that I must obey and trust Jehovah, as well as follow his instructions to the letter. I must do it if I want to have his approval, and also if I want to do well in life.
2 Chronicles 12:5. This verse shows that defenses and walls were not enough for Egypt to win. This teaches me that the power of the cities did not reside in their army or in their walls, but in the power of Jehovah. Today it is exactly the same. Hence the importance of not forgetting as Christian servants, that our strength comes only from Jehovah and not from the things that this world can give us.
2 Chronicles 12:1. This verse also shows that King Rehoboam forgot where all good things came from, since he forgot Jehovah's law once his kingdom was established. As a consequence, he dragged the people of Israel to do the same. This teaches me that it is especially in favorable times when we must keep Jehovah in mind, since in bad times even the people of the world remember that there is a God.
2 Chronicles 12:1. This verse shows how after Rehoboam consolidated his kingdom he left the law of Jehovah and all Israel did the same. This is an example for Christian families. Sometimes, if the parents abandon Jehovah, then the spirituality of the children is in great danger. Hence, as Christian parents we must never forget that we teach our children mainly with our own example of faith.
2 Chronicles 11:5. The verses show that these cities were powerful and well guarded. However, later it is seen that their power came from Jehovah and not from his defenses or from his human strengths. This teaches me that my power, my strength and my protection come from Jehovah and that I will enjoy them as long as he obeys him wholeheartedly.
2 Chronicles 10:11. These verses teach me that our service to Jehovah must be motivated by true love. We know that our faith will be tested many times in this system. Hence, we must put into practice what we have learned from the Bible to give our heavenly father the service he deserves.
2 Chronicles 10:7. This verse shows how Jeroboam tells King Rehoboam that if he pleases the people and gives him a favorable response, they will always be his people. This reminds us of Satan's challenge that humans serve Jehovah out of self-interest. Hence, the true Christian serves Jehovah with love both in good times and in bad. And it is we who hope to please him, and not the other way around.
2 Chronicles 10:3,4. These verses show how Jeroboam and all Israel were willing to serve King Rehoboam, since he imposed a less harsh yoke on them than the one that King Solomon had imposed on them in his time. Today's servants of Jehovah go through the same tests as everyone else and we even suffer persecution for our beliefs, yet we continue to serve Jehovah, because we have learned that our service must be motivated by love and not by any interest.
2 Chronicles 10:1. This verse shows that Rehoboam traveled to Shechem to be made king. One can imagine how overwhelmed he must have felt to assume the responsibility of taking the place of his father who was known for his wisdom. This can also happen with newly appointed brothers in the congregation, who can become overwhelmed with their new responsibilities. They may think that they will never be able to match the work of their predecessors. Hence, Jehovah asks us to always do things in the best possible way without comparing ourselves to anyone.
2 Chronicles 12:1. In this verse it shows that Rehoboam became strong and forgot Jehovah. Something similar could happen to any of us if we allow ourselves to be dominated by materialism, pride or any other bad trend in this world that makes us believe that we are strong or powerful. In these cases, we must keep in mind that only Jehovah is the one who can truly give us security.
2 Chronicles 11:4. This verse shows very well the thought of Jehovah. We must not use force to fight against anyone, especially against our brothers. Rather, our effort should be to make amends and forgive all kinds of people.
2 Chronicles 10:7. We notice an important word in this verse that is: "please" and that way they will serve you. There are many examples of Satan that we find in the Bible in which he has tested God's servants with difficulties, arguing that they only serve him because they are doing well. Our faith in God is integral at all times and it has to be so in good times and also in bad times.
2 Chronicles 10:10-11. These verses teach us that our service to God is completely motivated by love, and that we are aware that it will be difficult. We do not want an easy service to God, but a service that Jehovah is proud of for our endurance in the face of the tests that this system dominated by Satan puts us.
2 Chronicles 10:15. Jehovah knows very well that when everything is going well, people show a face that is not the same when there are problems. In fact, in verse 16, faced with Rehoboam's refusal, they each went to look for their gods. A servant of God stands firm at all times, especially in the face of tribulations.
2 Chronicles 10:18-19. They have been in rebellion to this day. What does this verse teach us? Well, the selfish mentality of people who always want to get what they want without valuing what they have and all the good things that have happened to them. Jehovah's Witnesses, being aware that we owe everything to God, put their personal interests first, which are ephemeral.
2 Chronicles 11:4. Everything that Jehovah does has a purpose, and although we do not know a priori what it may be, we do have to have the certainty and absolute faith to trust what he tells us and do things as he tells us. Both now, tomorrow and in the last days when Armageddon will come.
2 Chronicles 11:5-12. When we read these verses it gives us the feeling that these cities were very powerful and practically unbreakable. But as we see later, power comes from God and not from human defenses or strengths. If we don't trust God and are obedient to him, it doesn't matter how strong something is.
2 Chronicles 12:1. This verse teaches us to love God sincerely and deeply. And it is that, it has always been said, when everything is going well in life it is easy to forget who all the good things we have come from. And this happened to Rehoboam, an example so that it does not happen to us, his faithful servants.
2 Chronicles 12:5. Not all the defenses or walls prevented Egypt from winning, and that is, the power of the cities did not reside in their generals or their walls or weapons, but in the power of Jehovah that protected them, power that protects us today, and not whatever other material thing we think of.
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