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Spiritual Gems (10 min.)
2Ch 9:19. What might the 12 lions leading to Solomon's throne represent? (it-2 1162).
In the case of Leon, it symbolizes authority, a piece that fits very well with the royal authority of Solomon. And the fact that there were 12 lions corresponded to the 12 tribes of Israel so that the lions symbolize their subjection and support to the ruler who sat on that throne.
The majesty of the Throne used by Solomon was so impressive that it is the only one described in detail in the Bible of a ruler of Israel. It was made of ivory overlaid with refined gold. Although it was probably made of wood covered with very fine materials of the time.
As for the number of lions, there were six steps to reach the throne. There were two lions for each step, there were six steps, 2 lions on each for a total of 12. The lion symbolized royal authority. And it seems that each lion corresponded to each tribe of Israel, it is possible that it symbolized the subjection and support to the ruler, in this case Solomon who sat on that Throne on behalf of each Tribe. So it seems that each lion meant subjection to his ruler, plus each lion represented each tribe, which is why there were 12 lions.
The throne of a ruler of Israel described in detail is that of Solomon, as recorded in 1 Kings 10:18-20 and 2 Chronicles 9:17-19. This throne was located in the "Portico of the Throne", one of the buildings in Jerusalem, on Mount Moriah.
It was an impressive throne of ivory overlaid with fine gold, with a round canopy behind it and arms. Although ivory was probably the basic material for the royal chair, the construction technique used in the temple suggests that it was possibly made of wood overlaid with refined gold and inlaid with ivory panels.
This gave the appearance that the throne was made entirely of ivory and gold. The record also mentions that there were six steps leading up to the throne, and on each side of the arms were two lions. In addition, there were twelve lions standing on the six steps, possibly symbolizing the twelve tribes of Israel and their subjection and support to the ruler who sat on the throne. The symbolism of the lion as a representation of royal authority is evident in other parts of the Bible.
The description of the ivory and gold throne, elevated in position and with a canopy, together with the majestic lions that guarded it, makes it stand out from any other throne discovered by archaeologists, depicted on monuments or described in inscriptions of the time. The chronicler points out that "no other kingdom had one that was made exactly like this" (2 Chronicles 9:19).
What spiritual pearls have you found about Jehovah, the ministry, and other topics in this week's Bible reading?
2 Chronicles 8:16. This text teaches us the importance of organization, since Jehovah is a God of order, he wants all the things we do to be done decently and by arrangement. So if we do it like this we will be successful in every matter we do.
2 Chronicles 9:1. Looking for information on this text we see that the queen traveled more than 1900 kilometers or 1200 miles away, to hear and see for herself her prosperity and wisdom of health. Which shows that it was a long and difficult trip, since it was an extensive journey, but it was well worth it, because she was amazed at what she heard and observed. This woman was used as an example by Jesus himself to indicate that we must strive to find the wisdom that comes from God. This text teaches us that we should not lose such valuable opportunities because we are not willing to strive to find God's wisdom through reading the Bible.
2 Chronicles 8:7,8. Solomon used the Canaanites, including the Hivites, to do forced labor under the direction of Israelite overseers on building projects that he carried out throughout the land. This feature further fulfilled Noah's prophetic curse on Canaan. This is a clear demonstration that Jehovah manages matters so that his Biblical prophecies are fulfilled. Which guarantees us that in the near future other prophecies that have to do with the Kingdom of God and his blessings on his loyal subjects will also be fulfilled.
2 Chronicles 9:22,23. These verses show that while Solomon was obedient to Jehovah, he was the richest and wisest king on all the earth. So all the kings tried to see his face and hear the wisdom that his God had given him. This teaches me that Jehovah can reward our willing and willing obedience by giving us wisdom to attract others to the truth.
2 Chronicles 9. Shows that the Queen of Sheba came from far away to see Solomon's wisdom. She also shows that she came with gifts to offer, she came to ask and learn, she came to see the King's riches, she came to stay for an extended time and she came telling what she had in her heart. The example of this queen is similar to that of many people today who come to the halls of the kingdom seeking to discover divine wisdom. From there, we must prepare well, not only to preach and teach. If not also to comment in the Meetings.
2 Chronicles 9:8. This verse shows how the Queen of Sheba tells Solomon "Praise be to your God." This reminds us of the promises of the covenant where Jehovah promised Israel that as long as they were obedient he would greatly bless them to the point that the world would notice, and that with this Glory would be given to the god of Israel. This was just what many people do today when they see the willing and loving obedience of Jehovah's people.
2 Chronicles 9:29. This brief mention of Nathan indicates that he, in all likelihood, continued to serve at court after David's death. Much of what we know about the prophet Nathan may have been written by himself. And the fact that he kept silent on some issues shows that he did not seek fame or prestige, since we know nothing of his personal life. Some of us may not rebuke an adulterous king or thwart a coup, but with divine help, we can be loyal to Jehovah and uphold his righteous standards. We can also teach the truth and defend pure worship courageously, yet tactfully.
2 Chronicles 9:5-8. These verses show how the Queen of Sheba admits that not half of the greatness of Solomon's wisdom had been told to her. This encourages us to prepare well both to preach and to teach the Bible, because although many religious people claim to know the scriptures well, in reality they lack a thorough understanding. But when a Jehovah's Witness explains a biblical principle to them the right way, just like the Queen of Sheba, they have no choice but to admit that our Bible teachings reflect Jehovah's wisdom.
2 Chronicles 8:11. This text also shows that Solomon admits that his Egyptian wife should not live in the house of King David, because the places where the Ark of Jehovah has come are Holy. With this Solomon is accepting that his marriage to a pagan is something sinful because it goes against the laws of Jehovah. This is a lesson for us, but especially for single Christians today.
2 Chronicles 8:13. Solomon, no matter how busy he might be, always followed his spiritual routine and celebrated the holy festivals. As Christians of God, the daily hustle and bustle we have should not take time away from our spiritual routine and we should not miss the ministry and the different meetings as well as assemblies.
2 Chronicles 8:15 . Just as they did, we must not stray or deviate from the orders that God gives us through his holy word in the Bible in any matter. Likewise, we must follow the guidelines that your organization gives us because it is for our good.
2 Chronicles 9:4. During Solomon's glorious reign, all the kings of the earth who heard of him came to visit him. However, the Bible only mentions one such ruler by name: Queen Sheba. She made a great sacrifice, that is why she was abundantly rewarded, so much so that at the end of her visit she gasped. This text teaches us that in the future Jehovah, the greatest King and giver, will do much more than Solomon could do in favor of those who sacrificed themselves for him. These, too, will be breathless, for Jehovah will not only preserve them alive through his awesome day of judgment, but afterward will open his hand and satisfy the desire of every living soul.
2 Chronicles 9:2. Solomon I can explain everything, and in part, because his actions were faultless according to the will of Jehovah. If we are blameless Christians, we will not be afraid of any situation because our conscience will be clear by always doing things, in every phase of our lives, as the Bible says, as Jehovah tells us.
2 Chronicles 9:7. If we continue to the letter as faithful Christians who are the holy Word of God the Bible, we will undoubtedly be happy men and women because we listen and put Jehovah's wisdom into practice, moving away from and protecting ourselves from the problems of this system.
2 Chronicles 9:6. Finally Queen Sheba was surprised and amazed at what they said was true. This often happens to us in the ministry and in the long run, when people who previously did not believe in God or in us as Jehovah's Witnesses, see our actions, our lifestyle, our happiness, with the passage of time when they verify all the good things of the fruit of Jehovah's holy spirit they marvel at his people, which is why we must always be examples of faithful and upright Christians in the eyes of God.
2 Chronicles 9:1. The Queen of Sheba came not only with difficult questions but also with an impressive entourage. No matter how much power comes against us or how showy the attack is, we must be confident and sure of ourselves because God protects us and if we trust in it, we will overcome any turbulence.
2 Chronicles 8:16. We well know that Jehovah is a God of order and he likes to see that order reflected in his people, that is how God's organization works on Earth. This organization must be applied in all aspects of our lives, we must be organized people in every facet of daily life.
2 Chronicles 8:11. We also see that Solomon did not do any favors, but all his works and deeds were holy to God. This teaches us that we must be humble in our service and fearful of God, because in this way it will make us treat all people equally and not fall into favoritism that Jehovah does not like.
2 Chronicles 8:1. Solomon was busy for a long time and it took work. Today, there is a lot of work to be done in the people of God, and also in the field of construction and renovation of Kingdom halls, for example. This teaches us to make ourselves ready and accessible to God's work in whatever his organization needs.
2 Chronicles 8:11. This verse shows how Solomon's marriage to an Egyptian woman was the first of many unwise marriages, and also the beginning of his spiritual downfall. This teaches me that getting married in the Lord is a protection for our spirituality and for our friendship with Jehovah.
2 Chronicles 9:12. This text shows that the Queen of Sheba, despite not being an Israelite, gave an example of generosity. Although she knew that Solomon had great wealth, she did not hesitate to bring him gifts. And for this, it is not necessary to give large or expensive gifts, a very small detail also means a sample of generosity.
2 Chronicles 8:14. This verse shows that the priests were divided according to the services they performed in the temple. That is, all the priests were very well organized. This teaches me that each one of us must concentrate on the commission assigned to him in order to do it to the best of his ability, and not try to cover much more than what corresponds to him. Why it might turn out that he ends up doing things that do not bring honor to Jehovah.
2 Chronicles 8:10-11 , Solomon is mentioned as dedicating the Temple he had built in Jerusalem, along with the brazen altar. This is a sign of Solomon's commitment to the worship of God and his desire to establish a suitable place of worship for his people.
2 Chronicles 8:12-16 , it is mentioned that Solomon received tributes and gifts from other kingdoms, which indicates his prosperity as king. Furthermore, it is mentioned that Solomon rebuilt cities and fortresses in Israel, which shows his ability to rule and administer the kingdom.
2 Chronicles 8:14-15 , it is mentioned that Solomon established an organized structure for the service in the Temple, designating the priests and Levites in their specific functions and establishing the shifts for the service. This shows the importance that Solomon placed on order and reverence in the worship of God.
2 Chronicles 8:16 , it is mentioned that Solomon completed all the work he had promised to do in the house of God and in his own palace. This shows the fulfillment of the promises that Solomon had made to God and to himself, which is a reminder of the importance of being faithful to our promises and commitments.
2 Chronicles 8:17-18 , it is mentioned that the people of Israel remained faithful to God and obeyed the commandments of Moses. This is a testimony to the people's commitment to faith and obedience to God, and shows the importance of staying true to God's ways in our daily lives.
2 Chronicles 9:1-12 tells of the visit of the queen of Sheba to Solomon to hear his wisdom and see his wealth. This passage highlights Solomon's wisdom and wealth, which were blessings from God as a result of his obedience and faithfulness.
2 Chronicles 9:13-14 , it is mentioned that Solomon gave the queen of Sheba gifts of great value, showing his generosity and royal splendor. This shows Solomon's generous attitude and his ability to share the blessings God had given him.
2 Chronicles 9:22-23 , it is mentioned that Solomon was famous throughout the world due to his wisdom and wealth. This passage highlights Solomon's worldwide reputation and how his wisdom and prosperity made him known and respected in his time.
2 Chronicles 9:26-28 , it is mentioned that Solomon continued to accumulate wealth and strength throughout his reign. This shows how God continued to bless Solomon and make him prosperous throughout his life.
2 Chronicles 9:22 , it is mentioned that the queen of Sheba praised Solomon's wisdom and blessed the Lord for it. This is a testament to the recognition of the wisdom that God had given Solomon and how his wisdom was evident to others.
2 Chronicles 8:9. In the text we could see that Solomon did not make any Israelite a slave. This teaches us the importance of not taking advantage of our brothers, we must respect them and show them with our words and actions that we appreciate and respect them from the heart. If we do, we will have more strength to continue walking with joy and determination on the path of life.
2 Chronicles 8:13. This text teaches us the importance of having an orderly theocratic routine, through personal study, since through it, we can increase our faith and intensify our price for the truth. Which will motivate us to go after excellent works.
2 Chronicles 9:5-7. These texts teach us that we should commend others. Just like Queen Isaac did with Solomon. For example, when a brother presents a well-prepared speech, or makes a sincere comment in meetings, or when a child insistently searches for Bible quotes during congregation meetings, we can take the opportunity to praise him for it. Since we must remember that praise produces a good effect, both on the one who gives it and on the one who receives it.
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