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“Lean on Jehovah when making decisions” (15 min.): Discussion with the audience and video.
Think about the following texts. In what situations could they help you make a good decision? Write a situation for each.
Matt 6:33
This text helps us to reflect and make a good decision, when our job sends us to work overtime, thus leaving our spiritual activities aside. Since the text encourages us to seek the Kingdom first and if we do, the result will be that Jehovah will take care of giving us all other things, which means that our service to Jehovah is more important than our work.
Being clear that Jehovah is going to help us with all other things helps us to meditate that he is willing to help us make a good decision and have the courage to justify our position before our boss or superiors.
For example when we have to choose between perhaps a spiritual activity or a secular activity, or also in matters of choosing a job.
Ro 12:18
Not everyone likes the message we carry, proof of this is when we preach, since there are people who treat us badly. However, the text of Romans 12:18 helps us to make a good decision when we feel that we respond in the wrong way to the people of our territory, since by doing so we would be endangering peace in our service to Jehovah, it is for that the text encourages us to live in peace with "Everyone" and that also applies to the people to whom we preach, if we do so we will be honoring the message we carry and most importantly we will be honoring the Name of Jehovah.
In our service, places of study or work, family, with acquaintances and friends, we will always find people who respond badly to our preaching. And sometimes that bothers us a lot and we feel tempted to respond in the same tone. Under no circumstances will the text of Romans 12:18 help us to make good decisions that protect our Peace, our service to Jehovah and our reputation as his servants, since the text encourages us to live in peace with everyone.
When perhaps we have a disagreement with a brother in the congregation, or also perhaps if someone provokes us either at school or at work, we must remain calm because as servants of God we must be peaceful.
1Co 10:24
We could apply this text when we have to stop doing something that causes some of our brothers to stumble.
In the Congregation we all have a conscience educated by the Bible. However, everyone has freedom of choice. For example, what would we do if a brother's conscience does not allow him to see, read or do something that another Christian thinks is acceptable? The text of 1 Corinthians 10:24 will help us make the best decision for the benefit of our brother, since since we love and respect our brothers, it would be reasonable not to pressure them to choose the same thing that seems good to us.
We can also think of the following comparison: the driver of a vehicle knows that other drivers are going faster or slower than him, but that does not make them bad drivers. Similarly, you and another Christian may have slightly different views on entertainment, yet both of you are following Biblical principles.
Eph 5:15, 16
This text could help us in several ways, first of all, we should always behave wisely, that is why we will know how to take advantage of our time, for example, we will always give priority to serving Jehovah over entertainment.
A situation in which we can reflect to make a good decision is in our entertainment. Although our diversions are healthy, we must be careful not to spend too many hours. And it is that, if we did that, we would not have enough space left in our schedule for the most important activities. That is why the Bible encourages us to live "making the most of time" as mentioned in Ephesians 5:15, 16.
1Ti 2:9, 10
Our image can indicate if we respect people. When we preach people observe our appearance, that is why, although it is true that Jehovah pays attention to the heart, our image should also indicate that we respect them.
Everyone knows that a picture sometimes says more than a thousand words. In the case of Jehovah's Witnesses, we have always been taught by the Bible that we must take care of our image, since we also preach by example. Hence the text of one Timothy 2:9,10, encourages us to take care of our appearance. By doing so, we will show respect for Jehovah's righteous standards in this regard. In the same way, we give a good witness to the people who observe us, we earn their respect, and we honor Jehovah.
This text will help us to choose our clothes wisely and how to fix them, since we are Jehovah's people and we must dress modestly.
Heb 13:5
A situation in which the text of Hebrews 13:5 will help us is when they offer us higher education, which could give us many economic benefits. However, the goal of a good education is to help us be responsible people and good parents. But this education alone does not guarantee happiness or financial security. For us to do well in all aspects of life, we need the education that God gives us.
The scriptures say that the person who listens to God will be successful in everything he does. We all want to have in life what is necessary for sustenance, a house, clothes and things like that. Hence, some feel very tempted to pursue higher education that guarantees them certain status and economic benefits. In these circumstances, the text of Hebrews 13585 reminds us that education by itself does not guarantee happiness or economic security. Rather, the one who listens to Jehovah is the one who is successful in everything he does, so this text encourages us to reflect on this matter and seek a balance
For example also, if they offer us a well-paid job, go but that will prevent us from continuing to serve Jehovah saying, well, we must reject it.
Image from the video “Let's follow the example of those who had faith. Let us imitate Moses, not Pharaoh." A brother receives an urgent call from work just as he was leaving his house to go to his regional convention.
How did Moses' example help this brother make a good decision?
The example of Moses helped the brother to make a good decision, since an unforeseen event occurred to him when he went to the assembly. Analyzing this example made him reflect that spiritual things were more valuable to Moses than the material things that he could offer to this world. That is why he made the decision to go with his family to the assembly and leave the work in his place.
It helped him a lot because he ended up choosing the most important thing, since Moses considered that the dishonor of Christ was a much greater wealth than the treasures of Egypt, that is why this brother decided to put the interests of the Kingdom first, which were much more clear. important than the material things that you finally decided to leave behind.
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