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Student: Yes, the meaning of the word amen is curious, I had never thought about it, it was something I said because everyone else did, I had not stopped to think that it had such an important meaning.
Publisher: It is nice to see how everything that Jehovah has left us as a legacy in his living Word the Bible has a meaning and a purpose to help us. As it is also just as beautiful and essential to set aside time to pray, we have seen that it brings us closer to God, that it must come from the heart and that it is a gift that he has left us... how do we take advantage of that gift?
Student: Exactly as you said... saving time.
Publisher: It seems not, or we may think that we really pray to God, but the hustle and bustle of life is such, every day goes by so fast that I can assure you that many times we do not pray everything we owed to Jehovah.
Student: Well Alberto, I always give thanks for the food I'm going to eat when I eat, like lunch or dinner.
Publisher: As it has to be, very good Ishmael, and how many more times do you pray to God?
Student: Mmmmm, when I have a problem for example…
Publisher: And when the day is perfect and wonderful without any problems but joys, do you pray to God to tell them?
Student: Wow, I hadn't thought of that...
Publisher: Do you tell your friends how everything went and you keep telling them what you do or what happens to you, right?
Student: Yes.
Publisher: And Jehovah is your friend? We are going to read the two texts of this point 7, I read the first and you the second if you like... Matthew 14:23 says: “After dismissing the crowds, he went up the mountain alone to pray. When night came, he was still there alone."
Student: And Mark 1:35 says, “Early in the morning, while it was still dark, he got up and went out; he went to a solitary place and there he began to pray.
Publisher: Very good. Little more, if we put both texts together, Jesus went to bed praying and woke up praying. How did Jesus manage to set aside time to pray?
Student: Well, as has been read, at times when he was alone or when he was separated from crowds or people, he took advantage of that moment to pray.
Publisher: Very well Ishmael, do we take advantage of every free moment we have to pray to God, not even to ask for anything, but to thank him and tell him what comes out of our hearts? You have told me that you take time to pray before eating and in the face of a difficulty, when else could you take time to pray?
Student: The texts give a clue, don't they? At night and in the morning when we get up and when we go to sleep. And as you have said, any other moment of the day is a good opportunity to get away from the crowd as Mateo says and pray, Jehovah wants to be my friend and I want to be His and that is why I have to tell him everything as if it were my friends …
Publisher: I am glad that you have internalized this lesson number 9 so well... look at the illustration, we have commented on several of those moments... comment on the first one if you want...
Student: The first part looks like that woman prays as soon as she wakes up, it's a good time to ask that our day go well and that we do things well as I'm learning from the Bible...
Publisher: Okay, it can also be a time when we tell Jehovah what is troubling us and have him help us get over it, or even if we were tormented by something in our sleep… we see that prayer is such an extensive gift that it is essential at all times... like when you take the children to school... there are many things that we can direct to Jehovah at that moment, both for them and for the parents as well as to build the name of God...
Student: Yes, just like at work, and even more so now with how difficult everything is...
Publisher: And you already commented on the last part, which is to give thanks for the food that God provides us and it is an opportunity to give thanks and ask for strength... every moment is a good opportunity to separate ourselves from the crowd and address our Father and friend heavenly Jehovah… what do some say?
Student: That prayer is just a psychological therapy...
Publisher: And it is?
Student: Of course not, we have seen how it is much more complete than that...
Publisher: But if it is true that it helps us psychologically, right?
Student: Yes, it helps us, but it's not just a therapy, it's a gift from God...
Publisher: Why is it a gift from God?
Student: Because it is the means of communication that he has given us to get closer to him, get to know him and be his friends and with that, do everything in our lives according to his will...
Publisher: With the blessings that this implies, perfect Ishmael, let's move on to the review...
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