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Let's Examine the Scriptures Every Day 2023
Sunday April 16
Jehovah will uphold you (Ps. 55:22).
Jehovah promises us that if we seek the Kingdom first and abide by his righteous standards, he will provide us with food, clothing, and shelter.—Matt. 6:33. For this reason, we do not think that the material things of this world will protect us and make us happy. We know that doing Jehovah's will is the only thing that will give us true inner peace (Phil. 4:6, 7). Even if we have the means tobuy us many things, we must think about whether we have the time or the energy to use and care for them. Let's ask ourselves: "Am I too attached to the things I have?" Let us remember that Jehovah expects us to be productive members of his family. So we must not let anything distract us. For nothing in the world do we want to be like the man in the days of Jesus who rejected the opportunity to serve Jehovah and to be adopted in the future as one of his children. And all for what? Because he was attached to a few material things (Mark 10:17-22). w21.08 6 par. 17.
What must we do if we want to be part of Jehovah's family? (Mark 12:30).
Show your love for Jehovah by serving him with all your heart.—Read Mark 12:30. Of all the gifts that God has lovingly given us, one of the greatest is the ability to worship him. When we obey his commandments, we show him that we love him (1 John 5:3). One of those commands is the one that Jesus gave us to make disciples and baptize them (Matt. 28:19). Jesus also commanded us to love one another (John 13:35). Jehovah will accept into his worldwide family of worshipers those who obey him.—Ps. 15:1, 2.
How do we show that we love others? (Matthew 9:36-38; Romans 12:10).
Let's love others. Love is Jehovah's most important quality (1 John 4:8). He loved us even before we knew him (1 John 4:9, 10). When we love others, we are following their example (Eph. 5:1). One of the best ways we can show love to people is by helping them come to know Jehovah while there is still time.—Read Matthew 9:36-38. In this way, we give them the opportunity to become part of God's family in the future. When someone is baptized, we must continue to love and respect them (1 John 4:20, 21). For example, whenever possible, let's give him the benefit of the doubt and don't suspect that he has done something with malicious intent or selfishness. Rather, let us show honor to him and think that he is superior to us (read Romans 12:10; Philip. 2:3).
To whom should we be merciful and kind?
Let us be merciful and kind to all people. If we want to be part of God's family forever, we must live according to what the Bible teaches. For example, Jesus taught that we should be merciful and kind to all people, even our enemies (Luke 6:32-36). It may sometimes seem to us that doing that is very difficult. If this is our case, we must learn to think and act like Jesus. When we do our best to obey Jehovah and imitate Jesus, we show our heavenly Father that we want to be part of his family forever.
What can we do to protect the reputation of Jehovah's family?
Let us protect the reputation of Jehovah's family. In a family, it is common to see that younger siblings copy the older ones. If the older ones respect Bible principles in their lives, they will set a good example for the little ones. But if they do what is wrong, the little ones may follow their bad example. Something similar happens in the family of Jehovah. If a Christian becomes unfaithful and follows apostate ideas or adopts an immoral or corrupt lifestyle, others may follow him in his bad way. Those who do so tarnish the reputation of Jehovah's family of servants (1 Thess. 4:3-8). Let's not follow bad examples and let nothing keep us from our loving heavenly Father.
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