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Let's Examine the Scriptures Every Day 2023
Monday April 24
I will say to Jehovah: “You are my refuge and my strength” (Ps. 91:2).
Moses used a similar comparison (Ps. 90:1, note). What's more, shortly before he died, he highlighted a moving detail. He wrote: “God is a refuge from of old; the everlasting arms of him are under you ”(Deut. 33:27). What does the phrase “his everlasting arms are under you” teach us about Jehovah? When we take refuge in Jehovah, we feel safe. Still, there may be days when we feel down and discouraged. At such times, what will Jehovah do for us? (Ps. 136:23). He will put his arms under us and lovingly help us get back on our feet (Ps. 28:9; 94:18). Knowing that we can always count on God's support helps us remember two blessings we enjoy. First, no matter where we live, we have a safe place to take refuge. And, second, that our loving heavenly Father cares so much about us. w21.11 6 pars. 15, 16.
How does it benefit us to know that God's loyal love lasts forever? (Psalm 31:7).
God's loyal love lasts forever. In Psalm 136, this important aspect of loyal love is mentioned 26 times. The first verse says: “Give thanks to Jehovah for he is good; his loyal love lasts forever ”(Ps. 136: 1). In verses 2 to 26, the following refrain is repeated: "Because his loyal love lasts forever." As we read this psalm, we are impressed to see that Jehovah shows his loyal love in many ways and on a consistent basis. The phrase “because his loyal love lasts from him forever” assures us that God's love for his people does not change. How strong it is to know that Jehovah is not in a hurry to abandon his servants! Rather, he stands by those who serve him, especially in difficult times. How he benefits us:
According to Psalm 86:5, what prompts Jehovah to forgive?
God's loyal love prompts you to forgive. When Jehovah sees that someone is sorry for his sins and works to change, loyal love prompts him to forgive him. In a psalm, David said of Jehovah: “He has not treated us accordingly for our sins nor has he given us what we deserve for our mistakes” (Ps. 103: 8-11). David knew from his own experience how bad a person feels when his conscience bothers him. But he also learned that Jehovah is “ready to forgive.” In a prayer, David highlighted what prompts Jehovah to forgive. (Read Psalm 86:5.) Indeed, Jehovah forgives because his loyal love for all who call on him is immense.
What will help us if we feel overwhelmed with guilt because of mistakes we made in the past?
If we do commit a sin, it is good—and even healthy—for us to feel bad, as this can cause us to repent and take steps to correct our mistakes. But some servants of God have been overwhelmed with guilt because of mistakes they made in the past. Their hearts condemn them and convince them that no matter how much they repent, Jehovah can never forgive them. If you feel this way, it will help you to understand that Jehovah is willing to show you his loyal love.
How it benefits us: Despite our imperfections, we can serve Jehovah happily and with a clear conscience. Because? Because "the blood of his Son Jesus cleanses us from all sin" (1 John 1: 7). If we are discouraged by some defect that we have, let us remember that Jehovah is willing to forgive those who repent of his sins. Let's look at how David linked loyal love and forgiveness. He wrote: “As high as heaven is above earth, so immense is his loyal love for those who fear him. As far as the east is from the west, so far he has put our sins from us ”(Ps. 103: 11, 12). Without a doubt, Jehovah is willing to forgive us generously (Is. 55:7).
How did David describe how God's loyal love protects us?
God's loyal love protects us from any spiritual danger. In a prayer, David told Jehovah: “You are a hiding place for me; you will protect me from anguish. You will surround me with joyous cries of deliverance." And he added: “He who trusts in Jehovah is surrounded by his loyal love” (Ps. 32: 7, 10). In Biblical times, the walls that surrounded a city protected its inhabitants from enemies. In a similar way, Jehovah's acts of loyal love are like a wall that protects us from any spiritual danger. Furthermore, out of loyal love for him, Jehovah draws us to him (Jer. 31:3).
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